Making animals with egg boxes – 25 cute DIY ideas for children

Looking for some inspiration for crafting with your kids? Then just use empty egg cartons! These practical containers are great for creating a wide variety of projects. But what can you make with egg cartons? We have already put together some great ideas on this topic. But today we dedicate our article to the animal world. Because we found various animals that are great for crafting with egg boxes and are anything but difficult. Sit down with the children and start crafting!

Instructions for cute penguins

We'll start our article with instructions for crafting with egg boxes. These are the penguins from the cover photo. You need the tapered parts of the egg boxes, which you simply paint black and white, as is typical for penguins. You can make the beak and feet separately and also from the box. Add a small incision to the penguin's face to put the beak in and glue the feet in place.

Make a whale

You can also make cute whales with egg carton and create a small, arctic landscape together with the penguins. When crafting with egg boxes, this time use one of the many cups in which the eggs usually stand. You will also need construction paper, googly eyes and pipe cleaners to recreate the little whale.

To make crafts with egg cartons, first poke a hole in the cup. Put four pieces of pipe cleaner in there and bend them nicely so that they imitate jets of water. Use the paper to make the tail and fins. The fins are glued to the side while the adhesive side for the tail is on the inside.


For spring and summer, insects also fit in with craft afternoons. After all, they are found in abundance. Ladybugs are just one variant. We also have an example of a honey bee below. Have another cup ready for the ladybug, as well as a felt ball, pipe cleaners, googly eyes and acrylic paints for painting and you can get startedbeetleto craft.

To design the ladybug, first paint the cups red and draw on the dots with a sharpie. Then glue the felt ball onto the cup as a head. The feelers go between the ball and the cup and finally glue the eyes on. If you want, you can also make legs for the ladybug out of plush wire.

Turtles with buttons

You can also make small turtles using egg cartons. Instead of paper like the whale, felt was used here. The turtle's shell can be of any color and decorated with buttons. You can either use a felt ball or a pompom for the head. You decide that for yourself.

You can see another variant for a larger turtle here. Instead of one cup, simply use four, which you can then paint as desired. The body is made of paper. The fox is just as cute. To create this you will need the long elements of the box again. One is for the body and a second one you design like a fox's head.

Funny frog made from egg carton

A fun idea is without a doubt this frog, which you can transform into the frog prince from the fairy tale with the help of a crown. The frog consists of two cups that are placed on top of each other with adhesive strips on the back, creating a cavity that represents the mouth. Then make a tongue, eyes and the crown out of craft paper or cardboard. You can also use the idea as a small box.

Jellyfish with pearls

One cup is completely sufficient. Poke a hole in it through which you can thread the tentacles that you will make from colorful beads. This way you can hang the jellyfish and view them in all their glory. These figures look particularly beautiful when displayed in groups.

Sea creatures

Here you can see another variant for the turtle and the whale. The octopus is certainly very original and you can make its tentacles not only out of paper, but also out of pipe cleaners. In general, you can combine any materials for the animals made from egg cartons. Create a beautiful underwater world with these animals!

Egg carton zoo

If you have made several animals, you can put together an entire farm or a zoo that your child can play with later. Of course, your child should actively participate in crafting egg boxes or even make the animals themselves. The elephants above are interesting, made from cups and the pointed parts of the boxes.

Make colorful caterpillars

For caterpillars, simply use a whole row of the cups. Place them upside down and then paint them in any color you like. Paint dots like this or make each cup a different color for a colorful caterpillar. When it comes to crafting with egg boxes, you can create a lot with a little imagination!

Making chickens

This idea is also suitable for Easter, with which you can wonderfully display the Easter eggs. Use the whole box and turn it into a fun chicken coop as shown. You can also design individual egg cups by cutting out the cups including the long element and decorating them with felt.


This spider is particularly easy to make. Simply paint the cup black and then make the spider legs out of black pipe cleaners. You can also use these cute spiders to decorate the house on Halloween. They can be set up or hung up.

Dragon, dinosaurs and camel

You can use a small egg box to create a dragon. The box then represents the mouth, which is provided with a tongue. You can also make the eyes out of egg boxes, or more precisely out of two cups, and the rest out of paper or felt. The dinosaurs and the camel are also quick and easy to make.

Snails, grasshoppers and large crocodile

You can also make funny crocodiles out of whole egg cartons. You can see how exactly in the picture above. The cute snails, each made from a cup, and the grasshoppers, which you can make like caterpillars and then add jumping legs, are also worth an afternoon of crafting. Simply let your children choose the animals they want to make.

Hedgehog instructions for adults and older children

This hedgehog is a little more complex, but all the more beautiful. First roughly shape the body. You can use paper or whatever else you have on hand for this. Form a triangle. The tip serves as a nose and is covered with a piece of the egg carton. For the needle dress you will need additional leaf-shaped elements from the box. After you have glued everything in place, you can spray paint the hedgehog with any colors you like.

Here you can see the bee we mentioned earlier. Similar to the spider, you can also make a crab. This only requires two scissors. TheMake fishShe in turn made two cups, as did the frog. Foam rubber was used for the fins. Here you also have another variant of the penguins.

Reindeer for Christmas

If you would like to make something with egg carton for Christmas, then this reindeer is a great idea. Of course, the easiest way to get the red nose is to use a pompom or felt ball. It's up to you whether you use paper, felt or foam rubber for the ears and antlers. The egg carton animals are a great way to reuse smaller leftovers. So if you still have materials left over from other projects, you can safely use them.