Crochet a hat – crochet tips and instructions for beginners

A winter hat must not only be functional, but also beautiful and match your personal style. Have you ever noticed the crochet hats? You can crochet it yourself easily and according to your own taste. Even if you've never knitted or crocheted before, it's not difficult at all to learn. You don't need any special knowledge for this and it's also a great way to pass the time. The hat may not be perfect at first, but don't be discouraged. Practice makes perfect. Below we present helpful tips and basic instructions for crocheting a hat. After you've already made one or two plain colored hats, you can try out other color combinations and add a pom-pom if you like.

Necessary accessories

Everything you need to crochet a hat can be found in a wool shop or ordered online: wool of any quality and color, a suitable crochet hook, a sewing needle for sewing the threads and a small pair of scissors. For a winter hat and other winter products such as scarves, gloves and blankets, a knitting yarn with wool content is best suited. Merino wool is processed with polyacrylic (usually 30% to 70% or 50% to 50%) into a yarn. It is characterized by good workability and high quality. Wool yarn is suitable for crochet hooks 6.00 mm - 10.00 mm and can be washed gently at 30 degrees. A 6.0 crochet hook is considered universal. The stronger the needle is, the thicker the knitting wool can be. If you have coarse mesh or loosestricken will, use a crochet hook number 9 or 10.

For a medium-sized head circumference (52-60 cm) you will need around 150 g of crochet yarn. Do you want the homemade one?Complete the hat with a pompom, you need 50 g of yarn. Depending on whether you crochet too tightly or too loosely, the information for the number of stitches in the instructions and what you need may varyYarnvary in the instructions. Therefore, it is always recommended to do a swatch test first. You crochet a square with a height and width of 10 cm. Do these stitches and rows match the information in the instructionstogether, then you can rely on it one hundred percent. Otherwise you have to adapt the way you work. To make a simple crochet hat model yourself, it takes between 1.5 and 3 hours for beginners. Another 30 minutes are needed to make a pompom. If you have never knitted or crocheted before, you need to learn a few terms and basic stitches beforehand.

Crochet hat for beginners: hand position

Have you never crocheted? Then you may have no idea how to hold the crochet hook and thread. Right-handed people usually hold the crochet hook in their right hand, and left-handed people - in their left. There are two ways to hold the crochet hook: from below like a pen or from above like a cutting knife. The thread is wrapped around the index finger of the other hand once or twice and guided like this. The tension on the thread or when crocheting must be even so that the stitches are nice and even.

Crocheting is one of the simplest handcrafting techniques. In contrast to knitting, when crocheting there is always only one loop over the needle and handling is easier. A chain of chain stitches serves as the basis of a crochet piece. When crocheting a hat, it is shaped into a round shape and then crocheted in the round by increasing stitches evenly until a circle is created that is as large as the circumference of the head. Then you don't increase any more stitches, but continue crocheting untilthe hatbecomes big enough.

Chain stitch

The basis for every single crochet stitch that is later crocheted is a chain stitch. First, a loop is not tied too tightly around the crochet hook. For the first chain stitch, move the needle from left to right around the thread and it should then be placed over the needle. This is called an envelope. Now pull the thread through the initial loop and a v-shaped loop is formed, which is actually the first chain stitch. For another chain stitch, the thread is picked up with a new yarn over and pulled through the existing loop on the needle.

Single crochet stitch

A crochet piece begins with an appropriate number of chain stitches. After the last chain stitch, an additional or spiral chain stitch is cast on. Then the needle for the first single crochet is inserted into the second chain stitch and there should be two loops under the needle. Then you pick up the thread with a yarn over and pull it through the chain stitch. There should be two loops on the needle. Then you pick up the thread with a yarn over and pull it through the two loops. Now the first single crochet stitch is finished. So you work a single crochet stitch into each chain stitch.

Crochet hat for beginners: Crochet in the round

The simplest crochet hat models start from the top with 4 chain stitches, which you close to form a circle. To do this, pull the thread into the last chain stitch and then through the loop on the needle. The beginning and end are now connected. Then you start crocheting outwards in the round. For the first round, cast on two chain stitches, always insert the second chain stitch from the hook and crochet single crochet stitches. Finally, a small circle of stitches is created.

Two additional chain stitches are cast into the first chain stitch for the first half double crochet. Then you put a yarn over on the needle. Then stitch into the next chain stitch in the circle and pull the thread through. There should be three loops on the hook. Now get the thread again and pull it through all three loops on the needle. The first half double crochet is finished. For crochet hats you can crochet half double crochets in the round using this principle. The round shape of the hat is created by evenly increasing stitches or half double crochets within the rounds. There is just a small hole in the middle.

Easy step-by-step instructions for crochet hat

Start crocheting the hat from the top. First cast on 4 chain stitches. Close this into a circle and in the first stitch after the crochet hook work half a double crochet and then continue a round with half double crochets. Then crochet half a double crochet in each chain stitch of the starting ring, so you should have a total of 11 half double crochets. In the second round, double every other stitch - crochet 22 half double crochets. In the third round, double every third stitch - 29 half double crochets. In the fourth round -double every seventh stitch - 33 stitches. In the fifth round, double every eighth stitch - 37 stitches or if there is no need to increase, simply work 33 half double crochets. Continue crocheting the sixth to tenth round without increasing. Finally, turn the hat over and overwork one roundsingle crochet stitches around the entire hat. Depending on whether you crochet the last single stitches tightly or loosely, the width of the hat will be corrected. Put the finished hat on to test it and finally sew the threads discreetly on the inside. If you wish, you cana pompom on the hatsew on. Here we present simple instructions for wrapping pompoms.

Wrapping pompoms: instructions

Whether it's a self-crocheted hat or a plain-colored beanie, every hat can be decorated with a beautiful pom-pom. To make this you need a small piece of sturdy cardboard, sharp scissors and a needle with a large ear. It's best to use the same yarn as the hat. Basically, thinner yarns are better than thick ones. Now cut out two identical discs from cardboard. The diameter of the discs should correspond to the desired pompom size. Then cut a hole in the middle of each cardboard disc. The hole should be about a third of the total diameter.

Now place the two discs on top of each other and wrap with twine until the hole is filled. Then cut the yarn along the outside diameter. Before removing the cardboard discs, pull a double thread between them and tie it very tightly. Tie it securely and you can then sew the pompom onto the hat. Finally, peel off the cardboard discs and use sharp scissors to shape the pompoms nicely and evenly round.

There are special pompom sets made of solid plastic that you can use multiple times. This will definitely make it quicker and easier. They consist of two plastic half rings that are individually wrapped, then folded together and tied off. The two parts can be easily removed and reused.