Chestnuts can be found everywhere in autumn - in the park, in the forest, and on the streets. The fruits of these wild plant species can not only be eaten, but also used for various purposes such as DIY. Did you know, for example, that chestnuts can protect your wardrobe or wool fabrics from moths? The small children would certainly have fun doing creative crafts with chestnuts.
It's not just for the kids. With a table decorated in this way, you can add autumn leaves, dry plants and maybe somedecorative little pumpkinsAdd, you can surely impress guests and family. Freshly collected pieces can be easily pierced using an awl and tied together as a chain or wreath. However, they are also generously laid out to prevent moths in the wardrobe. On the other hand, it is a nice activity for the little ones when they collect the balls in autumn. These make great figures in the form of animals, little men or other crafts. Here you will find three simple instructions aimed at young and old.
Use an awl to poke holes for the animals' feet. Prepare the heads of the figures - glue the eyes made of small, white circles with a black dot in the middle.
* You can find detailed instructions for this DIY projecthere
For this craft project you will need toothpicks, an awl, chestnuts, the dry shell of beechnuts and raffia.
Make holes with regular spacing between them and insert the toothpicks into them. Wrap the raffia around it as shown in the picture. Cut out the spider legs from paper. Decorate as desired.
* You can find detailed instructions for this DIY projecthere