Crafting with natural material in summer

Autumn is known for everyone, with itsChestnuts, acorn, colorful leaves and other things to offer enough material for tinkering. But if you think that other seasons have nothing to offer, you are extremely wrong. Thanks to the many meadow flowers, you will also find numerous opportunities for creative handicrafts thanks to the many meadow flowers. For tinkering with natural material in summer we have collected some great ideas that you can also implement with children. Should it rain on the coming days? Then quickly collect the necessary materials together to be able to pass the time even in the bad weather. Create colorful and beautiful decorations and treat yourself to an exciting and fun handicraft afternoon!

Crafting with natural material in summer - weaving with flowers and plants

Add it, you quickly captivated these pretty specimens! It is an extremely simple idea for tinkering with natural material in summer, which you evenTry down with small childrencan. All you need is a frame or a pad that you cover with cord and then arrange flowers and plant parts in between. You have two options for this:

  • Use sticks to bind a frame.
  • Use cardboard.

Idea with cardboard

In both cases, you can of course choose the size yourself and thus adapt the idea for tinkering with natural material in summer. If youUse cardboard, cut them several times on two pages opposite. Then take a cord, tie a knot at your end and put the end through the first cut. The knot should be on the back. Spread the cord to the opposite slot and then on the back to the next, below the first. So continue until the whole cardboard is covered. You are also welcome to change the colors of the cord. This variant is ideal for smaller children.

Frame made of sticks for tinkering with natural material in summer

You also need cord for the variantwith sticks. The perfect variant to tinker with wood in summer! Put two sticks together in the right angle and then bind the cord around both sticks to bind them together. This is how you continue until you get a square frame. Then you also clamp a cord from one side to the other. It is important that the cord is twice stretched, i.e. from the front and once from behind so that you can clamp the plants in between.

Homemade natural ward frame, decorated with flowers and leaves

And then the even greater fun can begin - you can create beautiful arrangements by clamping flowers, leaves and any other parts of the plant. If the weather allow it, just take a walk and collectFlowers, grasses and leaves. If the idea for tinkering with natural material in summer is intended for a rainy day, you can instead get artificial flowers in advance.

Colorful Suncatcher

Fresh and colorful flowers also adorn themhomemade decoration, on which the little ones will have a particularly great pleasure. This idea for tinkering with natural material in summer would also be ideally suited for kindergarten! The weather outside doesn't really play along and you can't collect flowers? Then use artificial flowers or get dry flowers! You need:

  • Claims
  • Acrylic or other craft colors
  • Paint brush
  • Cloving film or self -adhesive film
  • Glue
  • Yarn
  • Plant parts

Suncatcher tinkering with natural material in summer - this is how it works:

Place a base on the table and let the children paint the ice cream polders in any colors. Then let them dry on the pad. Alternatively, you could also buy colored stems. Glue four of them square together. You need two such frames per suncatcher. Apply adhesive on one of the frames and tension a piece of film over it (with self -adhesive film the adhesive side upwards). Then distribute the plants as desired. If you are satisfied with the arrangement, seal the whole thing with another layer of film (adhesive side down, if self -adhesive).

Now glue a piece of yarn to one of the sides so that you can hang up the Suncatcher later (then cover the glue point with an egg handle and will not be visible). Glue the other frame at the same height as the first and cut off the excess film on the sides. Now you can hang up the Suncatcher. Isn't he a real eye -catcher? Especially in groups, the Suncatchers will look very pretty with their bright colors.

Tipp: Instead of using ice cream stalks for the frame, you can also cut out a frame from cardboard. Or how about sticks that you can also paint as desired (see below)?

Handicrafts with natural material in summer - colorful sticks

So simple and yet so beautiful: Such colorful sticks can do even the smallest themselves. The colored sticks (magic bars?) Can be designed in the most beautiful colors. And not only that: you are welcome to combine the colors with yarn or other natural materials such as flowers, leaves, grasses or even feathers. Since the topic is “summer”, you could also use driftwood instead of the usual from the forest or park. But of course you can decide that yourself. Otherwise you can be as creative to tinker with natural material in summer as you want.

