Autumn decoration with hydrangeas: This is how you can decorate your home for autumn

Autumn is here again and it's high time to put the summer decorations in the boxes. If you still need some inspiration for this year's fall decorations, then you've found it with us. We have collected a variety of ideas for beautiful autumn decorations with hydrangeas that will transform your home into a dreamy flower paradise. Whether a decorative door wreath, pretty table decorations or magnificent floral arrangements, only your creativity decides.

Autumn decoration with a difference – with fresh and dried flowers

Hydrangeas are one of themost beautiful summer flowersand enchant with their delicate, fluffy flower umbels. They bloom from early July to August, some species even until September. The inflorescences wilt slowly and look extremely decorative even after the flowering period. They initially turn a pale green, which in most varieties turns into reddish tones by autumn.

If you want to integrate the beautiful flowers of hydrangeas into your autumn decorations at home, you can choose between two variants. You can either dry the flower bushes or buy artificial flowers from the craft store. The first option for decoration looks more natural, but the second is much longer lasting and can easily be used next year.

The spherical flowers of the hydrangea are perfect for a decoration with rural charm. In contrast to the summer decoration, which is primarily characterized by fresh colors, the autumn decoration with hydrangeas comes in light green to brownish shades. They convey a nostalgic flair in the interior and can be beautifully complemented by other dried flowers and shrubs. Below we have manyIdeas for fall decorationscollected that put the popular flowers in the spotlight.

How to dry hydrangeas?

If you would like to tinker with the beautiful umbels of the hydrangeas and create original autumn decorations, you can dry them in advance. This can be done in different ways, although hanging is perhaps the most effective option. In this way, the flowers slowly dry and turn beautiful shades. However, if you want to keep the original color of the flower, you can use glycerin. This way you can preserve the summery charm of the popular flowers.

The first step is to cut out the flower along with the stem (approx. 20 centimeters). This should happen when it is at its most beautiful, i.e. shortly after the peak of flowering. Then you can choose between the following three methods:

1. Method:Place the flowers together with the stem in a glass vase with water. No more refilling with water so that the flowers dry out completely. This way they don't wilt but dry evenly. The disadvantage is that the flowers usually lose their color, but this can actually be an advantage for a beautiful autumn decoration.

2. Method:The procedure is almost the same as the first method. To ensure that the color is retained, you should add some glycerin to the water in a 1:2 ratio.

3. Method:Tie the stems with the flowers towards the ground on a string and hang them up. Allow the hydrangeas to dry out in a dark, airy place. The process takes approximately 2 to 3 weeks. Afterwards, however, you should be careful with the dried flowers because they usually become more brittle.

Make your own door wreath

And what could a fall decoration actually look like? The options are of course diverse and you can decide for yourself which of them you want to use at home. Anyone who decorates their apartment or house for autumn usually starts with thisDecoration for the entrance to the houseto. You can make the entrance area more inviting and friendly by decorating the door with an autumnal wreath. Below you will find a simple DIY project, as well as some great ideas to imitate, which you can use as inspiration for your own door wreath.

Make a simple door wreath yourself

For this project you will need the following materials:

a wreath of vines
artificial leaves, multi-stemmed
1-3 stems of artificial hydrangea flowers in autumn colors
Wire cutters
Hot glue gun

1. First divide the artificial leaves into individual branches using wire pliers.

2. Now bend the trunks a little and weave them into the vine wreath.

3. Cut the artificial hydrangeas close to the flower ball and add some hot glue to the trunk.

4. Glue the flower between the branches of the wreath and hold for a few seconds until the glue dries.

5. If desired, decorate the entire wreath or just part of it using this method. Hang the finished door wreath on the door.

Table decoration with hydrangeas

One of the most beautiful elements of decoration is the table decoration. Whether for a party or simply for more atmosphere in the living room, the table decoration creates a very special atmosphere in the room. You can choose between a large centerpiece in the middle of the table or several small decorations all over the table.

The hydrangeas in combination with other flowers and natural materials are simply perfect for autumn table decorations. You can make various flower arrangements and arrangements yourself and thus give the interior an autumnal touch.

For a beautiful autumn decoration with hydrangeas for the table, the spherical flowers can also be combined with other flowers and plants. A classic partner for the hydrangea bouquet is the rose.

DIY Pumpkin Copper

You can make a simple centerpiece for the autumn table decoration yourself without much effort. Below we present a great idea on how to make a vase out of pumpkin and arrange it beautifully with hydrangeas.

What you need:

a small decorative pumpkin, e.g. B. white
Hydrangea flowers
green twigs, e.g. B. Eucalyptus leaves

1. Cut out and remove the area around the pumpkin stem with a sharp knife.

2. Spoon out the pumpkin seeds.

3. Fill the pumpkin with water or put a piece of sponge inside.

4. Finally, arrange the hydrangeas and other plants in the pumpkin. Complete.

Make your own table decorations for a party or wedding in autumn

Here you will find another idea for autumn decorations with hydrangeas in which you do not cut the pumpkin and insert the flower balls into a floral sponge around it.

Decorate the mantel

The dried hydrangea flowers can still be seenon the mantelvery decorative. They are best displayed in vases made of glass or porcelain and look particularly good both alone and in combination with other autumn flowers and motifs.

Wonderful ideas for home decoration

Have you already decided to spice up this year's fall decorations with hydrangeas? In the following pictures you can collect some inspiration for beautiful decoration inside and outside. We hope you enjoy browsing!