Make a funny reindeer for Christmas – 15 suggestions

Reindeer should not be missing from Christmas decorations these days. They are an important symbol. After all, without their help, Santa Claus wouldn't be able to travel around the world and distribute all the presents in just one night. Use these friendly animals to do crafts at Christmas time. Your children in particular will have a lot of fun making reindeer, because funny figures are created from a wide variety of materials. Take the time to spend a great afternoon with the little ones.

Your child will definitely find it fun to dress up like a reindeer for Christmas. But let's be honest, even as an adult you would probably have fun with it. Get a headband and make ears and antlers out of any fabric, like felt.

You can use this idea to make beautifully wrapped gifts. Inthe little towelYou can put soap, a cream, sweets or whatever else comes to mind. Then the towel is rolled up slightly and the two corners are folded up and tied tightly.

Add glue to the mason jar and spread it well. After that, you can add glitter and shake and twist the jar (don't forget to close it first). This way the glitter will stick to the insides. It's best to choose a brown shade, like the reindeer's fur. The rest of theChristmas decorationsMake them out of paper, felt, foam, or another material. For the face, get wiggly eyes and a red pom-pom.

Small children in particular will certainly enjoy a puppet theater. It is best to use a sock. You are welcome to come up with additional figures for a great demonstration.

This reindeer can be made very quickly. All you need is a toilet paper roll to make the body out of and extra cardboard for the head and antlers. The face is quickly drawn with felt-tip pens.

You have probably already seen many interesting craft ideas made from corks. If you have a stash of corks, this idea is perfect for you. You can pin the individual corks together with pins or glue them together with glue as shown, which is safer if you are doing crafts with children.

And plush wire is also incredibly practical when it comes to crafting. It is often used to shape antlers. But as you can see above, it is also suitable for designing other parts of the body. So combine corks with plush wire and always have googly eyes at the ready.

Children like to play with colors, this is well known. For this reason, your child will definitely have a lot of fun with this project. To create the red Rudolph nose, you can again use a pom-pom.

You can also make dad happy and combine your child's footprints with your own. This way you can create an interesting mural that you can use to decorate any room. A really easy craft idea, isn't it?

Arrange popsicle sticks that you previously painted brown into a triangle and glue them together. What you then add is nothing new: googly eyes and plush wire. This time a red button is used for the nose.

You can wrap a bag full of sweets nicely by sewing a cardboard reindeer head onto it. This will make the packaging almost too bad to tear, but it's an idea that's really worth it.

Sweets can also be given away wonderfully in a mason jar. But make this into a reindeer first and the joy will be even greater. And this idea is not difficult to implement.

Decorate the Christmas tree with reindeer and also make pine cones. This gives this rustic decorative element a funny and charming look. Otherwise you just need the usual materials.

You can also make a reindeer out of puzzle pieces. To do this, use the pieces of an old puzzle that already has a lot of pieces missing (make sure you choose the right color) or make pieces yourself using salt dough. Either way, the decoration will be extremely original. Also add a bell.