Handicrafts with natural material in summer - figures with mussels

It rains and somehow the great summer mood is gone? You can change that as soon as possible byThe musselsGet out of the last vacation out of the closet (or order which) and then paint it and turn into cute characters - in keeping with the handicrafts with natural material in summer, of course, summer motifs are best suited. Fish, crabs (the legs can consist of pipe cleaners or branches), ladybugs and turtles are just a few of the possibilities.

Just paint the musselswith acrylic paint. Then you can add wobble eyes and, if necessary, other elements for fins, legs, etc. The finished decorations can adorn side tables, bowls, flower pots and even beds and are also very suitable for giving away. Incidentally, empty snail shells can also be painted colorful.

Make a crown of leaves yourself

Which girl doesn't playlike princess? But our little boys are also enthusiastic about the idea of ​​wearing a crown like a powerful king. Our next idea to tinker with natural material in summer is really good! Make a great crown out of simple leaves and let the child's role -playing games start!

  • Large leaves (if possible in two different colors/nuances)
  • Scissors
  • good handicraft glue
  • Clamps, clamps or office clips

Cut a square out of one of the leaves. It doesn't have to be perfect. You then use this square as a template to cut out further squares from the other leaves in the same color. Depending on the desired size of the crown, you need about 9 to 10 pieces. Then use them to cut out 4 to 5 pieces from the other leaf color.

Now you have to fold these squares, which, as you know, is not too easy for leaves. For this reason, you also need the brackets. So take two green squares and fold them diagonally to get triangles. But fold themnotSo much that they tear on the fold. Then you need a yellow triangle. Two of the pointed corners of the green triangles push them together so that they overlap, whereupon they place the yellow leaf in between. Now apply glue here and there to glue all three elements together and fix them with clamps until the glue is dried.

So continue with the remaining leaf squares until you have reached the desired length. In between, you can always check whether the crown would fit in the length achieved. The ends of the jagged leaves also stick together and as soon as everything is well dried, the natural crown can be used. This idea for tinkering with natural material in summer is well suited for all occasions, but also as a pastime without an occasion. And you could also do them inAutumn with colorful leavestry!

Crown of branches

Or how about leaves from branches? Soa pretty crownYou can not only produce in summer. Also during the other seasons, branches can of course also be found. In addition, you need the following things to make the crown with natural material in summer:

  • 1 strip of Musselin (a little longer than the child's head to be able to tie it; in the example 100 cm long and 10 cm wide)
  • 1 tape, approx. 2.5 cm wide and with the same length as the mandatory strip
  • Hot glue and gun
  • Scissors
  • Lineal

Crafting with natural materials in summer for children - instructions

And the crown is really easy to tinker with natural material in summer: place the Musselinband in front of you and then arrange the branches of the length and up to the middle of the strip side by side. The group made of branches (in this step about 38 to 40 cm long) should be in the middle area. Also leave so much distance between two branches that another in between could fit (we explain why). Do not stick it yet, because this is the only way you can take branches away, fold or replace. As soon as you are satisfied with the arrangement, glue them.

Now fold up the lower half of the band and stick it on the branches. Now attach more branches to the areas that they have just left between the branches, so they are transferred to the previous row. Then you can hide the ends of the branches with the other band by sticking it over it. Let the glue dry well for a while and tie the finished crown around your head.

Make a raft yourself with natural materials

Soa raftIt's really a fun thing. This allows the children to play in a stream, at the pool, lake or simply in a wash bowl. And it's really not difficult to make. Just get enough sticks. These should be roughly the same size or are tailored accordingly. Then you need a stick for the mast and two smaller ones to support this mast and a large green leaf for the sail. Then you can already tinker with natural material in summer.

You can either tie the sticks for the raft together or glue together with hot glue or tape. Both work very well, but you save time with the adhesive variant and it may be a little easier for children to implement. Glue the two short sticks diagonally to the stick for the mast, ske the sheet for the sail and that is alreadyhomemade toyscomplete! Of course, you can vary the materials used as desired.