Experiments for primary school at home

The schooling marks a new section in the life of the growing child. In this extremely fruitful development phase, it acquires basic skills and skills for dealing with others, but also with itself as part of society. In addition to the playful action, verbal communication also plays leading role in childhood development between six and ten years. The child could be explained how things work, it remains concentrated and his interest in testing materials and tools increases. It is just the time to draw your attention towards the knowledge and understanding. Unconsciously, experiments for primary school trigger enthusiasm for physics, chemistry and natural science.

In addition to the social conditions thatChildren in the school daysAcquisition - to postpone needs and to solve conflicts with other children and the teachers - are also conveyed a lot of basic content. These represent the basis for the whole further school and training life. And although the curiosity of the children seems to be infinite, adults mostly feel overwhelmed with the constant questions. To ignore them or to deliberately give false answers, depending on the childish psyche, either disappointed or anger and also leads to the fact that the child's inquiry decreases gradually, reports IPZF (Institute for Pedagogy and Future Research) in oneSpecialist articles on children's pedagogy. Give your children the opportunity to satisfy your thirst for knowledge at home.A collection of experiments for primary schoolhelps you to enchant your offspring surprisingly and to further develop the interest in nature, technology and chemistry.


Eggs are very nutritious and healthy. They eat them raw, cooked, fried or fallen and are contained in many dishes. In the shop, chicken eggs in sizes, similar to clothing, are available from S to XL and this basically depends on the breed of the chickens and their age. Eggs are durable for relatively long, especially in the fridge. Although it is labeled on the box how long the eggs can be kept inside, it is very easy to find out yourself. This requires a glass in which the egg can move. This is filled with water up to three quarters and the egg is put in.

The observation:Where is the egg - is it horizontal on the bottom of the glass or does it rise higher? The air bladder in the egg increases over time and drives the egg upwards in the water. If it float almost at the top, you shouldn't use it anymore.

Bubble gas

Sprudel gas is not only found in water bottles or other drinks. The mixture of many powders and tablets with water is also created. Due to this property of the baking powder, for example, the dough opens and when baking there are several blisters that do not let the dough stick together and the bread tastes good. But you can't see the gas, stir and hardly smell, but yetcatch in a balloon. Here are the required materials for realizing this experiments for primary school at home:

  • Bottle
  • Balloon
  • long chopsticks to stir
  • funnel
  • Hefepulver (1 Pack.)
  • Sugar (1 tsp)
  • Flour (4 tl)
  • 100ml warm water
  • Bowl with hot water

Put all dry ingredients in a small bowl and mix with 100ml of warm water. Stir and pour into the bottle using the funnel. Then attach the balloon over the bottle neck. Place the bottle into the large bowl and fill with hot water.

The observation:After a few minutes, the yeast is activated, the liquid in the bottle starts to foam, becomes more and produces a gas (CO2) that inflates the balloon.

Color through chemical reaction

In the past, colors made of natural materials that can be found in the area were placed. Ink, for example, you got when gallops left it with iron or cooked together. The liquid dye can be recognized by its characteristic brown coloring in old documents and books. A similar ink can also be prepared at home with ingredients that can be found in the household:

  • a bag of strong black tea
  • rusty iron nail

Leave the rusty iron nail in diluted hydrochloric acid for a few days until the liquid becomes yellowish. Cook the black tea strongly in a non -full teacup and let cool. Gradually mix the two liquids.

The observation: When it comes, black streaks can be seen that form in tea. This is the actual homemade ink. 

You could also find that interesting:Frozen soap bubbles as a cool experiment in winter

Tinker kaleidoscope and look at the world with different eyes

For many generations, the kaleidoscope has appeared as a visual toy, which fascinates a different perspective through time and again. However, in 1816 it was invented by the Scottish physicist Sir David Brewster during your examination of crystals. However, a very easy time can be made at home. Since it is gluing, cutting out and small particles are involved in the handicraft project, the support of the adult is required.

Required materials:

  • 3 mirror slices or mirror film - 20 x 4cm each and not stronger than 3mm
  • 1 stable cardboard tube - 5cm diameter and 20cm long, (a kitchen roll would also go) optionally one can be tinkered with cardboard
  • Colorful crystals, glass balls, pearls, sequins and etc.
  • black box
  • tape
  • 1 cardboard strip 16 x 5cm
  • Butter bread paper or baking paper
  • Claiming film or transparent paper

Connect the three mirror surfaces so that a triangular column with a mirror side results inwards. Push these columns into the cardboard tube and carefully fix them with adhesive tape so that no adhesive residues are visible. Cut a circle with a diameter of 5cm out of the black box and make a hole with about 1 cm in diameter in it. This circle comes to one side of the tube and the opposite side with a clear film. Form the cardboard strip (15 x 5cm) into a 5cm long tube, so that it fits with the mirror sites. Measure and fix with adhesive tape. Close the lower side of the short tubes generated with butter bread paper, then fill with crystals, glass balls and pearls and then stuck on the transparent side of the large tube. Now the kaleidoscope is finished!

*The use of these instructions is done at their own danger. Please supervise and support your child with the experiments!