The bed bug plague in France makes us think and perhaps also a little worried. If a plague of bed bugs is possible in Paris, then it is also possible here in Germany. But what exactly promotes the spread of these parasites and can bed bugs be prevented?
Where do they actually come from, can they be passed on to others and what can you do about the annoying bugs? Before you resort to remedies, you should first make sure that your rash is actually a bed bug bite and not, for example, a mosquito bite.
What do bed bugs look like?
As you can guess, they call themselves “bugs” for a reason. They have the flattened shell typical of these insects. They are also brownish in color.
Can you see bed bugs?
Depending on gender, they reach a size of 4 to 8.5 mm and are therefore theoretically easily visible to the naked eye. In most cases, an infestation cannot be recognized straight away, as the small, blood-sucking parasites are true hiding artists.
How do I recognize an infestation?
Bed bugs hide during the day and only crawl out of their hiding place at night in search of food.Recognize bed bugsThey usually only appear after a long period of time and/or when feces or blood spots become visible. If the infestation is severe, the animals can also be discovered while crawling or you can notice them by the sweet smell in the room, which is reminiscent of almonds and is not noticeable in light infestations. Also, if you get a rash from bed bug bites, that is a sign (but it can also have other origins).
Do you get a rash from the bloodsuckers?
You will recognize the infestation at the latest when you notice bed bug bites. But how do you know whether it's flea bites, mosquito bites or bed bug bites? What do bed bug bites look like?
First of all, it should be said that individual stings usually go unnoticed and do not cause any symptoms. However, if these accumulate, the skin will react sooner or later and usually only a few days after the actual bite. In addition, the symptoms can be different for everyone, which is why they cannot necessarily be diagnosed as such. Redness of various types usually appears in rows, but sometimes also sporadically.
Are bed bugs dangerous?
As with all blood-sucking parasites and insects, there is always some risk of disease transmission. However, there is currently no evidence of these bugs and the fact that infestations are fairly rare makes the risk even lower. Scratching the itchy bites is more dangerous, as this promotes infection. So when treating bed bug bites, it's more important to do something about the itching.
Are the parasites transmissible?
How do you get bed bugs? Are they transferable? TheTransmission of bed bugsis not only possible, but also the most common reason for an infestation. Used pieces of furniture and other items such as suitcases or even books and picture frames can be infected and therefore brought into your own four walls. If the bed bug infestation is particularly severe, the animals will move on on their own.
Do bed bugs stay on your body?You usually don't need to worry about this. After sucking blood, they retreat back to their hiding place. An exception may exist if the infestation in the home is very severe.
How can you prevent bed bugs?
Now that you know where bed bugs come from, it should be clear that you should check the items mentioned above before bringing them into the house. Pay particular attention to traces of feces.Especially in hotelsInfestations are not uncommon. To prevent bed bugs, check the room (edges and seams of the mattress, bed, electrical outlets) when checking in and ask to be moved if you notice anything. But even if there don't appear to be any bedbugs, avoid storing the suitcase near the bed. Most hotel rooms have special shelves for suitcases. Use this because it makes it much more difficult for parasites to nest in your pockets.
Do bed bugs come from uncleanliness?
As with lice and fleas, an infestation makes you feel somehow unclean. Am I maintaining poor hygiene? Don't worry, a bed bug infestation is not a sign of uncleanliness, but can occur even in the most sterile homes.
Also read:Fruit flies in the apartment: Which home remedies help against small fruit flies at home!
Prevent bed bugs with simple routines
Protect the bed:
- Leave a gap between the bed and the wall.
- Wrap tape around the bed legs (sticky side up) to keep the bugs from climbing up.
- Textiles should not touch the floor and should be changed and washed regularly. Always inspect the mattress!
- Change the mattress every five to eight years.
- Use a removable cover that you can wash regularly. Consider a second one to change.
What else you can do:
- Check the front door regularly for vermin.
- Vacuum the bedroom regularly and, above all, thoroughly.
- Oneno animals from vacationTo bring in, wash your clothes immediately afterwards.
- Clean the suitcase.
- Examine and clean used goods thoroughly.
Which means are effective? You can do that!
In general, these pests are very robust and resilient, can survive for long periods without food and also multiply very quickly. The safest option with which youFight bed bugscan, is a pest controller, as the Federal Environment Agency also recommends. However, if you still want to try home remedies for bed bugs, here are some things you can do:
- Avoid using harmful insecticides to avoid endangering your own health. Many remedies against bed bugs are no longer effective because the animals have developed resistance.
- Heat treatment can be successful for textiles and suitcases if a minimum temperature of 60 degrees is maintained. It is best to use a steam cleaner. An iron with a steam function can also be useful. In summer you can take advantage of the blazing sun.
- Bed bugs die if temperatures are too low, and this even applies to their eggs and larvae. Items that are not too large can therefore go in the freezer. Be sure to pack them in plastic bags beforehand and then dispose of them afterwards. The infected items remain in the freezer at a temperature of no more than minus 18 degrees for at least 3 days.
- Objects and textiles that you want to dispose of due to the infestation should also be treated beforehand to prevent it from spreading.
How else can you get rid of bed bugs?
- If you value home remedies, you can try scents. What smell drives away bed bugs? Use essential oils with a strong character such as mint oil, clove oil or lavender oil. These are also suitable in the form of candles or scented sachets for cupboards. This is also suitable as a preventive measure.
- All preventative measures are also suitable for combating it.
Further information can be obtained from the Federal Environment Agency