Critical: These zodiac signs trust no one

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In the video in advance: Conflicts are inevitable: These are the 3 most difficult zodiac signs

Do you find it difficult to trust others and are you often suspicious, especially at the beginning? This could be due to your zodiac sign.

Are you one of those people who find it difficult to trust others? Be it because you have often been disappointed or because you have often been taken advantage of, you are generally just critical of others.

Some people simply lack basic trust because they see things very critically. Whether you are a suspicious person can also be related to your zodiac sign. Here are three zodiac signs that find it difficult to trust others. Are you in?

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Scorpio never completely trusts

Well, Scorpio and trust are two different things. If you're in a relationship with a Scorpio, you'll definitely know his suspicious nature. Scorpio's jealousy is notorious and of course it stems from his lack of trust. In both a friendship and a relationship with a Scorpio, you can be sure that he will never trust you 100 percent.

Scorpio often appears mysterious and aloof to others. He hardly lets anyone look at his cards. He usually keeps things to himself so as not to make himself vulnerable. His mistrust comes primarily from his experiences. The watermark remembers when you have disappointed him or he feels taken advantage of. The fact that he becomes more and more suspicious is just a necessary consequence that he can live with.

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Taurus is very suspicious

Taurus is considered sociable and down-to-earth, but he is also extremely suspicious. He finds it difficult to trust others out of fear of being taken advantage of. In a relationship, Taurus can sometimes be jealous. He tends to compare himself with others and fears that others will be favored because they do something better than him.

Activities in which you give up control are not for Taurus. Earth signs therefore prefer to avoid climbing, bungee jumping, and even roller coaster rides. Their mistrust not only affects their private life, but also their job: If something new is to be introduced, Taurus people are initially critical of it. They sometimes find it difficult to get involved in something new because they are afraid of change.

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Virgo only trusts herself

Virgo is also considered extremely critical. She is not only perceptive, but also a bit pedantic. She finds it difficult to leave important things to others because she is convinced that things will not turn out the way she wants them to. True to the motto “Trust is good, control is better”, she prefers to rely on herself.

Even if the Virgo has been with her partner for years, it is difficult for her to trust him or her completely. Virgo analyzes everything very carefully and finds every fly in the ointment. Of course, on the one hand this is due to her perfectionism, but on the other hand she also has insecurities that she shouldn't have.

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Click through the gallery and find out which zodiac signs are the most honest:

Something important at the end:Of course, every person is an individual and not everything astrology says is always true. So let's take it as a guide and guide, not as an incontrovertible truth. Ultimately, it is up to you what you make of star constellations, zodiac sign-typical character traits and predictions.