Making Christmas presents with children at school for the family

If you are a teacher, then you are probably looking for some interesting Christmas craft ideas that you can do with the children to create something suitable for the Christmas season. What would be a better idea than making nice little gifts for your parents. Small children in particular find it difficult to make things themselves, so your help comes at just the right time. And if you want to make Christmas presents for parents in elementary school, you have a wide variety of options to choose from. We have even put some of them together so that you have a small selection. The craft instructions aren't difficult to follow, so even smaller children won't have any problems. It's best to take a look at the following Christmas craft ideas and choose from them and you can conjure up simple yet creative gifts. You can get the materials you need yourself or have the children and parents bring them with you.

Making Christmas presents with children at school – a sleigh made of sweets

You can make a sleigh like this yourself with just a few pieces of candyfor Christmas. The whole family will surely be happy about it, because who doesn't love sweets? You absolutely need candy canes. These can be chosen in any color. The rest can also vary. A small bar of chocolate is best, which you can then combine with other small chocolates or other sweets. Use glue that is safe for children.

The sweets are now glued together. For this, the board goes on top of the candy canes. Then distribute the remaining sweets on the board. The little ones are welcome to let their imagination run wild. So everyone gets a different sleigh. Finally, the Christmas present is decorated with a ribbon and any other decorations.

Christmas tree decorations

An equally beautiful andA simple craft idea is also a tree decoration. The great thing about this is that the gift can be used by parents and grandparents for a long time, which of course makes the children particularly happy. It will also make the little ones proud to see their own work on the tree every year. Depending on the age of the children, use either a ready-made Christmas tree ball made of plastic or glass. These can be purchased in many craft stores, but also online.

For this you also needPipe cleaners as craft materialin green, red and white, a white pompom, Styrofoam balls and pens that are suitable for painting glass. Hot glue is very suitable as an adhesive. However, if you don't have enough guns available, you can also use another glue when making Christmas presents with children at school.

Start with the hat to theMaking a snowman. It can be made green or red as you wish. To do this, wrap the pipe cleaner around the ball, starting at the ball opening. If you are happy with the size of the hat, add a piece of white pipe cleaner to finish it off. Then you can use a funnel to fill the tree balls with the Styrofoam balls. You decide how much of it you use. Then glue the pom-pom to the top of the hat and clip the wire included with the Christmas ball to hang it up. Finally, the cute snowman needs a face, which is quickly made with the pens. Feel free to offer the children different options for designing their faces.

Ideas for making Christmas decorations

Mom or grandma in particular will be happy about such original lids for mason jars. That's for sure! And all you need is a mason jar with a lid, a plastic Christmas tree ball that can be taken apart, any Christmas figures that fit under one of the ball halves, some artificial snow and a Christmas ribbon. You only need half of the plastic ball per mason jar. You can create two lids with one Christmas tree ball. Make sure that the lid and ball have approximately the same diameter.

If you would like to make this idea as a Christmas gift with children at school, take the lid and stick the chosen figure on its center. Then spread glue around it and sprinkle it with the artificial snow. The glue should then be given sufficient time to dry. The excess artificial snow can then be knocked off. Finally, put glue on the edge of the ball half and stick it on the lid, covering the figure. The Christmas decorations are now ready and products from the kitchen or Christmas cookies in jars look much nicer and more Christmassy.

OriginalSnow globes as craft ideas

If you are doing crafts with children, simple projects that lead to success without any problems are of course best suited. You can also work with other finished objects from everyday life. One of these is, among other things, paper plates, which are now available in a wide variety of colors. Light blue ones are great for this project. For Christmas crafts, you will also need clear plastic plates that are slightly smaller than paper plates and artificial snow, as well as any materials to create a snowman. Not only paper is suitable for this, but also foam rubber or felt. Decide for yourself which material appeals to you most.

First the snowman is made. Incidentally, another figure or even a photo of the child can be used instead of a snowman. The children cut out the individual elements of the snowman (or another Christmas or winter character) and then glue them onto the inside of the blue paper plate. Artificial snow is then distributed around it. So that it can be shaken later, it is not stuck in place, but rather distributed loosely. You can also add snowflakes or other motifs to decorate. Make sure to leave the edge free, onto which you can then glue the transparent plate upside down. You're already done making Christmas presents.


These poinsettias are also made from paper plates and make beautiful Christmas decorations. They can be hung individually or made into a garland. Two paper plates of different sizes are cut to size and glued together as shown. There is then a yellow dot in the middle, which can be cut out of paper as well as foam rubber or felt. Glitter can then be used to decorate. Either you use a glitter pen or you spread glue and sprinkle glitter over it.