Bats tinker made of paper, natural materials, etc.

Since autumn and thus Halloween are approaching, it is time to think about suitable decorations that can be implemented together with the whole family on a crafting afternoon. A suitable and very popular motif is the bat that we also want to dedicate this article. Bats can be made from a wide variety of materials. You are guaranteed to be amazed at so many idea. If you want to make a bat, then use one of our instructions and design interesting and likeable Halloween decorations with which you all put them in the right mood.

Are even made of natural materialsBeautiful batsfeasible. This variant is such an example from a pine cone that you can collect in forests and parks. In addition, they use black felt and wobbly eyes. Cut out the wings from the felt. For this purpose, you can first make a stencil made of paper by recording the typical bat wing shape and then cutting out. This allows you to make the bat wings that you stick between the dandruff, i.e. the seeds of the pine cone. Finally, you just have to make bat ears. You get this from simple triangles. Also glue them on the pine cones and finally add the wobbly eyes.

Make chestnuts yourself

AlsoChestnuts are as materialSuitable for the body if you want to make a bat. The result is mini bats that represent a cute decoration. You only have to equip the chestnuts with wings made of cardboard, ears and a face that make them from wobbly eyes and vampire teeth and mouth. If you want, you can also screw an eyelet into the chestnut and use the bats as a trailer for a Halloween bouquet made of branches.

Halloween idea made of paper, clothes pegs and buttons

This idea is no less easy and original, for which you simply need wooden clothes, black craft paper and black buttons. Start with the bat body. To do this, you can leave the natural color of the wood or design the bracket with a black spray color. Then the buttons would no longer come into their own. Then stick the buttons tight. Use spray glue or another. While the glue dries, they deal with the wings. These are cut out quickly and easily from paper, but moss rubber or felt are also wonderfully suitable as materials for this purpose. Glue the bracket onto the wings and you are ready.

Handicrafts with egg boxes

Would you have come up with the idea of ​​using egg boxes for tinkering? Maybe not, the project is particularly easy. You need a number of three cups. The two exterior should represent the wings and therefore also receive jags. The middle cup is in turn the body and head. Spray the egg box with black color. That should be done best outdoors. Alternatively, painting colors can also be used for this purpose. Once the color has dried, there is also wobbly eyes, as well as a band for hanging, which you can attach with a simple zipes.

With balloons for the party

If you want to make a decoration with a bat with which you can design the place of a Halloween party, balloons are super suitable as an element. Simple of paper bat wings are simply provided with a black balloon that is supposed to represent the body and the decoration is ready. Design an interesting accent wall and combine the balloon bats with some simply paper bats. The bats can also be attached to the window panes, where they can also be viewed from the outside.

Tinker out of toilet paper rollers

You can also make bats from toilet paper rollers. The great thing is that the roles can even serve as packaging. Such a bat to Halloween is not only suitable as a decoration, but can also be given away with small surprises inside. In addition, the handicraft idea can be implemented really easily so that your children can also participate if you tinker a bat from toilet paper rollers. However, if you want to use the bats as Halloween decoration, it is best to design fans. You are also welcome to make a bat garland.

The toilet roll is covered with black handicraft paper. To do this, cut out a strip, the width of which matches the length and its length with the diameter of the roll. Glue the paper around the role. Then press the openings inwards to get closures on both sides. Now you can continue with the little elements.Design the wings, stuck them at the clay roll and attach the wobbly eyes on the opposite side.

However, the roles do not necessarily have to be disguised. Use your natural color, you can be used to paint funny faces, which would certainly enjoy children. Neither do both openings have to be closed. Instead, leave a page open to be able to set up the characters. The locked side also forms the ears so that you do not have to make it extra.

Make wool

You can use wool in the form of bombs if you want to make a bat. TheDecorateThen only with bat wings, ears and eyes. Especially when you buy the bums finished, it is a very fast handicraft project. But that does not mean that you cannot make any number of bombs yourself in order to obtain the desired colors. Several wool threads can also be combined, so that colorful bombs arise. However, if you want the bats classically gray or black, this is of course also allowed.

Origami bat tinker with children

Origamis are popular handicraft projects, as no special materials are required in addition to paper and your own fingers. In addition, children quickly notice the individual steps and then have a special fun handicraft. You can find out how you can fold a bat in the link at the end of the article. You will see that the origami instructions are easy to imitate, even if the bat looks rather complicated at first glance. You can not only use the finished bats as a table decoration, but also for garlands or as a wall decoration. Windows with them can also be adorned with Halloween.

Origami instructionshere.