Design a white youth room for girls and boys – ideas for color combinations and design

How quickly your little darling has grown up, right? If it is now time for you to think about a new room design that is age-appropriate and better suited to a young adult, then you are probably looking for some inspiration. Nowadays the choice of furniture is very large and yet, or precisely because of this, it is difficult to come up with something interesting and at the same time practical and cozy for a room. It's good that there are plenty of suggestions to be found for such cases. We would like to make your planning easier by presenting you with a few ideas with which you can design a teenager's room white. There is a lot to be said for this neutral color and if you are still not sure, we might even convince you today.

Design a teenager's room white and neutral

An important advantage of white color is that it makes the room brighter. This is particularly useful if it is a rather dark room. This is usually the case on the north side or if the room is large and the windows are small. White also makes a small room appear larger, so it's perfect if space is a bit limited. So if you want to make a narrow room nice and cozy and make it white as a teenager's room, you will get some great inspiration from a few examples.

Another advantage is that the white color goes well with everyoneother colors combinedcan be. This is a wonderful way to design a boy's room in white and green or a girl's room in white and purple. On the one hand, the white furniture itself can contain an additional color and on the other hand, home accessories and textiles or wall colors can be used to add a few color accents.

It is currently very modern to combine white and turquoise. This color combination is suitable for both girls and boys and looks very attractive and contemporary. For example, a teenager's room cupboard in white can look particularly good against a turquoise or other colored wall. It's best to choose a whole oneYouth room setin white, so that all the pieces of furniture match in color. For narrower spaces, a white corner wardrobe in a teenager's room can prove to be very practical. With it you can fill a corner in the room and at the same time get a lot of storage space.

If you want to use another color in addition to the white, but still maintain the neutrality, you can also design the teenager's room white and gray. Black is also an interesting and neutral color that combines wonderfully with white and is gender neutral. So you can use it as an accent color if you have a teenager's room in whiteset up for girlswant, as well as for boys.

And if the furnishings become too boring after a few years, you don't need to invest in new, expensive white teenager's room furniture again. Instead, simply swap out the decorations and textiles to choose a different accent color. You'll be amazed at what a difference this makes. You get the feeling that the entire room has been renovated. Rearranging the furniture also makes a room that has become boring seem much more interesting, but unfortunately this is not possible in all rooms.

Youth room in high gloss or in country house style?

Well, that is something that is best left to your child to decide for themselves. Look at catalogs and discuss with the young adult their expectations, wishes and ideas. The rest of the furnishings of the apartment or house can also play a role, but they tend to come second to the children's wishes. After all, this is your personal retreat and, above all, it should please you. No matter which style you choose, a teenager's room can be designed completely in white or with splashes of color.