If you want to make cheap Christmas tree decorations, then salt dough is the perfect material that children can also play with. With a simple salt dough recipe and a few ideas for creative decorations, you can make beautiful Christmas tree pendants. Check out our examples below and get inspired.
The salt dough is made from 2 cups flour, 2 cups salt and 1/2 cup lukewarm water. Another recipe for purewhite doughconsists of 1 cup baking soda, 1/2 cup flour or cornstarch and 3/4 cup water. Mix all ingredients and knead. To make the salt dough even harder, you can add 1-2 spoons of wallpaper paste. You can color the dough with food-grade, natural and acrylic paints because the salt dough is not edible.
You can then roll out the finished salt dough and cut out various figures using cookie cutters. If the figure is intended for hanging, a hole is poked in it with a straw before baking.
Allow the salt dough figures to pre-dry for one to two days before baking. Then they are placed on baking paper and slowly dried in the oven. This way no cracks will occur. Bake for one hour at 60-80 degrees and then at 100-120 degrees for two hours. For more shine, the salt dough figures can be brushed with egg yolk.
After the pendants have dried thoroughly, they can be painted with acrylic paints and finally sealed on all sides with spray paint.
We have already revealed the salt dough recipe to you and given a few tips for its preparation. Now comes the best part – decorating the Christmas tree pendants. Check out the great ideas below!