Knitting instructions for beginners: master the most important basic techniques

Have you been wanting to learn to knit for a long time but haven't tried it yet? Then you have come to the right place. In this article we would like to explain to you the basic knitting techniques you need to knit scarves, blankets, hats and clothing. With a good oneKnitting instructionsand a little patience you can make pretty things out of knitting yourself in a short time. You can then make these as gifts or wear them yourself. Knitting is also a lot of fun and even has a relaxing and meditative effect. Our instructions are perfect for beginners and will explain the first steps to a beautiful knitting creation.

The right knitting materials

Before you cast on the first stitch, you should cast on all the necessary onesMaterials for knittingobtain. This is where it playsSelection of wooland the knitting needles each play an important role. The right knitting materials ensure good results, so it is recommended to use high-quality materials.

DieThe knitting needleare the most important tools needed for knitting. They are long, straight or round and are available in different materials such as wood, plastic, metal or bamboo. Long, straight knitting needles are best for beginners. The knitting needle size also plays an important role and depends on the yarn used. Knitting needles are available with a needle size of 1.5 mm for lace yarn up to 9 mm or more for an extra thick yarn. The so-called knitting needle gauge helps to determine the needle size.

What theStrickgarneAs far as things are concerned, there are differences not only in the colors, but also in the quality, structure and strength. Different types of yarn are suitable for every knitting project and can be soft, fuzzy, warming or scratchy. The yarn thickness plays an important role for the respective project and is stated on the banderole. Beginners can easily find the needle and yarn size they need for their chosen project in the respective knitting instructions.

You need another one for knittingScissors and tape measureto measure the threads accurately and cut them easily. WithPins with large headsIndividual knitted parts can be stretched and put together so that they can be sewn together more easily. To sew the threads or attach edges and borders, you will also need an embroidery needle with a large ear and tip. If you want to turn knitting into a hobby, then you probably need a bag orBasket for storageyour knitting materials. And now you have everything you need to try our knitting instructions.

Master the basic techniques

If you have already collected all the materials, you can use thebasic techniquesbegin. The first step is to cast on stitches. With the right onestitch cast onand with a little more practice you will even be able to create simple socks, hats and scarves after a short time. As a rule, you should start with a length of thread that is equal to the desired width of the knitted piece times three. Attention: Do not cut the thread under any circumstances!

Cast on the first stitches

Start with any yarn and needle size, but coordinated. Take the thread with your right hand and bring it forward from the back of the hand between the little and ring fingers, then bring it back to the back between the middle and index fingers. Bring the yarn forward around your index finger and wrap it once. Now wrap the wool once around your thumb in a clockwise direction and hold the yarn with your three free fingers.

Then take two pins and stick them into the thumb loop from below. Pull the thread coming from your index finger through the loop in the direction of the arrow. Then let the loop slip off your thumb and pull the stitch tight on the needles. The thread should still be wrapped around the index finger, with the thumb free. So you have created the first stitch. To continue, pick up the end thread again with your thumb and place it as a loop. Pull the yarn through the loop again in the direction of the arrow, take your thumb out and pull the thread taut. Repeat the same process until you get the desired number of stitches.

Knitting instructions for right stitch

Right and purl stitchesare the basis of every knitted piece, on which all patterns are built. The stitch knitted on the right should appear on the back on the left and the stitch knitted on the left should appear on the back on the right. In the right stitch, the yarn lies behind the knitted piece. Insert the right knitting needle from front to back into the stitch on the left knitting needle and pull the working thread through to the front with the right needle. Your new stitch is on the right knitting needle. Now let the stitch slip off the left needle and repeat until the stitches are finished.

Knit left stitch

In contrast to the right stitch, the left stitch always has the working thread at the front, so first place the thread in front of the left needle. Then push the right needle through the stitch, tilt your left hand forward and pull the yarn through the stitch. Let the stitch slip and continue with the remaining stitches. Purl stitches are needed for knits with two different sides and usually require more practice than right stitches.

Garter stitch knitting instructions

Knit in garter stitchis considered the easiest type of knitting and is perfect for beginners. The well-known garter pattern consists only of knit stitches and you have to knit on both the front and back. First insert the right knitting needle from the front into the stitch on the left knitting needle with the working thread behind the work. Now get the knitting yarn with the needle and pull it through the stitch. Now pull the left stitch out of the same stitch on the right needle. In the second round, knit the stitches again on the right.

Knitting stockinette stitch instructions

Thestocking stitch knit patternsis simple, but looks very nice. To do this you should knit both right and left stitches. First insert the right knitting needle forward into the stitch, with the working thread behind the needles. Then pick up the yarn with the right needle and pull it through the stitch. Now pull the left needle out of the resulting stitch. In contrast to the garter pattern, purl all stitches in the second round to get the smooth pattern.

Learning to knit requires a lot of practice and patience

In the article we have put together the basic knitting techniques and the most important knitting materials. The stitch cast on, the left and right stitches, as well as the curly and smooth pattern are the basic techniques that form the basis for almost every knitting instruction for socks,Hats, scarves, sweaters and others are. Don't be disappointed if you don't succeed at the first few jobs. Learning to knit requires a lot of practice and a certain amount of patience, but once you've mastered the basic techniques, knitting is a lot of fun.