As your child's big school day celebration approaches, you're probably looking for some ideas for party decorations? Garlands are a great way to decorate walls, windows and the areas between lamps and create a cheerful mood. That's why today we would like to show you a few creative ideas with instructions that you can use to make garlands for school. Your child and of course the guests will love them!
For school enrollment, make a garland out of paper using pencil shavings
Isn't this idea for a decoration for school enrollment with garland just great? Not only is it really pretty to look at, but it's also extremely quick and easy to make. All you need are the following materials:
- beige Paper (zB Packpapier)
- Scissors
- Sponge brush
- Acrylic paint in dark gray and yellow or orange
- punch
- cord
If you would like to make this garland yourself for school, first roll the paper up into a funnel and then cut the tip straight off and then also the side with the larger opening. Then unroll the paper and cut an irregular zigzag pattern first on the short side and then on the opposite side (the two sides you just cut off). The paper looks a lot like pencil shavings.
To get an even more authentic look, you should paint the two sides: paint a dark gray stripe along the short side and a yellow or orange stripe along the long side. Once the paints are dry, roll the paper up a little to create a curved or funnel shape. Using the hole punch, add a hole anywhere through which you can thread the string.
It's best to make different sized pencil shavings when making garlands for school and combine them with each other. Hang them as desired on a wall or between two chandeliers above the dining table. She is guaranteed to attract everyone's attention! You can also make several garlands and then hang them up everywhere in the room for school enrolment.
Printable pencils
If you want to make it even easier for yourself and are looking for craft ideas for a last-minute project for school, then you can choose this colorful option. It is also a good alternative if you want to make a bunting for school. You can easily print and cut out the pencils and then all you have to do is make holes in them and thread them onto a string. You can find the link to print it out at the end of the article.
However, if you value a real pennant chain with the classic flags, you can also cut triangles (or other shapes) out of black paper or fabric and then thread them onto string. They can then be labeled with white paint (one letter per triangle). “Start of school”, “school child” or “first day of school” are suitable lettering, for example. The black background makes the pennants reminiscent of the school blackboard.
Make a garland out of toilet paper rolls for school
And since we were on the subject of pencils, now comes another idea with this motif. If you would like to make this garland for school, you will need some toilet paper rolls.
- The claw role
- yellow paper
- green paper
- pom poms
- black felt-tip pen/Edding
- Scissors
- Glue
- Zigzag scissors
- cord
- Nadel
If you would like to make this garland for school, fold the yellow paper in half, cut it apart along the fold with zigzag scissors, fold the halves again and cut them apart along the fold with normal scissors. Take one of these rectangles and tape it around a toilet roll, leaving it overhanging a little on one side so that a little of the brown roll remains visible on the other side. Cut this excess side three times and fold the paper inwards.
Flatten the brown side and then cut a tip. Put a little glue into the inside of the roll, where the two tips are on top of each other, and keep the two tips pressed together until the glue dries. Cut strips from the green paper with lengths equal to the circumference of the roll and glue them around the other end of the roll at a distance. Paint the tip of the pencil black with a sharpie, stick a pom-pom into the open side of the toilet roll and the first pencil is ready.
Finally, thread the string through a needle. Hold a pom-pom to one side of the pencil, poke the needle through both, and repeat on the other side. In this way, you can thread all the pencils and you can decorate the back-to-school room with garland and other decorations.
Print templatefor colored pencils.