Drink coffee - 7 reasons, which is why it is not unhealthy

Why the popular coffee is not harmful.

If you planto replace the coffee with tea, wait with it. Many scientific studies show that the popular coffee can be healthy if it is not consumed in excessive quantities. Nothing stands in the way of this if, for example, you have a cup in the morningdrink coffeewant.

1.Drink coffee popular coffeeDo not drain

In fact, coffee extinguishes the thirst as normal water. It is true that the popular coffee leads to the body withdrawn water, but a lot of at least 550 mg is necessary and a cup does not contain more than 100 mg. So you can calm a cup every daydrink coffee.

2. Drinking coffee - he can reduce the risk of heart attack

It even reduces the risk of all heart vessels. Most of the people who suffer from high blood pressure do without drinking coffee because they believe that they can make the situation worse. The latest studies show that the risk of infarctions cannot be associated with coffee in any way. American researchers have observed over 27,000 people over the course of 15 years and found that 3 cups of coffee even reduce the risk of heart attacks a day.
Another investigation shows that other caffeinated drinks are harmful.
Most scientific opinions explain the protective effect of coffee with its antioxidants and other fabrics.

3. Drink coffee because it reduces the risk of some types of cancer

In the 1980s, an examination caused excitement, the results of which showed that coffee increased the risk of cancer on the pancreas. The discussions about it ended in 2007 when science on the basis of 66 examinations admitted that the popular coffee itself is not a cancer. Such are more cigarettes that often include drinking coffee.

In the meantime, scientists even believe the opposite that the coffee protects against some types of cancer. Japanese scientists, for example, have observed and found 90,000 people that those who drink 2-3 cups of coffee every day rarely develop liver cancer.

4. Drink coffee, because the coffee foam contains calcium

The fact that the popular coffee deprives the body to the body has long been proven to be wrong. It is true that the caffeine has such a property, but the amount that is lost is very low. So if a coffee lover suffers from calcium deficiency, it is more because he consumes too little milk and dairy products.

5. The popular coffee will cheer and bring you in a good mood

This property has long since been proven. The coffee gives the body energy, ensures a good mood and promotes concentration. To do this, at least 2-3 cups a day must be drunk. He also reduces the risk of getting depression. However, doctors warn that there should be no coffee in the event of existing mental disorders.

6. The popular coffee helps the body to recover after severe physical efforts

For this reason, most energy drinks also include caffeine. Calculations show that he increases the ability of the muscles by 60%. Scientists justify this effect by the fact that the caffeine absorbs the carbohydrates faster by body that is necessary for the healing of the muscles.

7. The popular coffee protects against diabetes and Alzheimer's

At least some latest examinations result. Accordingly, the cells of the brain lies from the characteristics of the caffeine to protect against the harmful effects of cholesterol. This is also one of the reasons for the disease to Alzheimer's. Further investigations show that less of the type 2 diabetes suffer from coffee lovers.

Despite all these positive properties of the coffee, it should not be forgotten that it also has its negative sides. One can quickly become dependent on him and in such cases the waiver usually leads to headaches, poor concentration and lack of self -confidence. In addition, the excessive consumption of coffee (more than 8 cups a day) can lead to panic attacks, chronic neurosis, fast heart beating and even cramps.