Nowadays people like to make crafts with natural materials. And that's no wonder, as the materials can be found quickly and easily on a walk and are free of charge. Both young and old have fun on craft afternoons, so today we would like to introduce you to some craft ideas that you can do. This time it's about ideas with and from snail shells. But what can you make with empty snail shells, you're probably asking yourself? You will be amazed at what beautiful decorations and great figures are possible with things from nature like these. If you would also like to make something with snail shells, then plan a long walk, collect empty snail shells and choose one or more of the following craft instructions to create a creative craft afternoon. Have fun!
Simply collecting the houses is not enough. You also need to be prepared. What this means is good cleaning. So that the crafted thing ultimately looks good, the snail shells also have to look nice and clean. You can use simple dishwashing detergent for this. You can also remove stubborn dirt very well with a little vinegar. An old toothbrush is ideal for cleaning and can be used to reach all unclean areas on the rough surface. Be careful and do not apply too much pressure to avoid breaking the snail shell. Finally, give them a little time to dry and you're ready to go. You can also polish the houses to give them a particularly interesting look.
Crafting with snail shells – small candles
You can easily make small candlesmaking crafts from snail shells. Either you get wax that is sold for pouring candles yourself, or you use the wax and wick from a simple tea light. To do this, carefully remove the hard wax from the aluminum casing. You can then remove the wick from below and place it in the dry snail shell. Now you need to heat the wax. While it is still liquid, pour it into the house in which you have placed the wick. Allow the wax to cool and harden. In the meantime, you can make some more snail shell candles. To make it easier for the finished DIY candles to stand upright, you can place them in a bowl full of decorative sand or decorative gravel.
Original flower pots
Whether you use the houses of land snails or sea snails or even shells for crafting with empty snail shells, it doesn't matter at all. If you still have sea snail shells left over from your last vacation, you canOf course you can also use them. These flower pots are particularly quick and easy to make. They are also a great idea to teach your children how to care for something, in this case small plants. This means you can paint the houses in advance in a child-friendly and colorful way and then plant them so that they fit better into the children's room.
Then simply fill the natural containers with a little soil. The type of plant that is most suitable are, without a doubt, succulents. And since there are so many different ones, you can quickly create an interesting and diverse indoor garden. Insert small pieces of plants into the soil. They quickly form roots in the moist soil and then require very little care, which is what makes these plants so practical for children. The tiny pots can then be placed back in sand, gravel or on a branch. If you wish, you can also make holes in the future pots in advance and hang them later. But you will then need at least three holes so that the snail shell can hang upright.
As an alternative to succulents, air plants called tillandsias can also be used. These don't even require soil and can simply be stuck into houses. When buying the plants, find out how to care for them properly, as they absorb the necessary nutrients and moisture from the air. In any case, you will get unique eye-catchers if you make these ideas with snail shells.
Make your own door wreath
If you have collected a large number of snail shells, you can also implement a somewhat larger project. What we mean is a wreath that you can use to decorate a door, a window or the wall. You need a Styrofoam ring. Alternatively, a simple ring can be cut out of cardboard. This ring is then covered with snail shells. They can all point in the same direction or you can turn each house in a different direction. Hot glue is very suitable for gluing. The wreath looks particularly attractive if you use polished snail shells for crafting.
If you would like to make something cute and funny for and with the children using things from nature, that would be a fun idea. It's best to use driftwood. If you don't have one of these at hand, you can of course also use an ordinary branch, from which it is best to remove the bark. The snail shell is glued to the wooden body. Simple wiggly eyes make the snail look particularly funny and are simply glued to the branch. During a spontaneous craft afternoon, if there are no googly eyes, you can simply paint on the eyes.
Instead of a wooden body, one can also be made from plasticine or, even better, from craft clay if you are making crafts with snail shells. Funny snails are created, especially in bright colors, which the children can later use for games. Children enjoy making crafts with such materials, so they will have a lot of fun making them. And here you can use small snail shells and make smaller snails yourself or choose larger versions. And for all projects, including these snails, you can also paint the snail shells as you like and design them with patterns as you wish.