Folding money as a heart – 3 instructions and different ideas

Gifts of money are usually very popular at weddings, but birthday children also look forward to them. So that your gift of money doesn't seem too impersonal, you could fold the banknotes creatively. There are different shapes to choose from - dress, shirt, flower, butterfly, fish and of course heart. The heart has one of the simplest shapes that can be easily made out of paper. Today we will show you a few simple instructions on how to fold money into a heart, which are also suitable for beginners in the art of origami. The professionals can try out the 3D heart folding technique.

This not only requires a bank note, but also some time and patience. If you have already chosen a heart design, it would be better if you try it with paper first. This is especially recommended if you are a beginner in the art of origami. With a few exercises you can master the folding technique.

This guide is very simple and is suitable even for beginners. Place a 10 euro bill as smooth as possible in front of you. Fold the banknote once across the middle - the right edge on the left edge. Open the banknote again and place it so that the sharp folded edge points upwards. Then fold each of the two resulting halves in half again.

Turn the bill over. Fold the outer ends up to reveal the top of the heart. Now fold the top edge down. Open the outer ends at the fold line and smooth them inwards. Finally round the edges inwards.

This is what your money heart should look like now. You can use it to spice up various gifts as well as bouquets and cards. The bigger the bill, the bigger your heart will be.

If you dare to try out the slightly more complicated folding technique with a 3D effect, you can also attach a small coin to the money heart.

If you have already mastered the first simple folding technique, then you might want a new challenge. Here it is – the origami heart with 3D effect.

If you want to make a money gift for children, then check out this idea - a ring made from a banknote with a heart. Unfortunately, the banknotes are not big enough for an adult's fingers, but they would definitely fit a child.

There are also two options for this. Cut a piece of paper the same size as the bill you want to give as a gift and try it out until you are happy with the result. Have fun!

A few ideas for Christmascan be found here.