Working with children: 14 ideas for woodworking and simple instructions

Teach children pyrography

Another interesting opportunity for creative design is the ancient craft of pyrography. Older children can try out this technique and burn beautiful designs on the wooden surface. Using an electric burning rod (similar to a soldering iron), motifs can be charred in places and thus blackened.

The motif can be drawn on the wooden board with a pencil or applied using carbon paper. Place your design on the carbon paper and trace the outline with a firm-tipped pen.

Burn a motif onto the wooden surface

Ideally, objects made from untreated wood should be used. If the surface is painted, it should be stripped as the fumes produced during the charring of the wood are harmful to health. Connect the fuel rod to power and wait until the tip turns red. Adjust the temperature to the wood used. If too strong, the wood turns black too quickly and smokes. Heat that is too low would not leave enough of a mark.

There are all kinds of tips for the fuel rod, but for beginners the universal tip is enough. With it you can make lines, curves, points and almost anything. The tip is usually held between the thumb and index finger like a pen. To get color nuances, you can also play with different temperature settings.