Sewing doorstops from fabric – simple instructions for practical decoration

A doorstop is not only a practical thing if your door constantly closes by itself. The doors often slam even when ventilating. To prevent them from breaking, you should secure them with a doorstop. Of course, such stoppers can be purchased ready-made. But there's nothing better than homemade, right? If you see it that way, then you can use one of the following instructions and sew a doorstop yourself. Feel free to reuse fabric scraps from other projects to create a practical decoration like this. Good luck and of course have fun imitating!

No special cutting patterns are necessary for the homemade stoppers. You can easily draw the necessary elements by hand, because the figures we have put together are anything but complicated and are therefore also suitable for beginners. Would you like a cylinder doorstopsewYou will need a rectangular piece of fabric and two circles, each with the same circumference as the length of the rectangle.

You can sew this cube from any type of fabric. Small scraps of fabric, but also felt or linen, as was used in this case, are very suitable. Before you get this cube shape, you should prepare and get all the elements ready. You will also need a sewing machine to be able to sew these elements together well.

The decorative elements in the form of hearts and fabric strips are optional and can be left out or replaced with other elements and motifs. Cut six squares 15cm long. You can add a support made of sturdy fabric or foam to each of these squares.

Then sew the handle so that you can easily adjust it. To do this, cut a piece of fabric 17-18 cm long and 7.5 cm wide. Fold this strip in half lengthwise and decorate it as desired with a patterned piece of fabric by sewing it in place.

A rice-filled pillow was chosen specifically for this stopper. However, there is enough space in the cube for other things such as stones. Use what you like best. If you want a pillow with rice, you don't have to make a special effort because it won't be visible. Now decorate the squares for the sides of the cubes if necessary.

Four of the sides of the cube are now sewn together. The outside should initially point inwards. Also sew the handle onto the fifth square. To ensure that everything sits correctly and nothing slips while sewing, fix the individual parts with pins beforehand.

The last few steps are still missing. Sew the top side with the handle upside down and repeat the whole thing with the element for the bottom, leaving an opening of approx. 7 cm. Now use this opening to turn the cube inside out. Fill it with any filling you like. Cotton wool is well suited for this. Finally, the weight comes into play. Now you can sew the opening closed.

This variant is even simpler. Here you use a finished plush figure. The advantage is that you can use any shape, which is particularly practical for beginners who are not confident about animals and other complicated figures. So if you still have old plush toys lying around, use them or just buy any.

As you can probably guess, all you have to do is replace the stuffing of the stuffed animal with something heavier. To do this, open the bottom of the plush toy. Remove some of the cotton and add weights such as ceramic baking beans or small stones. Then close the stuffed animal again. An irregular seam will not be visible.

You can sew this owl yourself easier than you might think. Especially with a sewing machine, you will be able to complete the project quickly and easily. This works with colorful as well as with plain or neutral fabric. That depends on how much you want the owl to resemble a real one.

To do this, you first need the individual elements again. You can see what these should look like in the picture above. Use paper or cardstock to cut out templates, which you can then use to trace the desired shapes onto the fabric. This guarantees that all repeating elements become the same.

Make the eyes and beak and sew or glue them onto one of the fabrics. Pin the front, back and bottom of the owl together with pins. The inside of the fabric faces outwards again. This way the seam will be hidden inside the owl when you turn it inside out. Take your time so that everything fits correctly in the end.

Now sew the fabrics together using a sewing machine. Leave an opening in the floor area. Now use this to turn the owl inside out. Are you already proud of your work? Then you can be too, because there are only a few steps left until the end.

Like the owl's body, the wings are sewn together on the left, with an opening in each case for filling the wings with soft filling material. Then sew the finished wings onto the side of the owl. You have now completed the most difficult steps.

A great trick for faster and easier filling is to create a funnel out of a paper plate. You insert this into the opening and you can first put the cotton and then the weight in. Sand is also suitable as a weight. It is best to fill a balloon or a well-sealed bag with it and then put it into the stopper.

Pears and other fruits such as apples and strawberries are also very popular. For the pear you just need a few of these elements, the number of which varies depending on the size of the pear, which are then sewn together until you are finished. Again, don’t forget the opening. You can make the leaves out of any material. Instructions can be found in the link below.

A stopper does not necessarily have to be on the ground. Another way to prevent the door from locking itself is to hang the stopper on the door handle. You also need a handle for this. It is best to use a ready-made tape. Instructions now follow:

You can make it particularly easy for yourself by using a ready-made bag. If you want to sew the bag yourself, you will need two pieces of the same size that you sew together on the left. Don't forget the hem either. Then add the handle. You can leave the bag open or close the weight.

You don't necessarily need any filling for this bag (apart from the weight of course). Proceed as you did with the cylinder above, except this time you don't need a circle for the top. You close the stopper like a bag with string, ribbon or yarn. To avoid filling, you can reinforce the base with a round piece of cardboard or plastic.

Instructions for pearhere.