Making Halloween decorations with children – great crafts to make you feel spooky

You don't need a special occasion to do crafts. It's always fun! Nevertheless, a popular festival is approaching that gives us every reason to once again have a common,creative afternoon with the childrento spend. Of course we mean Halloween and if you really want to get into the mood and get some new decorations at the same time, you can consider our Halloween craft ideas. They are simple and pretty at the same time. So if you would like to make Halloween decorations with children, you have come to the right place.

Not much is needed to make these prettyto create garlands. The spiders, ghosts, bats and pumpkins will put you in the right mood and quickly transform into real eye-catchers in your home. You can design the garlands horizontally or vertically as you wish, although the vertical versions also look very pretty in groups and then make great curtains. This is what you need if you make Halloween decorations with children:

  • small Styrofoam balls (in the example with a diameter of 4 cm)
  • black and orange acrylic paint
  • black pipe cleaners
  • black craft cardboard
  • white paper
  • Yarn or string
  • Paint brush
  • Scissors
  • black felt-tip pen
  • Glue
  • See you

If you would like to make Halloween decorations with children, start by painting some of the balls. You need black ones for the spidersand batsand orange for the pumpkins and some balls just leave white for the ghosts. Then make the 8 spider legs by proSpiderTake two pipe cleaners, cut them in half once and cut the resulting halves in half again. Then put the pipe cleaners into a black ball and bend them like spider legs. Cut out eye shapes from white paper, draw pupils and glue the eyes to the ball.

For theBatsfold a piece of craft cardboard, draw a bat wing on the fold and cut it out. If you now open it, you automatically have two wings. Punch two more holes in the fold. Then cut a small piece of pipe cleaner, bend it into a U shape and insert the two ends through the holes and then into the ball to secure the wings. Then make the eyes like you did with the spider. ThepumpkindesignPoke the ball into the ball with a few black lines and a piece of green pipe cleaner for the stem. Then make the eyes.

You can do thatspookMake Halloween decorations with children by first cutting out a wide strip of white paper that is slightly longer than the circumference of the ball. Create a wavy line on one of the two long sides. Glue the strip around the ball, cut out two oval black eyes and glue them onto the ball to make the face for the funny onesto get ghosts. Then you can use the needle to thread yarn through the balls, tying a knot underneath each ball to keep them in place. If the needle is too difficult to push through the balls, you can pre-punch the holes in advance with a darning needle.

Great haunted house as a Halloween decoration to make with children

Isn't this a really great decoration for Halloween?The haunted houseis quite compact and can be easily stored away until next year. This gives you a creativeDIY Halloween Deco, which you can set up every year. If you would like to make Halloween decorations with children, plan a little more time. Otherwise the instructions are not really difficult.

  • Popsicle sticks + a few smaller ones
  • Hot glue
  • durable scissors
  • Acrylic paints
  • some small Halloween decorations

You can see how you can make these Halloween decorations with children using the diagram in the picture above. First make the individual elements and then build the house from them. You can then paint the popsicle sticks (or before assembling them). After the paint has dried, you can add additional decorations. The tree is also very suitablefrom popsicle sticksconsists.

Tipp: Since the haunted house has some openings, you can also turn it into a lantern orturn into a lanternby placing an LED candle inside.But be careful!It is especially important that you do not use a real candle as there is a risk of fire!

Garland of eyes with paper plates

If you want to make a particularly simple Halloween decoration with children, these original eyes are very suitable. You can get the iris thanks to the printable template that we provide at the end of the article. Otherwise you only need a few materials if you doMake Halloween decorationswant, and these are the following:

  • paper plate
  • Wool yarn (preferably in red to remind us of the veins in the eyes)
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • tape

First, make the garlands from the yarn. To do this, take longer pieces and glue them together with glue. The ends can cross over each other, because then they look even more like veins. Then print out the templates for the iris. You have six colors to choose from. Cut them out and glue them to the backs of thewhite paper plate. Finally, attach the front of the plates to the yarn and you're done with your Halloween decoration DIY. Hang your eyes on the window oron a free walland create a little scary effect.

