Making a rainbow cloud with children: Five sweet ideas for children aged 3 and over

Sun and rain create a beautiful optical phenomenon that delights young and old. If you are currently looking for craft ideas for the little ones, then you can make a pretty rainbow cloud.

The rainbow is one of the most popular symbols among children that they always enjoy making crafts or painting. Its bright colors fascinate the little ones and at the same time develop their imagination. In addition to a simple rainbow, you can also make a rainbow cloud to keep the kids busy on a rainy day. Our ideas are suitable for children aged 3 and over and are a great activity in every season. Various materials are used – from paper to popsicle sticks to pipe cleaners!

Make little rainbow clouds with popsicle sticks

Let's start with an idea for the little ones. No special materials are needed to make these pretty rainbow clouds - just some popsicle sticks, white cardstock, a pen, and glue. If desired, you can also add wiggly eyes and pink buttons for the cheeks.

You need 7 popsicle sticks per rainbow cloud - one for each color of the rainbow and one for the back to hold the rainbow together. You also need the white clouds, which you can draw on the white cardboard either by hand or using a template and then cut out. Paint cute faces on them so that the rainbow clouds can smile at the children.

What the children can do themselves: Painting popsicle sticks, arranging rainbows, gluing clouds, gluing googly eyes and buttons

Make a rainbow cloud out of cotton wool and ribbons

And how about a fluffy rainbow cloud? What a great and simple ideaCrafting with cotton wool! First cut the cloud out of cardboard and then glue long ribbons in the rainbow colors to the back. Next, apply a good amount of glue to the front of the cloud and then have the child stick the cotton onto it. And since a rainbow also needs some sun, you can also make the sun out of paper and stick it behind the rainbow cloud. Beautiful!

What the children can do themselves: Cut out a cloud (from 5 years), apply glue, glue cotton wool, arrange and glue ribbons

Make a hanging decoration: rainbow cloud made of wool

Another material you can use to make beautiful rain clouds is wool. This is a really exciting craft project! I will now briefly explain how it works:

First, cut out a cloud from a piece of cardboard. Paint the cardboard white or tape a white sheet of paper with the same shape to it. Then cut small slits around the cloud to hold the yarn in place as you wrap it. Wrap the cloud several times with white yarn.

Next, make the rainbow. Cut 4-5 strands of yarn from each rainbow color at any length you like. Tie them in bundles to a popsicle stick or a rectangular piece of cardboard shorter than the width of the cloud. Once you have attached all the rainbow colors, glue the hanging rainbow to the back of the cloud.

Finally, add the facial features (eyes, mouth and cheeks) in black and red wool. Complete! If you want to hang the decorative rainbow cloud, add a loop at the top as a hanger.

What the children can do themselves: Draw a cloud on cardboard and cut it out, measure and cut yarn, wrap yarn around cardboard, glue on facial features

Make a rainbow cloud with pipe cleaners

This idea is perfect for preschoolers! It develops fine motor skills and promotes creativity. The necessary materials are: a white cardboard (optionally also a cloud template), pencil, scissors, hole punch and pipe cleaners in the basic colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet) - two pieces per color.

To start, cut out a cloud out of cardboard. You can use a template or simply draw the outline by hand. Next, punch six holes (one for each rainbow color) along the bottom of the cloud. Then cut the pipe cleaners in half. To make the rainbow, start with the red pipe cleaner and thread a piece through the hole in the cloud. Bend the pipe cleaner into a circle and seal the ends together. Then thread another piece of red pipe cleaner through the first one and connect the ends together. Continue doing this until each rainbow color has four circles.

What the children can do themselves: Draw and cut out a cloud, punch holes, sort colors, thread and bend pipe cleaners

If you don't have pipe cleaners, you can also use strips of paper and form the rings out of them. You can either use glue or a stapler to attach the paper strips.

Also interesting:Beautiful summer ideas for crafting with paper strips

DIY rainbow windsock made from toilet roll and tissue paper

This windsock is a cool idea for making a small-scale rainbow cloud. An empty toilet paper roll serves as the basis, which you wrap with colored paper and decorate with a small paper cloud. To create the rainbow, cut out several strips of colorful tissue paper and glue them to the inside of the toilet roll. To make a hanger for the windsock, punch a hole on each side of the toilet roll and thread a piece of yarn through it. Tie the two ends of the twine together to complete the hanger. Hang the cute rainbow cloud windsock in the garden or on the balcony. The kids will love watching the rainbow stripes flying.

What the children can do themselves: Make and glue a cloud, paint or glue on a toilet roll, cut strips of paper (from 5 years) and glue them