Crafting with children in summer – 6 craft ideas with popsicle sticks

In the summer, children usually have far too much free time, and then it comes down to the well-known boredom and annoyances. In order to suppress any nonsense, imaginative craft ideas come to the rescue. But in order to infect your children with creativity, you also need to find some inspiration for crafting with children. Here you will find what you are looking for!

Crafts with children in summer – pirates play with popsicle sticks

For crafting with children, cheap or highly recycled materials are used that are easy to obtain and can also be easily processed by children's hands. Areally good idea, especially in summer, you can create something from the popsicle sticks that are left over from eating ice cream. Alternatively, you can get some at your local craft store.

Build pirate ships out of popsicle sticks

Our first craft idea is on the theme of 'Pirates'. The products can also be used as decoration for children's parties or birthday parties. This requires as many popsicle sticks as possible, as well as colored pencils and, if desired, stickers with pirate skulls. With more practice and hard work, these can be cut out of white copy paper.

Make your own pirate flag out of popsicle sticks

The pirate flag is an appropriate task for beginners and small children. 4 or 5 ice cream sticks are fixed crosswise on another. Here you can use double-sided adhesive tape or stick it with transparent glue. The flag is then colored in black and red or completely black with colored pencils and the pirates' trademark - a skull - is attached to it.

Pirate raft made of popsicle sticks

A pirate raft is built according to the same principle. You already have the flag, then all that remains is to make the raft. You build one out of several, e.g. 5-6 depending on the size or width, ice cream sticks and fix it on both sides with another stick. If desired, the product can be colored with colors.

Popsicle stick fish

'…Fisherman Fritz fishes fresh fish' and in this sense, fish are appropriate motifs for craft ideas. Which popsicle sticks can be used to make beautiful angelfish and then paint them colorfully.

You should only look for the materials you need that are child-friendly, especially if you are dealing with small children who can put everything in their mouths. The ice cream sticks are made entirely of wood, without any additives and are therefore suitable for children. Gel paints have recently become very popular among parents, as they can be applied straight from the tube to the desired location, without additional tools such as brushes or anything else. They are also edible and easy to remove from textiles.

You should also choose the glue very carefully when it comes to crafts with children. But this isn't cheap, especially when you consider that children don't skimp on it when they're doing crafts and making daubs. An edible adhesive can be prepared very quickly and easily at home. Take a screw-top jar or, ideally, a hair dye application bottle and the following ingredients:

  • 125g corn starch (corn starch, potato starch or others)
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp light vinegar, but no substitute
  • 500ml hot water

Add the vinegar, salt and now the starch to the hot water, stirring slowly continuously until it dissolves and becomes a milk-like liquid. If there are any lumps, reheat the water slightly and stir until the mixture becomes uniform. When doing crafts with children, the homemade glue can be applied with your fingers or a brush. It looks best and looks like real store-bought glue in an application bottle.

Seal the self-made paste well to increase its durability. However, if it still gets harder over time, you can dilute it with a little hot water under heat. You can produce edible gel colors yourself in exactly the same way. Use food coloring mixed with cornstarch and water.

It's a good idea to make such paints yourself, because that's the only way to know for sure that any additives won't bother the child. Another practical trick is to replenish the colors that have already been used up.

The popsicle sticks should be fixed crosswise to each other to recreate the typical scalar structure. Then the fish is painted on both sides as desired and a wiggly eye and fish mouth are glued on each side. Alternatively, you can also paint on them with colored pencils.

Fin made from popsicle sticks that can also swim

Crafts are a lot of fun when you can play with them later. And what are you allowed to do?play in summerthan during other seasons? – with water! Well, maybe boys would find our next craft idea more exciting than girls, but not necessarily. Boats and fins can be made from all recycled materials and leftovers. This time we're telling you how you can make ice cream sticks yourself from the ice cream you've eaten in the summer.

Attach a few popsicle sticks next to each other either horizontally or vertically using hot glue. On the side that you designate as the bottom, glue two wine corks crosswise. Make the mast on top in the middle. Insert a wooden skewer into a halved wine cork. You cut out a sail from cardboard or packaging from milk or juice. Glue with the hot glue gun.

If desired, the popsicle sticks can be painted with any color you like. Colored pencils, watercolors or gel colors can all be used imaginatively. When the wooden sticks are completely dry, you can proceed to gluing. Otherwise, of course, the paste won't stick. There's only one thing left now - let the fins and boats float.

Make your own birdhouse out of popsicle sticks and cardboard

Recycled materials such as packaging and popsicle sticks can be used to make wonderful birdhouses or feeding stations with just a few grown children. When crafting, consider the size of the bird so that it doesn't feel cramped and can fly in and out perfectly.

*You can find the complete instructions for 'making a fin out of popsicle sticks' atCreative Jewish Mom

*The complete instructions for the craft ideas with ice cream sticks 'Fish' and 'Pirates' can be found atGlued To My Crafts