Crafting with feathers: craft tips and 13 creative DIY projects

Feathers have always fascinated and inspired people. Because the birds fly, they are a symbol of lightness and are even considered messengers of the afterlife. They have different meanings in different cultures and are also a popular tattoo motif. It is known that the Indians and native Americans in particular not only wore the feather as jewelry, but also used it to honor them. They also had great symbolic power among the ancient Egyptians, Celts, Romans and Buddhists and were considered a sign of holiness. Today, the fluffy pieces are particularly impressive because of their decorative appearance. Delicate, delicate and light, they can be used decoratively and are perfect for imaginative DIY projects. You can find out everything you can make with feathers in this article.

First decorate the feather with colors and glitter

They come in every shape, size and color. You don't have to pluck a bird to get a few. The selection in the craft area is huge. You can choose a suitable type and color depending on your craft work. Craft feathers are perfect for imaginative craft projects such as masks, jewelry making and decorations. Get Easter decorations in no time,Carnival costumes or masksa new whistle.

Ostrich and peacock feathers are particularly popular for various craft projects. They are magnificent and known for their fine, soft texture. This is often used to smartly decorate clothing and jewelry, giving them a special charm. Indian feathers, on the other hand, are long, slender and stable. These are perfect for headdresses, namely those made by the Indians themselves, or other handicrafts where stability is of great importance. Forsmall DIY projectsThere is a wide selection of decorative species such as chinchilla, rooster, goose and marabou feathers.

Depending on the craft project, you can choose feathers of the appropriate size and color. Alternatively, some feathers, especially the white ones, can be colored. It is best to use water-based acrylic paints. Simply apply this to each side with a brush or alternatively spray with suitable spray paint. If you wish, you can cover the whole feather or only part of it with glitter. First spread a bit of transparent glue evenly and then sprinkle glitter over it. Allow the glue to dry completely and then dust off the excess glitter.

Feather dream catcher

Native Americans believed that a dream catcher ensures peaceful sleep and catches nightmares and evil spirits. Whether the Indian cult object really has magical powers is controversial, but a dream catcher is very decorative and is a beautiful decoration for the bedroom. Besides, it's not complicated at all,to make your own dream catcher. Traditionally, beads, feathers and other decorative elements are incorporated into the dream catcher.

DIY glass ball with peacock feather

You can use feathers to make a pretty decoration for any time of the year. You can fill transparent glass balls with them and hang them on the Christmas tree or attach them to a branch for Easter. When choosing balls and springs, their sizes should be coordinated.

Spice up your ballpoint pen

In the past people wrote with goose feathers and ink. Inspired by this laborious craft, you can make a contemporary writing pen by simply attaching a beautiful nib to a traditional ballpoint pen. To keep the pen invisible, you can wrap it with hot glue and a nice decorative ribbon.

This craft project for a type of pen is sure to fascinate the littlest writing enthusiasts. In addition, it is a nice idea for a nice homemade gift.

Decorate Easter eggs with feathers

In everyday life, feathers are primarily associated with chickens, chicks and birds in general. What else is included are the eggs. A great decoration idea for the last minute is to simply decorate the Easter eggs with fine, fluffy feathers. It's best to only choose white eggs and use a little transparent paste to stick the soft feather directly onto them.

Craft with feathers: creatively design gift packaging

To spice up simple gift packaging or to creatively present an original gift, a few colorful, fluffy specimens can be perfectly added. Just attach them at the end when you tie the gift up nicely.

Delicate decoration

With a few fluffy accessories you will be able to transform any object into a real piece of jewelry. This can be used to spice up boring accessories, clothing and shoes and turn them into particularly chic statement pieces in no time. With little effort you can give the simple decoration for a wedding or a girls' party a special touch by adding feathers in a variety of ways. You can rely on delicate nuances such as white, pink or peach and of course lots of glitter.

DIY fashionable jewelry

The feather look is very popular at the moment. We encounter feather patterns, prints and graphic elements or even real ones everywhere. The delicate appearance of the feathers and their variety of shapes, colors and sizes make them particularly suitable for all crafts and especially for DIY jewelry. For feather jewelry, you should first and foremost choose a few great feathers that have an interesting coloring. Peacock feathers perfectly complement an elegant evening look and look very extravagant. Small feathers with contrasting colors, for example black and white or brown and white with dots or stripes, can be tastefully combined with everyday outfits.

Make DIY earrings with peacock feathers

Craft ideas

Make fabric flowers yourself: 30 great ideas and instructions

Fabric flowers are a beautiful alternative to real ones and are perfect for any creative decorative purpose. You can make pretty fabric flowers yourself and use up leftover fabric or old fabric. With little effort you can create romantic hair accessories, jewelry or beautiful decorations for your home.

When making feather jewelry, attaching them is perhaps the most complicated aspect. With a little patience and the help of superglue and crimp beads, you can do it easily. Fix the spring in the crimp bead with a drop of superglue and then flatten it with pliers. Crimp beads are made of metal and can be strung onto wire or nylon cord and closed tightly with pliers. This is how very fine jewelry pieces are attached.

Spice up your clothes and shoes

With feathers you can spice up plain, boring clothes and shoes without much effort and transform them into real eye-catchers. Ostrich feathers are particularly suitable for this. They are light, fine, fluffy and look very elegant. They are not only available individually, but also on a ribbon, sold by the meter or in the form of a feather boa, making them easier to attach.

Spice up your shoes in style

To jazz up shoes with feather accessories, get a feather boa in any color that matches the shoes. You only need two small pieces of the feather boa. You will also need two small craft clips. Now attach the feathers very carefully using hot glue so that no unsightly glue residue remains and spoils the beautiful look.

Spice up jeans with marabou feathers

If you want to spice up plain-colored basic clothing, simply get ostrich feathers on a ribbon. They are available by the meter in different colors and are very easy to sew up. You don't even need a sewing machine and you can simply sew the feather band on the hem on the inside of the respective garment by hand.

In this way you can transform simple jeans, trousers, dresses or tops into real eye-catchers. You just have to be careful when washing it later and avoid putting the feather in the washing machine. Hand washing is recommended here.

Chic accessories for women and men

Beautiful feathers are able to transform any humble accessory into an it-piece. You can instantly spice up your look with just one large feather with a striking color or lavishly decorate one part of the outfit with several small models.

Feathers can also be incorporated into men's wardrobe as notable details and chic accents on special occasions. Here we present a great tuxedo accessory - a classic black bow tie decorated with shimmering dark feathers.