Some don't feel ready to welcome autumn any time soon, others can't wait for its bright colors and pleasant freshness. With a fewthemed craftsand DIY projects can get you in the right mood. Today we have a few wonderful ideas on how you can make autumn arrangements yourself to decorate the dining table or other areas such as the mantel, side table or coffee table.
Make your own autumn arrangements – pyramid made of baskets
Autumn arrangements for the tableThere are plenty of things to buy, but homemade is and remains the best, isn't it? That's why we're also providing you with instructions on how to make autumn arrangements and we'll start with an idea for stacking pretty baskets. This autumnal pyramid can be varied to suit your ideas. You can make the example model yourself with the following things for autumn arrangements:
- 3 baskets in different sizes and shapes (1 small rectangular, 1 medium round and 1 large square)
- Floral foam
- 3 different types of artificial greenery (e.g. ivy, fir green, blades of grass)
- Pine cones and walnuts
- Candle in a glass (not too big, has to fit on the top of the pyramid)
- artificial wheat ears
- small decorative pumpkins or artificial mini pumpkins
- Wooden shish kebab skewers
- Blumendraht
If you would like to make such autumn arrangements yourself, you must first cut the floral foam into the required size. However, you must leave a hole in the middle of the smallest and highest basket into which the candle fits. Once you have filled the baskets, place another piece of floral foam on the bottom and middle basket. This way the baskets will be slightly elevated. Stick them in place with shish kebab skewers that you shorten slightly or with toothpicks. Then place the baskets onto these skewers to create a stable pyramid. Simply break off any skewers that are still visible afterwards.
Place the candle in the hole provided. Then you can start plugging. First, wrap the ivy around the baskets. The best way to do this is to cut it into longer pieces and then stick it into the foam or fix it with hot glue. Then distribute more greens, which you can always cut into the desired size. Try covering the floral foam with the greenery.
You can then fill in any gaps with the cones and pumpkins. To do this, tie toothpicks or broken kebab skewers with the floral wireto the conesand stick them into the foam. Insert the skewers directly into the pumpkins so that they stick out a little at the bottom and then insert them here and there into the arrangement. Now distribute a few more ears of wheat. Complete!
Autumn arrangements in a glass
You still have ita pretty glass containerthat you don't really know what to do with? Perfect if you want to make your own autumn arrangements! We'll show you an example of an autumnal arrangement that you can create in any glass container. You need:
- Glass container
- Floral foam
- artificial moss
- Ornamental or artificial pumpkins
- other autumnal decorative elements (e.g. garland with berries in autumn colors, ivy, cones, etc.)
- optional stones, fairy lights
- Hot glue
Cut a piece of floral foam (or several smaller pieces) and wrap it with the moss. You can stick the moss to the foam with hot glue. Make sure to cover the sides too as these will be visible in the jar. Then place the floral foam covered with moss in the glass and spread all the other decorations over it. In the middlearrange the pumpkins, around it maybe some stones or the berry garland. You can take out, swap and replace decorations every now and then. Just experiment until you are happy with the arrangement.
Autumn arrangements with pumpkin
The pumpkin is without question one of the most popular and typical motifs for autumn. That's why it's a great material if you want to make your own autumn arrangements. You can use both an artificial one by cutting off its top and hollowing out a real pumpkin. Both versions are also wonderful for outside or even when making autumn arrangementsmake your own for graveswant.
- pumpkin
- Floral foam
- Louisiana moss or artificial moss
- artificial, real or dried flowers and any other plant parts for sticking
- Hot glue
Cut off the top of the pumpkin with a sharp knife and, if using a real pumpkin, hollow out the pumpkin. Then cut floral foam and stack several pieces on top of each other in the pumpkin until the stack ends slightly above the edge of the pumpkin. We recommend securing the foam pieces with hot glue to make the arrangement more stable. Then spread the moss in the area between the edge of the pumpkin and the floral foam. Now you can start putting together and make any autumn arrangements yourself. It is best to use typical autumn flowers or those in autumn colors.Dried flowers, for example, are very suitable, popular and durable.
Make your own autumn arrangements for the table with a flower list
You have already noticed the basic idea for putting together arrangements based on the instructions above. Using this principle, i.e. using floral foam, any container and matching flowers and plant parts, you can make a wide variety of autumn arrangements yourself. Don't you think the example in the picture above is very impressive and romantic? How about making such lush autumn arrangements yourself and using them to decorate the autumn table? Ideal if you have autumn arrangementswith hydrangeaswant to do. We give you a list of the types of flowers used:
- 3 red hydrangeas
- 2 red peonies
- 15-20 marigolds
- 8-10 dark red roses
- 10-15 red cockscomb
- 5-10 yellow celosia
- 1 bouquet of silver-colored groundsel
- 1 bouquet of eucalyptus with berries
- 5 orange Löwenmaul
- 1 bouquet of dried eucalyptus
- 1 bouquet of anydried plants