Shower vs. bathtub: Which washing type are you?

Daily hygiene is important. Most people know this and absorb the washing in the shower or in the bathtub in their usual everyday life. If you ask different people, whether they prefer showering or bathing, you meet two camps. While some rave about the advantages of a hot bathroom, the others swear on the refreshing shower. What are the advantages and disadvantages of both washing variants and what was the washing type?

Shower vs. bathtub: advantages and disadvantages of showers

The time savings are one of the outstanding advantages of showers. On average, people shower for about six minutes. Furthermore, water consumption is usually significantly lower than with a bathroom. You also save energy in the shower, because after all, it is not as many liters of water that need to be warmed up. So the cost factor plays a crucial role, not without reason there are numerous tips on the Internet thatShower time to shortenAnd to be able to save even more. In addition, showers are also very space -saving when it comes to a soil -like variant.

The other unbeatable advantages of the shower include more thorough cleaning. The dirt is rinsed off directly by the body. The heart and circulation do not put as much burden on the top of the shower and you then come out refreshed. The disadvantages of showers include less comfort compared to a bathtub. Extake and read a book at candlelight is not possible here. However, this point can be differentiated again. After all, luxurious rain showers andChic glass cabinet showQuite a certain comfort.

Bathtub: Here too there are pro and contra

Those whoBetter to swim than shower, experience itself is the advantages. A hot bathroom with lots of foam, candlelight and relaxing music - many people can hardly imagine anything better. Baden relaxes the muscles and the mind - so it also helps to feel comfortable in our skin.

One of the less positive aspects of the bathtub is, for example, the difficulty of getting in. Especially for the little ones and the old ones, entry into a tub can be a big challenge. In addition, it can prove to be quite difficult to shower after bathing without putting the entire bathroom under water.

There are about as many liters of water in a bathtub as you would take four showers. A lot of water and energy that are required for a single bathroom. In small rooms, tubs can usually not be attached and if they do, then there is not much more space for other furnishings.

Who shower and who bathes?

Bathtubs are particularly popular with couples and families. Together, bathing can be much more fun. Singles, especially those who have a stressful everyday work, usually choose the time -saving showers. Older people will also prefer the shower. Getting started is simply easier and when getting out there is no risk of slipping.

Since you can also install a special seat in a shower cubicle, the comfort problem can be eliminated. It is most beautiful, of course, if you have the opportunity to choose. If there is both a tub and a shower cabin, you can simply have the best of both worlds.