We'll show you 26 creative ideas for masks made of paper or felt - you can also make these fun designs yourself! A mask will complete the children's carnival costume - and they will definitely be happy about it.
Small children between the ages of 3 and 6 will definitely enjoy funny Halloween masks. The most important advantage of half masks is that they are comfortable to wear and children often don't even need oneNeed a costume for it. You can cut these out of colored paper or felt, then glue the individual parts together with glue and, if desired, spray them with glitter stones or glitter spray at the end. Our tip – let the children join in – for example, cut out the mask from white cardboard and the little ones can then paint it. And if you prepare a mask for yourself too, then family fun is guaranteed!
Make your own cute kittens out of disposable plates
Cute and original ideas for toddlers include animals such as rabbits, cats, lions, pandas, bears and various birds.
Pumpkin masks have also been growing in popularity in recent years. While the boys would rather dress up as pirates or cowboys and Indians, the little girls love long skirts and beautiful princess masks. Also cute – clowns and Vikings.
Make a fox out of felt
Black and white cat for the girls
Go to the masquerade ball
Knight or Viking is always a good idea
A little pirate
Instead of Little Red Riding Hood, the Big Bad Wolf
Clown mask for boys
Little princess with the matching mask
The girls also like comics and superheroes
You can cut the mask out of felt or colorful paper
Numerous templates can be found on the Internet
Cute mask for little girls - koala with fluffy ears
Anyone can make their own bunny out of cardboard
Paper flamingo
Toddlers love the bunny masks
These sweet versions are made from egg carton