Learning is such a thing with children... dry learning material is simply boring, regardless of age. It becomes more of a chore than fun to practice what you've learned. But with a little creativity you can change that and often using simple, everyday materials is ideal for creating interesting onesGames for learningto create. The same goes for the clothespins, for example. Everyone probably has them at home, so take them out of the closet or clothesline and make the following educational games for children with clothespins.
Learning colors for children under 3
The different colors are one of the first things you usually teach your child. If you have already done this, you can practice and illustrate the whole thing by playing educational games for childrencraft with clothespins. A piece of cardboard on which you draw a few colored spots along the edge, as well as clips in the respective colors - that's all you need. Use colored plastic clothespins or, for the children, take wooden clothespins and paint them or stick colored glue dots in the respective colors.
The children now have to match the matching colors by clipping a clothespin to a point/spot. They should also say out loud what color it is. Such games and exercises with clothespins are ideal for kindergarten, but also for rainy days that you have to spend at home. The children play with clothespins, but at the same time they learn through play.
Educational games for children ages 3 and up or in preschool
Or how about learning numbers with clothespins? There are two variants of this type of learning games for children. Which one is best depends on your child's age and learning progress. If the little ones have only learned to count so far, create a children's clothespin game with simple dots, for example:
- Take a piece of cardboard and draw dots along the edge corresponding to each number you have learned so far.
- Draw the same dots on the clothespins (or on small pieces of paper that you then stick on the pegs).
- The child now has to assign the points correctly and count out loud.
For children who can already read numbers:
- Here too, draw the dots on a piece of cardboard or cardboard.
- Write the respective numbers on the brackets.
- The child counts the points and assigns the correct clothespin.
Clothespin games for children in elementary school
Idea for children who are already learning to read and write
If you make games for children with clothespins, you can not only make numbers, but also the onesPractice letters wonderfully. Perfect for preschool or elementary school children. The principle is the same: the correct letters must be assigned. For starters, the game can be designed so that only individual letters need to be matched. Whole words can then be put together later.
With stickers you can make this version for children with clothespins. Write a letter on a popsicle stick or a strip of cardboard. Stick stickers with different objects on the clothespins. The children then assign the motifs on the brackets to the respective letter. For example, the letter “B” comes with motifs whose names begin with this letter, such as ball, bear, banana, blue, etc.
Educational games for children with clothespins - so you can practice arithmetic
Write a math problem on a strip or popsicle stick. The numbers from 0 to 9 are placed on the clothespins, preferably in duplicate so that the individual numbers can be combined later. You've probably already guessed what follows for this variant of educational games for children: the children record the result behind the arithmetic problem. You can do thatWooden popsicle sticksor label strips on both sides to get more calculation problems. Or you can write the correct answer on the back so that the child can then check their own answer.
If you would like to make the task a little easier, you can also give three possible answers to choose from under the equation, whereby the child clips the clothespin to the correct answer.
Make games diverse
You can design these learning games for children in any way you like. From the cardboard or cardboard mentioned above to laminated variants, you can let your creativity run wild. Depending on how you design the games, even the children can help out. If the children also do crafts with clothespins, they will have additional fun learning later. By the way, the laminated version is very practical for games with clothespins in kindergarten, where the game is used for a long time and should therefore be more durable.
In addition to cardboard, you can also use other things that you have on hand when youGames for the childrencrafting with clothespins. For example, simple cups, popsicle sticks and paper plates can be used to create clothespin games for children. It would also be a good idea to adapt the motifs to the season or other occasions. For example, you can integrate bunnies and Easter eggs at Easter timesnowflakes in winter. Dinosaurs are also very popular with children. All such details make the educational games more interesting for children.
Paint popsicle sticks and small wooden clothespins
Learn playfully with children in daycare and primary school