TheTree decorationsis an important element of Christmas decoration. In addition to the purchased Christmas balls, you can also use homemade ones to decorate the Christmas tree and use individual decorations. A wide variety of materials are used to make Christmas tree decorations. And if you like recycling old things, you will definitely like today's idea. You can use wonderful old light bulbsTree decorations for Christmasby designing them as you wish in advance. We have put together some inspiration in this article.
Christmas tree decorations made of glass
The light bulbs you choose for Christmas tree decorations can also have any shape. Whether you use the classic pear shape or prefer more modern ones doesn't matter at all. The same applies to the size. Burnt-out light bulbs from an old string of lights are also often chosen to create tree decorations for Christmas.
Light bulbs as Christmas tree decorations in groups
To make the tree decorations look unusual at Christmas, you can think of more than just an interesting decoration and design for the light bulbs. If you use small light bulbs, you can also draw attention to them by hanging them in small groups. It is best to choose an odd number. Normal string or yarn but also pretty ribbons are suitable for hanging.
Make your own tree decorations with glitter
Possibly the simplest but still effective way to design the light bulbs is to use glitter in any color. This can be used in different ways. Above you can see how you can decorate the outside of the light bulbs as tree decorations for Christmas, for example by spraying them with spray adhesive and then dipping them in glitter. Simply tap off the excess after drying.
Decorate light bulbs from the inside
Another variant is to fix the glitter from the inside if you make tree decorations out of light bulbs as Christmas decorations. There are various techniques for this, and you choose what is easiest for you. Either you put glue into the light bulb and turn it until all the insides are covered with glue. Pour out the excess glue and fill the bulb with enough glitter. Alternatively, spray adhesive or a strong hair polish can also be used. Remove the excess glitter to finish the tree decorations for Christmas.
Glitter in multiple colors
Once you get the hang of it, you can try using multiple colors. This is undoubtedly a little more complicated. First design the lower part of the light bulb as a tree decoration for Christmas. Once this is dry, move on to the next color. Even if it doesn't work the first time, don't give up! Practice makes perfect!
Decoration with stickers
It's even easier to use ready-made stickers to decorate the light bulbs. Choose Christmas or winter motifs such as snowflakes. You can also color the future Christmas tree decorations in advance to achieve an interesting color contrast.
Make tree decorations and paint light bulbs
Use a variety of materials to create the light bulbs and create pretty or funny accents in the Christmas tree. A light bulb of classic shape can be perfectly transformed into a snowman in white color. After the paint has dried, decorate the Christmas tree decorations with fabrics, buttons or other things.
Christmas tree decorations in white and silver
The frame can be hidden by a self-made hat for the respective figure. But it can also represent the hat itself, as was done with these two variants for tree decorations. White and silver in the form of glitter serve as the basic colors. You can make such tree decorations with children. The little ones have the opportunity to paint faces with felt-tip pens.
Make your own tree decorations
Depending on how good you are at painting, paint can be used to paint any motif after designing the light bulb with any base color. In addition to snow and Santa Claus, angels, reindeer, stars and candles are also suitable here. As you can see, Christmas tree decorations can be designed according to your taste.
Use the shape of the light bulb
The actual shape of the light bulb is great for creating faces. All that's missing is the right color. In this example of making tree decorations for Christmas, a cute reindeer was used as a motif. In addition, a hat and antlers made of paper were added. The easiest way to get colors that run together is to use a sponge.
Design Santa Claus
Santa Claus probably goes best with the reindeer. So don't forget it when designing tree decorations for Christmas. You can knit the hat yourself. An alternative is to use a red sock that you put on the light bulb. Additionally, decorate them with a white ribbon and a snowflake.
Instructions for tree decorations
Here you can see a simple guide to create a Santa Claus. First paint the outlines, then color them in with the appropriate color. This can also be done by children. The frame is given a red color and in this way also serves as a hat. Complete the Christmas tree decorations with a pompom or cotton wool.
Tree decorations in shabby chic style
The worn, old look is very popular in interior design. And especially at Christmas, it creates a fitting, nostalgic atmosphere. Make it yourself by following the instructions for Christmas tree decorations made from light bulbs. Glue lace or mesh to the bulb and spray paint it silver. After the paint has dried, you can remove the fabric. Don't forget to lay out a mat.
Snowman as a motif
A snowman is also quick to make. As already mentioned, a white base color is necessary for this. Let them dry and move on to painting the face. How exactly you design the face is your decision. Above you can see a great example that you can copy for your Christmas tree decorations.
Light bulbs as a vase
How about decorating the Christmas tree with fresh flowers or other elements? This requires vases that supply the flowers or branches with water. And light bulbs are very suitable. Make a hole in the socket that is large enough for the branches to fit through. Fill the bulb with water and place the branch inside. Hang up the Christmas tree decorations like this.
Decoration for Christmas with beads
Combine glitter with other elements like beads. So that they can be seen, the glitter should only be chosen very discreetly. Just add a tiny bit of glitter to the bulb after spreading the glue. Then fill the Christmas tree decorations with beads in the same or a contrasting color.
Edible filling
One trend is to give away ready-made baking mixes at Christmas. If you have also chosen this type of gift, you can expand it with light bulbs filled with colorful sprinkles. This colorful design for Christmas tree decorations is particularly original, but does not necessarily have to be eaten, but can be hung on the tree every year.
Other fillings
Come up with something to fill the light bulbs with as tree decorations for Christmas. Be it gemstones, broken glass from the beach, pearls, rhinestones or confetti, anything that is not damp and could possibly become moldy over time is suitable. Come up with something and design a special Christmas tree or give your works as a gift.