Techniques for painting with shaving foam

New ways to do crafts or get creative are constantly being discovered and often no special materials are needed, but rather simple things from everyday life. If you are looking for interesting ideas for your kids to try out to keep them busy on a rainy day, today's might be just the thing for you. All you have to do is steal the cosmetic product from Dad's bathroom cabinet and get some paint and you're ready to go. With these two basic materials you can create beautiful shaving foam pictures. And since there's a lot of finger work and manipulation involved, it's particularly fun for the little ones. Sounds interesting and promising, don't you think? Then don't wait any longer, start painting pictures with shaving foam right away. Or are you a teacher and looking for ideas to keep your kindergarten children busy? Then you can do that in kindergarten too!

How can you paint with shaving cream?

In principle, there are two different ways you can paint pictures with shaving foam, which we would also like to introduce to you in this article. You decide for yourself which of the two techniques you would like to try out. Of course, you can also try both out. The first technique involves literally painting, which can be done with the hands and fingers as well as the classic brush. The second variant createsa beautiful marble effect, which is then transferred to paper or cardboard. You can find out exactly how this works below. The second technique allows you to create interesting motifs using stencils. This is more complicated and involved than the other two ideas, making it more suitable for adults or older children. You will also find instructions in the video below.