Passionate cat lovers and owners know that cats are happy to be busy and are happy about variety in everyday life. For a house tiger, playing is a replacement for hunting outdoors. In addition, playing with your own cat is an exciting activity not only for your pet. Play the connection to the velvet paw. You don't always have to buy expensive toys from the pet shop for your animal roommate. Crafting cat toys yourself is an excellent idea, not only because it is cheaper, but because you can respond to the needs and preferences of your velvet paw. In the following we give you suggestions, tips and great handicrafts for homemade cat toys.
Tinker cat toys yourself - provide enough game stimuli against boredom
In addition to the species -appropriate food and a lot of movement, the demanding four -legged friends need some challenges so that they are satisfied and are not bored. Your kitty is undoubtedly a little personality with a own character. For example, there are playful cats who see a potential toy in almost every object. You definitely need enough game stimuli. Make different games from your cat. For example, tinker a snap game. Does your kitty love love or do you like different small objects? When designing game fishing, you can respond to the taste of your animal.
Catslaw after the preferences of your cat
Take a cord or band for the cat fishing and knot at one end of a rod. If you want, you can also fix the band with a little tape. There is a huge selection of cords in the spa -like department. Just try what your cat likes. Some find the light, very movable cords very much, others depart on heavy cords that meander over the floor. Feathers of all kinds, big buttons and pearls, surprise eggs that they fill with rattling objects, as well as small soft toys, are an attractive prey for their cat that she likes to chase. When choosing, you can let off steam really creatively! Don't forget that your domestic cat always has to win the game. If she does not make prey, she quickly loses the fun playing.
With valerian and catnip
Another type of cat are the cuddly cats. You need extensive cuddly units and appreciate fluffy plush toys and cuddling blankets. You are also welcome to offer such a cat a valerian or mint bag. The fragrant toy has a slightly intoxicating effect that increases the game interest and activity of your cat. With its magical force, the catnip lines her house tiger again. Just get dried catnip or valerian root and mix the herbs with sheep's wool, spelled sprout or rice. Put the fragrant mixture in an organza bag or an old sock that you knot well. If you like, you are welcome to make a combined cat toy yourself. In the picture above you can see a simple and great handicraft project. Fill an empty plastic can with catnip and put an end from a tape into the can. Then close the container with tape. Now you can form a toy of your choice at the other rope end.
Crafts the mouse prey yourself as a cat toy
Tinker a typical prey for your animal friend, such as a mouse or a bird. Every cat will try to hunt such prey. To make a mouse, you need two large pompom, which you stick together with an non -toxic glue. Take a gray piece of fabric, fold it together and cut out a tear shape. Put the glued pompom on the fabric and fold it. A loop or thin cord serves as a tail. Now all you have to do is glue the fabric together from all sides and paint the mouse eyes. Various toys can be designed from empty toilet paper rollers.
For example, you can press an empty toilet paper roll on one side between your fingers so that a pointed shape is created. Take a thicker thread and wrap the paper roll. You can also make great cat toys from a cardboard box. Cut out five of the same size circles in four different sizes from the cardboard box. Add a thread and knot a wooden bead. Then thread every 5 circles from any size with the smallest. The desired mouse shape creates the different sizes with a small difference. You are also welcome to cut out your ears with a cardboard circuit. Finally, knot another wooden pearl.
Offer treats in a playful way
There is another cat type, which is rather reluctant to move and actually only likes to move from his cozy place when something is offered to eat. But not only the Garfield cat that is so genetant loves treats. If you would like to encourage your animal roommate to move, you don't just give the dry food that way, but challenge the cat a little. The animal has to make a difference to get to the treats. From many household items you can easily and without effort you can make perfect cat toys yourself. You can create a snack roll for your pet from an empty kitchen paper roll or from an empty chips packaging with a lid.
Cut some openings into the paper roll. Make the slots so big that the treats fit through, but don't fall out too easily. Glue the roll with wrapping paper and gently sting into the small openings. You can reinforce the edges of the slots with Tesafilm. Place the lid on the roll and fill the homemade toys with dry food. Place the roll on the floor and move it lightly so that your cat hears that there is something inside. When your cat plays with the role, she will always sneak up, which gradually falls. If you don't find time to make yourself, you can fill a small, empty plastic bottle with dry food for the same purposes and leave it open without a lid.
Empty shoe boxes or handkerchief boxes are also suitable for “pods”. The handkerchief boxes only have to be embellished. The dimensions of the elongated slot fit perfectly for the treats and the small cat paws. If you want to design a larger play box from a shoe box, you first have to stick the box and cut several holes into the lid and the sides of the box. The holes have to be potted so that your cat can easily get on the food. You are welcome to cut several toilet paper or kitchen paper rolls in different lengths and glue you more. Fill the individual tubes with a coveted treat and let your kitty fishing the reward yourself. You can provide a larger box with several openings and also hide toys there.
Scratch toys for cats
If your velvet paw is rather reserved and is happy to crawl, you can offer her a great retreat. Use a larger box that your front door can go into. Attach a hanging toy to the ceiling of the box. So your little roommate can hide and play. If you are cat owners who like to go out your claws, a scratch or a scratch board is just the right toy for you. Of course, you can design a cat tree in different shapes and sizes and, if desired, provide it with other interesting elements, such as hanging toys or a hammock.
Make attractive fiddling board for cats yourself
The self-made cat games not only demand the general well-being of their favorite pet, but also their intelligence. One of the toys that the cat stimulates thinking is the cat fumbling board, which was invented by Helena Dbalý in Switzerland. Even without a manual skill, you can make a unical cat fuming board for your kitty. Your roommate on four paws likes to folle by nature. The animals in nature do not get their food directly on the plate. With various household funds and with a little skill, you can conjure up such a fiddling board at home, where your sweetheart can really let off steam.
For this great handicraft project you need a wooden board on which you stick to different “fiddling attachments”. Use an adhesive without solvent to glue. There are no limits to creativity. Attach empty toilet paper rolls, egg boxes, tea packaging or empty yoghurt cup. You can treat both the cat fuming board and the cardboard parts with saliva-resistant lacquer, making them durable. The empty, yellow eggs from the child surprise, the inner life of chocolate boxes, as well as parts of unused tubes from the sanitary area, are suitable as building blocks for the fiddling board.
Ideal modules are curtain rods and rings. If you would like to equip the self -made fiddling board with a vole module, pine cones, large acorns, mussels, snail shells, stones and branches will serve you well. Coconut shells and bamboo tubes are a perfect building material. If you have randomly old and unusable toys at home, you can enrich other modules with lego -blocks, wooden blocks or large playing murmurs. Order all objects with the necessary distance so that the cat does not clamp with the paws. Soon you will be surprised which unimagined skills your sweet cat only get through little practice.
Pay attention to the safety of your pet
The most important thing is that your pet does not hurt. Make sure that you use natural and non -toxic materials and recognize injury traps from the outset. Unsuitable materials are glass, rubber, plastic bags, cotton wool and brittle plastic parts. Take care that your house tiger cannot pass into cords or that components swallowed off the toy.