Make window pictures for autumn – 20 ideas and templates

Making window pictures for autumn with children is a good idea for a creative leisure activity. Creativity and imagination can be developed and combined with an outdoor trip to collect materials. Autumn leaves are needed and whole leaves with unusual shapes are desired.

Alternatively, you can also print out and use ready-made templates. We have some of these for you in the photo galleryTemplates with autumnal motifssuch as autumn leaves, mushrooms, hedgehogs, squirrels and others.

Of course you need colors for this. We recommend two variants – relief glass paints or watercolors. A template is required for the relief glass colors. Put them in a transparent sleeve and first paint the contours of the image on the foil with the desired colors. Let this dry and then paint. A toothpick is great for making it easier to distribute the paint. Wait until the paint dries completely and carefully remove the resulting image from the film. Stick it on the window and decorate as you wish.

Our next suggestion would be to paint autumn leaves out of cardboard with watercolor paints. Cut leaves out of cardboard. For this purpose, you can use a ready-made stencil or create your own from a natural leaf. You can then color the stencil in pleasant autumn colors or dissolve some paint in a bowl and dip the paper leaves into the liquid. Here we would like to introduce a trick: To ensure that the color stays on the surface, you can replace the plain water with milk. Try it now!