A winter without a snowman is actually unthinkable these days. Normally, when building a snowman, three snowballs of different sizes are stacked on top of each other and the snow figure is given human features. And if there is no snow outside the door? We have put together some ideas for you on how you can easily make a funny snowman using different materials from your everyday life, which will definitely enhance the festive mood.
From plastic cups
This atypical and attractive snowman is made with few materialsbuilt. All you need are empty plastic cups and a staple gun. The size of the balls is determined by the cup size. Staple the bottom half of the cups next to each other and on top of each other. It is also not absolutely necessary that each cup is attached to the neighboring ones from all sides. Due to the typical shape of the cup itself, the spherical shape of the ball arises automatically.
Since it is not heavy due to the material, it is important for stability that you do not close the individual balls but leave an opening. For the eyes, mouth and nose, you can fill the individual plastic cups with fabric or colored paper and don't forget that the snowman shouldn't freeze, so he still needs a scarf and hat. By the way, you can do this giantSnowman to light upby placing a string of lights in one ball.
from socks
Are you looking for great, easy craft ideas that your kids can get involved with? To make this cute sock snowman you will need a white sock, colored fabric scraps, string, buttons, three pins, rice for filling, glue or hot glue gun and scissors. First of all, cut the sock into two parts below the heel. Then turn the sock inside out and tie the neck of the sock with the rope.
The sock is turned right side out again and filled with rice. Tie it from above and shape the head and body with your hand. A piece of string and the strip of fabric are tied around the snowman like a scarf. Roll up the other part of the sock and put the hat on it. Attach the pin for the eyes and mouth and glue the buttons to the tummy.
If you are now in the process of making Christmas tree decorations and are looking for ideas, you can make a snowman out of a burnt out light bulb. To hang, you must first attach a loop to the bulb and spray it with spray adhesive. Then roll the light bulb in colored glitter powder of your choice and conjure up a smiling face for the little snowman using paper, felt or fabric scraps.
Two thin pieces of twigs can be attached as arms with glue. As an alternative to glitter, you can paint the light bulb white, paint the face with a brush and tie a scarf around it.
made of Styrofoam
Styrofoam balls are made for a cute snowman. It is up to you whether you will use two or more balls. Cut a flat section off the bottom of the larger ball so that the homemade snowman can stand. If you want, you can brush the balls with decorative snow and let them dry out. Glue the balls together and spice up the snowman. Cinnamon sticks on the sides for arms, a small hat made from scraps of fabric or bending plush wire as ear warmers will definitely look good on him.
made of wood for indoors or outdoors
If you want to make a rustic version of the unmeltable snowman, wood is an ideal material for this purpose. Get wooden discs and glue them to each other sideways using a hot glue gun. Now you can dress it up any way you want.
Arms made of branches, eyes made of buttons, mouth and nose made of foam rubber, here you can use whatever craft materials you have on hand. Alternatively, you can use wooden blocks that you spray with white paint for a wintery glow and paint a face on the snowman. A warm jute hat will further embellish it.
3D snowman made of paper
If you want to give free rein to your creativity and conjure up an unusual snowman out of paper, then perhaps the quilling technique is for you. This involves twisting in clay pier strips, which can be used to create enchanting crafts. With a quilling pen and a stencil you can easily make this beautiful little snowman, perfect for decorating and sure to attract attention.
Do you or your children want to have the friendliest Olaf at home with you? If knitting and crocheting are your passion, you can knit a little Olaf as a Christmas tree decoration or as a small party bag. Of course, you can also sew it out of fabric and felt or make it out of a white sock as described above.
If you have empty mason jars, don't throw them out yet. These can be used to make great snowman lamps in no time. Paint the mason jar with white paint and decorate it as you wish. Place the nose and eyes and insert an electric tea light. Close the jar with the lid and enjoy the warm light.
Another idea would be to decorate old wine glasses like snowmen. To create the frost effect, you can use Epsom salt.
If decorating happens very quickly, you can make a snowman out of cotton in no time. The cotton balls are placed on top of each other on a wooden skewer or, if you want to form the cotton balls yourself, glued together. Put a smiling face on the little snowman and dress him warmly.
Why not a Christmas ceramic snowman for the holidays? It looks great and can be placed as a Christmas decoration at the table or in the garden. Paint flower pots white, let them dry well and stack them upside down. Paint a funny face, tie several thin branches together to form a broom and secure it with glue. Of course, the Santa hat should not be missing. If you want to dress your snowman smartly, then the bow tie is a must.
You can also make a snowman out of a single clay pot. He shouldn't get cold either. Put a colorful glove on his head as a hat and tie the glove fingers together.
Small snowmen can easily be built from balls of wool or sisal yarn. Placed on a silver tray and with cotton balls or coconut shavings around them as snow, they make a great winter decoration for your home. Simply stack the balls of wool on top of each other and secure with a wooden skewer. The snowman is ready. Attach small buttons to his stomach with pins and possibly make a hat out of craft wire.