Although known for several centuries, chicory coffee has only gained enormous popularity in Germany in recent years. Chicory, also known as common chicory in this country, is a caffeine-free herb that tastes very similar to coffee and that's exactly what makes it suchpopular coffee alternative. Are you one of those people who can't do anything without a cup of coffee in the morning, but would like to try reducing your caffeine intake a little? Then you've come to the right place! Whether chicory coffee is healthy, how it is prepared and are there any known side effects - you can only find all this and much more in our article!
It is not for nothing that chicory was crowned “Medicinal Plant of the Year” in 2020. Both the roots and the leaves contain many different active ingredients that have a positive effect on our health. These include minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium, iron and copper as well as other flavonoids, bitter substances and caffeic acid derivatives. The ingredients are intended to help with stomach problems and support our digestion. In addition, consuming chicory coffee can regulate blood sugar levels and promote healthy sleep.
Is chicory coffee healthy and what exactly is the coffee substitute?
Chicory coffee is a drink made from the roots of the chicory plant. These are first roasted and then ground. It smells and looks just like regular coffee, although the taste is a little smokier and sweeter. The coffee substitute is particularly valued for being naturally caffeine-free. So if you feel like having a cup of coffee in the afternoon or evening, this is the perfect choice. There are two ways to prepare the drink. You can either brew pure chicory coffee from just the roots of the plant, or add it as an admixture to your regular coffee to reduce the caffeine content. We recommend that you experiment a little with portioning as the taste takes some getting used to. However, be careful that due to the high inulin content, an overdose could cause some undesirable side effects. These include, for example, flatulence, diarrhea or severe stomach pain.
Is the drink healthier than regular coffee?
The positive effects of coffeeon our health have been confirmed several times by various scientific studies. Regular coffee consumption of about 2 cups a day is associated with a low risk of depression, type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease and even some types of cancer. The recommended daily amount is 400 mg daily, which corresponds to about 3-4 cups. However, consuming too much can lead to breathing problems, migraines, stomach problems and nervousness. Since the caffeine contained in coffee accelerates the heartbeat, symptoms such as palpitations and heart palpitations can also occur.
The caffeine-free drink offers the following benefits for our health
- Stimulates digestion –What makes chicory coffee healthy is its high inulin fiber content. On the one hand, these stimulate bile production and, on the other hand, ensure better digestion. Inulin is also a prebiotic that promotes the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut. Just one cup of the coffee substitute can help with stomach pain and flatulence.
- Drink chicory coffee to lose weight –The inulin and oligofructose contained in the chicory plant are not only probiotic and keep digestion going, but they also regulate hunger and keep you full for a longer period of time.
- Chicory coffee regulates blood sugar and cholesterol levels –Scientific studies have found that chicory root can increase levels of adiponectin - a protein that can regulate blood sugar. This in turn reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. Another Korean study also shows that chicory coffee lowers cholesterol levels.
- Improves brain function –Chicory is particularly rich in vitamins A, C and B6, manganese, iron, phosphorus and calcium. Manganese is a vasodilator with antioxidant properties that stimulates blood flow in the brain and fights free radicals. Vitamin B6, on the other hand, is a vital nutrient that plays a crucial role in the formation of certain neutrotransmitters in the brain.
This is how chicory coffee is prepared
Making chicory coffee is actually pretty easy. The only thing you should pay attention to is to stick to the dosage recommendation given on the packaging. A little tip from us – use about half the amount you would use for a cup of regular filter coffee. Depending on your preference, you can add even more flavor by adding spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg or cloves.
- For 1 cup of chicory coffee, pour 1 to 2 teaspoons of powder with 200 ml of hot water or milk.
- Stir everything well so that there are no lumps and enjoy.
How to include chicory in your diet
Chicory is not only suitable for preparing delicious and healthy coffee substitutes. In fact, the fiber is found in many high-fiber and low-fat products such as cereals, protein bars or bread. For a balanced and healthy diet, you can add the fibers to yogurt, smoothies or baked goods.
Are there any known side effects?
While generally chicory coffee is healthy, in some cases side effects are possible.
- Consuming chicory coffee can trigger an allergic reaction in some people and lead to stomach pain, tingling in the mouth, or abdominal bloating. People who are allergic to birch pollen or ragweed should especially avoid chicory.
- Chicory coffee is also not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women. Some studies have found that overdose can cause miscarriage or heavy menstrual bleeding.