Make ghosts out of tassels

Do you have any leftover white wool that you would like to use up? ThisGhosts are just the thingHalloween craft idea to do this. You can simply make tassels out of the wool because they have the perfect shape. Below we would like to show you how you can make these Halloween decorations with children.

  • Wool in white or cream color
  • 1 piece of cardboard or craft cardboard (with a size of 10 x 10 cm or 12 x 10 cm)
  • Scissors
  • black Sharpie

Wrap the wool thread around the piece of cardboard or cardboard 20 times. Do not pull the thread too tight. The box should not bend. Then cut the thread and prepare another piece with a length of 30 cm. Push this piece under the wrapped wool and tie a double knot. Now you can push the wool off the box.

Then cut a 15 cm long piece of wool, take the wool ring and tie the thread about 1/4 of the way around the ring. You will get the ghost's head this way. You then cut the long loops open, draw the eyes with the Edding and you have the first Halloween ghostfrom a tasselcomplete. You can also draw a mouth.

Make spider webs as Halloween decorations with children

Spider webs are part of Halloweeneasy to do and are also really easy to do. If you want to make such Halloween decorations yourself with children, you don't even have to plan a lot of time. The nets are not only suitable for window decoration, but also for walls, doors, chandeliers and other areas. Would you like to make Halloween decorations for outside? Then get started now!

  • ice styles
  • Wool in white or typical Halloween colors (purple, black, poison green or orange)
  • Glue
  • optional: acrylic paints for painting the popsicle sticks and spiders

Start by coloring the popsicle sticks if you wish. Once the paint has dried, you can make the base for the spider web. To do this, stick three popsicle sticks together crosswise so that you get a kind of star shape. Let the glue dry and then start wrapping the wool thread around the stems like a net. You can easily follow the individual steps in the instructions. To prevent the thread from slipping later, you can add a dab of glue at certain intervals. If you want, you can add the finishing touch to the decoration by gluing a spider onto the web.

Make Halloween decorations out of paper – make Halloween lanterns

Dim lights are an important element on Halloween. They create the perfect scary atmosphere. That's why they areLanterns can also be used as Halloween decorationsIdeas so popular. So you can make lanterns as a Halloween decoration with children and not only decorate them, but also illuminate any area in the house. If you would like to make this colorful, glowing Halloween lantern, you will need:

  • black craft paper
  • colorful crepe or tissue paper
  • Scissors (or even better, a sharp craft knife – but not for children!)
  • Glue
  • When using a craft knife: suitable base for cutting

Take a large sheet of paper in black paint and draw scary eye shapes on it. To ensure that the eyes are the same for each pair of eyes, you can prepare templates made of white paper beforehand, which you can then use to transfer the eye shapes onto the black paper. Then cut out the eyes. Then cut yourCrepe or tissue paperto. The shapes don't have to be uniform, just big enough to cover one pair of eyes at a time.

Once you have designed all the eyes, form a cylinder out of the paper, glue the sides together and make a handle for the lantern out of a thin strip of black paper and glue or staple it to the lantern. Complete! By the way: Even if you would like to make a lantern for tea lights for Halloween, you can use this idea. However, since the lantern is made of paper and therefore poses a risk of fire, you should only use LED tea lights for lighting.

Halloween craft ideas – goblin garland made from paper scraps

Collect all yoursscraps of paper togetherto utilize them. Because with them you can make a great goblin garland as a Halloween decoration with children. And garlands are always great Halloween ideas! You can print out the goblins using the template below and use them as a stencil or you can draw them freehand. However, the goblins are just one example. With a little imagination you can also conjure up other motifs. And you little ones are definitely not lacking in imagination!

  • Paper scraps
  • cardboard
  • Acrylic paints
  • Paint brush
  • Glue
  • cord

If you would like to make this Halloween decoration yourself, transfer the goblins onto cardboard using the template and cut them out. Then you canpaint with acrylic paints. Allow the colors to dry. In the meantime, you can cut your paper scraps - in which way and in which colors you can of course decide for yourself. Then glue the individual elements onto the goblin head as desired. Finally, poke holes through the ears (you can also use a hole punch) and thread the string through these holes to make the garland for Halloween.

Iris templateshere.
Print out goblins.