Flowering hanging plants for hanging baskets – 10 hanging plant ideas

Hanging baskets with beautiful, colorful flowers are always an eye-catching accent in the garden design. They are a great solution for busy flower lovers with limited time and space in the garden. When it comes to designing a hanging basket, you need to consider the right types of soil, fertilizers and amounts of water. Choose a larger pot to plant different flowers next to each other. Plastic hanging baskets are very cheap. For a natural look, you can combine the hanging plants with peat moss. Some flowers are particularly suitable for planting in a hanging basket. Take a look at these hanging plants for hanging baskets and get inspired by our design ideas.

Varieties of hanging plants for hanging baskets

Lobelia erinus is a spring plant with small flowers that resemble small butterflies. Lobelia is easy to plant and needs cold weather. As it gets warmer, add more water and liquid fertilizer every 4 weeks. At the end of June you need to replace the lobelias with other flowers that like warmth.

Typical species

Pelargonimus (also called Geranimus) is a typical hanging plant. Some species have leaves that grow downwards and are particularly suitable forHang in hanging baskets.

Beautiful pelagroniums hang in a hanging basket

Pelargoniums are perennial plants whose flowers can be enjoyed in spring and summer. Hang the hanging basket with the pelargoniums in a sunny place.

Tender bellflower (Campanula)

If you want to create a country-style hanging basket, choose the tender campanula (bellflower). The bellflower is a perennial plant that blooms in June and July.

The bellflower can have different shapes of flowers

In some regions you can enjoy the bluebells until October. The flowers can be pink, white or lavender in color. The Cmpanula flower needs a lot of sun.

Colorful magic bells hang over a garden table

The magic bell (Calibrachoa) is another plant that is perfect forPlanting hanging basketsis. It has many small flowers that can be pink, yellow, white, blue or red.

Calibrachoa is a type of flower that is very easy to plant

The magic bell blooms from spring to winter. It loves sunlight and is therefore perfect for hanging in the balcony or terrace. The flower needs a lot of water and nutrient-rich soil.


If you want to create a winter hanging basket, choose ivy (Hedera). Ivy has beautiful lobed leaves. Hang the Hedera plants where there is shade and allow the soil to dry a bit before watering them again.

Mystic ivy is perfect for gardens with less sunlight

Exotic farmer orchid (Schizanthus)

If you want to create an exotic hanging basket, forget about the typical hanging plants like petunias and lobelias. Plant the pot with split flowers. They look unusual and definitely attract attention. The plant is known under the names farmer's orchid and little man's orchid, the Latin name is schizanthus.

The split flowers grow surprisingly quickly

You've probably heard that orchids are difficult to plant. Luckily, that's not true if you follow a few simple rules. Plant the flowers in dry, fertilized soil. They need sun in the morning and shade in the afternoon. It is very likely that the flowers will grow everywhere above and below the basket. Watch out for aphids in spring.

Garden petunia

The garden petunia is another plant species that is typical for planting hanging baskets. When it comes to petunias, you can choose from a variety of colors and shapes of flowers. This type of flower is easy to plant. They just need plenty of sunlight and regular watering.

Petunia's name comes from the Brazilian word for tobacco because of the similarities between the two plants

Impatiens (Busy Lieschen)

If your garden or balcony is shady, you can plant impatiens in hanging baskets. Busy Lieschen develops beautiful, colorful flowers even in the shade. To do this, choose drained soil that is not overly fertilized.

The Busy Lieschen flower has been cultivated since 1880

The perfect place for impatiens is where there is sunshine in the morning and shade in the afternoon. Please note that the Busy Lieschen can be damaged by frost.


Fuchsias have been discovered in South America and the Caribbean. They are a very popular type of balcony plant that looks lovely in a hanging basket. There are over 6,000 different species of fuchsias. The amount of sunlight is important when planting and the stronger the color of the flowers, the sunnier the location the flower needs.

Fuchsias are widespread ornamental plants

The soil must be moist, but not overwatered, as the roots could easily rot. Fertilize the soil every two weeks and never allow the plants to freeze.

Also read:Hanging plants for outside: These are our 5 favorites