If you want to remodel your bathroom and create a fresh and inviting atmosphere, you may be able to do so with green plants. Pretty plants for the bathroom make the room shine, transform your bathroom into an oasis of relaxation and improve the microclimate. In this article we will tell you which plants thrive particularly well in your bathroom and at the same time increase your well-being.
The climate in the bathroom can basically be described as tropical. Throughregular bathingand showers, there is a high level of humidity there and the temperatures are usually slightly higher than in the other rooms in the apartment.
Plants that come from subtropical and tropical areas and grow in the lower part of the forest are ideal for such conditions. There are many plants that can help you grow greenParadise in your bathroomcan create.
In order for your bathroom plants to survive and beautify your bathroom, you must pay attention to the right lighting ratio. First, see whether your bathroom is flooded with light or rather shady and choose plant varieties for which the light in your bathroom is sufficient.
Plants need sunlight as a source of energy for photosynthesis, some of which prefer a lot of daylight, while others thrive on little light.
Unfortunately, these days not all modern apartments have a bathroom with a window. Although no plant can do without light, it is also possible to decorate with real plants in a bathroom without natural light. For houseplants that grow in low-light conditions, a special vegetation lamp or a well-reflective lampshade with an energy-saving lamp may be sufficient. The light source should be no more than 30-40 cm away from the bath plant and have an output of 20 watts or more.
Plants that feel comfortable even with very little daylight and are suitable as beautiful decorations for your bathroom are the Aspidistra, also known as the cobbler's palm, and the Zamioculcas, also known as the lucky flower. The cobbler palm helps to create a better indoor climate. The lucky feather is easy to care for and likes moisture, although it can survive for a long time without water.
It is important for care that you avoid waterlogging and remove the accumulated water from the pot after watering. The perfect choice for the dark bathroom is the spathiphyllum, also known as the single leaf. The leaf likes high humidity and hardly needs any light. This plant refines your bathroom with its beautiful, white bracts with bright flower heads.
In the bathroom with little natural light, ferns such as staghorn fern and sword fern feel at home. The ivy plant, which is extremely decorative and absolutely undemanding, is also ideal for dark corners. Philodendrons and spider plants also thrive in places away from the window.
If your bathroom is bright enough, you will have a wide variety of plants to choose from. Tropical orchids or bromeliads, such as Guzmania, like lots of water and warmth, and are a real eye-catcher with their bright colors. The bromeliad doesn't mind the draft when ventilating the bathroom; it is an extremely attractive and easy-care houseplant.
Plants such as arrow leaf, variegated root or stromanthe enchant with their cheerful colors and interesting shapes. The large, spotted leaves of the dieffenbachia and the striped leaves of the dragon tree give the bathroom a special charm.
Plants with narrow leaves, such as the Cyprus grass, the mountain palm or the spider plant, which look fine and elegant, are also suitable for a bathroom flooded with light. If you have a spacious bathroom with a high attic, tree-like plants such as the miracle bush, the club lily, the coconut palm or the narrow-leaved dragon tree will undoubtedly feel at home there.
Some plant varieties, such as the popular yucca palm, the exotic elephant's foot orthe Aloe Vera, are entitled to a fully sunny spot, like the south window. With the right planter you can create a colorful decoration in the room in no time and increase bathing pleasure.
The Monstera Deliciosa, also known as window leaf, is very easy to care for and also loves a lot of light, but not direct sun. If you like your bathroom to be warm, then this plant is the right green addition because the window leaf likes temperatures between 20 and 30 degrees.
The choice of plant varieties also depends on the size of your bathroom. If you don't have a lot of space in your bathroom, it's best to opt for smaller plants. Place your green friends so that you don't lose any storage space. Place a blooming orchid at the sink and give your small bathroom an elegant and exotic look.
For larger bathrooms, you can of course also use larger specimens, such as the birch fig, the coconut or yucca palm. With the right flower pots, you can bring a great holiday feeling to your bathroom.
To make your large bathroom look more comfortable, a single plant is enough. Place the desired bathroom plant near the bathtub, for example, and enjoy the relaxing atmosphere.
If your bathroom has a window, the window sill offers the optimal storage space for your potted plants, where they can also really enjoy and take advantage of the light. Place your plants around the bathtub and relax in the greenery. You can also hang your bathroom plants from the ceiling, for example using a hanging basket.
Hanging baskets not only save space, but are also a practical way to set accents in your bathroom and create effects. Well-suited inhabitants for a hanging basket are ivy and bow hemp. The Bogenhaft is an uncomplicated plant that is available in different sizes.
If there is not enough space on the windowsill or floor, you can also attach plants to the wall using the appropriate holder. This way you save space and create a modern wall decoration.