Autumn is here! Colorful leaves decorate the trees and some are now dropping their fruit, which is great to use for crafts! We are of course talking about chestnuts and acorns. Even small children find them interesting. Pine cones also find their place in a row in the fallCraft ideas for children. Here we will show you how to make owls from natural materials.
Make chestnut owls with children
This is what you need for these sweet chestnut owls:
Acorns (with lids)
Plastic eyes for crafts (round)
Kitchen scissors and craft scissors
All-purpose glue or hot glue gun
Possibly cardboard (thick, black or brown paper)
How to Make Chestnut Owls:
- You have to have the chestnutsand select acorns and work on the acorn shell. For each chestnut owl you need 1 chestnut, at least 1 acorn (fruiting body) and 3 acorn caps. The chestnut forms the body of the owl; it is best to choose a particularly beautiful and round shape for it.
- Using kitchen scissors, carefully cut the glans body into two equal halves. For further processing, it is better to use finer craft or paper scissors.
- If you now have 2 half acorn shells, use scissors to cut a strip of the same size lengthwise so that you have 2 wings left for the chestnut owl. If possible, use scissors to cut out a triangular beak from the remains of the acorn shell.
- Now choose 2 particularly beautiful, round acorn hats for the owl's eye sockets. Make sure your plastic eyes fit in, so use large eyes. You can then glue the plastic eyes into the eye sockets with all-purpose glue or a hot glue gun and let them dry. (It's super quick with the hot glue gun).
- Cut a third acorn hat in half with the scissors and cut two sharp points into each to make small owl feet. This is the most difficult step because the acorn caps break easily. The children may need the help of an adult here.
- Now glue the chestnut owls together. A tip for gluing the wings: It is better to glue them to the top end, where the acorn has its pointier end.
- In our version of chestnut owls, they cannot stand on their own two feet. We have provided it with a satin ribbon for hanging. You can also cut out a small piece of black or brown cardboard as a stand and glue the chestnut owls onto it so that they stand upright.
How they make owls out of pine cones
What you need:
Pine cones
Assorted felt (red, blue, light orange and brown)
Brown or orange pipe cleaners
2 goggle eyes
Glue gun
- To make these cute owls, first cut out the shapes you need for the owl: 1 eyebrow shape, 2 circles (slightly larger than the goggle eyes), 2 wings and 1 small beak.
- Next, cut small slits in the eye circles, all the way around. This is completely optional. It's completely okay if you want to skip this step.
- Glue the goggle eyes onto the blue felt eye circles using a glue gun. Then glue the blue felt eye circles onto the brown eyebrow shape.
- Add a small dab of hot glue to the bottom of the brown eyebrow, right in the middle, then attach the beak shape.
- Attach the owl face with the glue gunon the pine cone. You don't need a lot of glue to attach them. Figure out where you want the eyes to go on the pinecone, then add a few small dabs of glue to the tips of the pinecone pieces that are sticking out.
- Next, attach the owl wings to the side of the pine cone.
- Finally, make the owl's legs out of a pipe cleaner. Fold the pipe cleaner in half. Then fold the ends back down to create an “M” shape. Bend one end of the “M” in and out about 2-5 cm, creating 3 zigzag lines (these will be the claws). Fold each zigzag line to form a claw. Repeat these steps for the other end so that you have two owl claws. Pinch the end of each “claw” and bend it downward.
- Attach the feet to the bottom of the pine cone using a glue gun. Turn it right side up and you're done! Making owls is so easy and funmade from natural materials!
Use stone as a craft material
What you need for stone crafting:
White mini shells or big goggle eyes
Smooth stones for crafts
All-purpose craft glue or glue gun with glue sticks
Leaf tips – e.g. B. Japanese maple leaves to create the beaks of the owls.
Mod Podge (optional)
How to make the cute owl:
- Step 1 – Clean stones and shells. Make sure the rocks, shells, and other natural materials are clean before using them for this owl craft.
- Step 2 – Glue on eyes. Use mini seashells or large goggle eyes to make eyesto make for the owl. Start by applying glue to the back of each shell or goggle eye. Then glue the eyes onto the stone so that they look like big owl eyes peeking out. If using seashells, stick little goggle eyes in them.
- Step 3 – Glue the beak to the stone craft. You can glue the tip of a small Japanese maple leaf to the stone under the eyes to make a beak for your owl. You can use the end of another plant leaf, another type of shell, a seed to make a beak.
- Step 4 – Apply Mod Podge to the owl (optional). Use a foam brush to apply Mod Podge to seal and protect the owl. This step is optional.