Make your own tree decorations for Christmas: Make gnome pendants and garlands for the Christmas tree!

If you haven't started decorating your Christmas tree yet, you still have the opportunity to opt for something more unusual this year. Gnomes are on everyone's lips and if you too are thrilled by their magic and have gnome fever, then you will definitely like our craft ideas today. Decorate your tree with elves as tree decorations for Christmas and bring Scandinavian flair into your home! There are both pendants and a garland, all of which you can of course also use to decorate other areas.

Scandinavian Christmas tree decoration with wooden disc and faux fur

For the first gnome pendant as a tree decoration for Christmas, use oneTree disc as a base, but don't worry - you don't need to drill or screw for this project. If you make these Christmas tree decorations yourself, all you need to do is cut and glue them, as follows:

  • Wooden disc of desired size
  • Faux fur for the beard in any color
  • Felt for the pointed hat
  • Material for the nose (wooden bead, plastic bead, craft clay, button, etc.)
  • Yarn
  • Hot glue, razor blade or cutter, scissors

Place the branch disc on the back of the fur to determine how large the piece needs to be for the beard. You need a triangle that is slightly larger than the disk so that you can fold it over on the sides. Also consider the thickness of the wood. You can then trim the fur with the razor blade, being careful not to cut the fur, but only the fabric that holds it together. Then cut off a rectangular piece from the rest for the mustache.

Glue the bottom part of the beard (the triangle) around the disc, leaving the top third of the wood visible. Then glue the mustache over it. Now before you add the bead for the nose, remember to split the schnauzer in half for an authentic look.

For the hat, prepare a rectangular piece of felt that is slightly longer than the wooden disc. You should be able to wrap them around the disk so that the ends overlap to glue together. Fold the fabric in half and cut a curve starting and ending slightly above the fold to create a triangle. Roll it up like a cone and glue the ends together. Glue a loop into the top, knot it on the yarn, then glue the hat onto the disk and you're done with your first tree decoration for Christmas!

Make sure the hat ends just above the nose. If you want, you can design the hat additionally.

Make tree decorations for Christmas with pompoms for little gnomes

Even this one is even simplerCraft idea for a Christmas tree decoration. Although the hats are embroidered, this task really isn't difficult, but you can simply skip this step and glue decorations to the pointed hats instead. If you would like to make this Christmas tree decoration yourself, you will need the following materials:

  • small pom-poms (you can also make your own)
  • felt
  • wooden bead
  • Felt balls
  • Yarn
  • Low temperature glue gun
  • optional: embroidery needle and thread, washable textile pen

Cut out isosceles triangles from the felt with a rounded base, the latter being slightly longer than the circumference of the pompoms. You can now design these triangles with patterns and motifs by embroidering them. You draw the motif with the pen beforehand so that you can then embroider it. Alternatively, you can simply design them with washable textile markers or glue small beads on.

Using a large needle, thread the yarn tied into a loop through a felt ball and let the end with the bow stick out a little at the bottom, then glue it into the tip of the felt triangle. Shape the cone and glue it onto the pom-pom. Directly underneath attach the bead as a nose. If necessary, push the felt ball further down to the top of the hat and hang up your first gnome Christmas tree decoration.

Decorated Christmas tree with DIY gnome garland

Replace the traditional pearl garland with an unusual Christmas tree decoration,namely a Christmas garlandfrom elves. Of course, you can also use the two instructions above to make gnomes and then arrange them together like a garland. Or you can simply do it like this:

  • Wooden beads in two sizes (for head and nose)
  • Felt for the hat
  • Kunstfell
  • Pom poms in two sizes and Christmas colors
  • Scissors
  • Blumendraht
  • Hot glue
  • Embroidery needle and thread
  • Filling material

If you want to make this fun Christmas tree decoration, cut a small rectangle out of the fur and glue it around a larger wooden bead. Then wrap felt around the ball, adding a few millimeters (so that the fabric can overlap) and mark the spot. Cut out a rectangle. The width determines the later height of the pointed hat. Fold the rectangle and cut one of the two short sides round and the longer, open side from the outer corner diagonally up to the fold.

Glue the resulting triangle to the ball as well, just above the beard, stuff some filler into the cone and place a piece of floral wire inside (it should stick out of the top) before sealing it completely. Put a mini pom-pom on the wire and glue a small wooden bead to the front as a nose. Thanks to the wire you can also bend the hats.

Now make the garland by alternatingly threading two or three pompoms and a gnome onto yarn. You can wrap the finished garland around the Christmas tree as a tree decoration for Christmas or hang it somewhere else ( Kaminsimsor window).

Are you looking for ideas for a beautiful window garland?In this articleyou will find what you are looking for!