Make Christmas cards with fingerprints: 25 of the most beautiful designs for children and adults to imitate

The time has come to make beautiful Christmas cards! Purchased cards are beautiful and impressiveelaborate and original designs, but there's nothing better than sending a handmade card to your loved ones this Christmas. There are a variety of ideas that you can easily do yourself. How about Christmas cards with a fingerprint, for example? They look really cute and are also very popular with children. If you would like to try out this simple craft idea for Christmas cards, then you will find many beautiful designs to imitate.

The fingerprint method is a very simple way to make beautiful pictures, cards or invitations with children. If you are about to make some Christmas cards for family and friends, you can try these ideas. The children will have a lot of fun getting their fingers dirty while creating beautiful pictures on the Christmas cards. Here you will find the best ideas and tips for your Christmas cards 2021.

What is needed?

The best thing about this creative Christmas card design method is that you don't need any expensive craft materials. You probably already have everything you need on hand. All you need is matching paints, paper, a cup of water and possibly a brush and some colored pencils or felt-tip pens to complete the design. The paper on which you design the cards should be a little firmer so that it doesn't curl. Watercolor paper is an excellent choice, but colored cardstock is also great.

And what about the color? In principle any color would work if youCreate fingerprint imageswant. However, some colors are more suitable than others. The clear favorite is of course finger paint (especially for painting with children). It is very colorful, yet is easy to wash off your hands and remove from clothing and surfaces. Watercolors are another good option, although they produce slightly paler images than fingercolors. Another option is colorful ink pads, which provide more clearly defined fingerprints.

The most beautiful ideas to imitate

This Christmas card design method doesn't require long instructions: kids simply dip their fingers into the chosen color and then stamp their prints directly onto the cards. Interesting images are then created from several correctly positioned fingerprints, which are then brought to life with a pen. The secret is in the details. Get inspired by the following ideas.

Reindeer family

This family card requires the fingerprints of mom, dad and the children. Families with children in particular can make such cards together and send them to friends and relatives. Complete the design by drawing the reindeer's antlers with a black felt-tip pen and writing down the names of the family members. Use red mini pompoms as noses for the reindeer to give this Christmas card a playful touch.

Colorful fairy lights made from children's fingerprints

Classic colors like red, yellow, green and blue are necessary for this design. You first have the child stamp a few fingerprints on the card with each color to create the lights. Then draw a curved line between all the “lights,” connecting them together.

We also think it's great when the design for the card is first created on a white sheet of paper and only then put on the colored Christmas card. This creates a kind of frame for the picture made of fingerprints and makes it stand out even better.

DIY Christmas tree cards made from fingerprints

What could be more classic than a Christmas card with a Christmas tree motif? Children can use fingerprints to conjure up this popular motif on the card in various ways. This is how it works:

Draw or glue a Christmas tree template onto the card and have the child paint the needles with green paint and the tree decorations with other colors.

If desired, you can paint or glue a poinsettia to the top of the tree. Then all that's left is to label the Christmas card, put it in a nice envelope and send it to its recipient.

Make Christmas cards with children using fingerprints on construction paper

You can also use construction paper in any color to make cute Christmas cards with the children. Here you will find three simple ideas that children's little fingers are ideal for.

  • Draw a circle and have the child outline the circle with their fingertip prints. Then she can decorate the interior with fingerprints in other colors and paint a hanger with a brush. At the top of the map you can then make some green fingerprints around the branch from which theChristmas ballhanging down to recreate.
  • This comes on blue construction paperSnowmanparticularly well presented. It was made almost entirely from white finder's prints that were stamped in circles to form the snow globes for the body and head. To make the small black prints for the arms, hat and eyes, the child can stamp with their little finger. A little snow around the snowman completes the design of this card wonderfully.
  • TheChristmas wreathis another great motif for Christmas cards. Use green paint for the wreath shape and add some red accents as balls and a pretty bow at the top.

DIY Christmas cards with pointing finger snowmen

Is there even a child who doesn't think snowmen are great? If you are looking for a child-friendly motif for your fingerprint Christmas cards, then the snowman is one of the best ideas. To depict snowmen, you can use multiple fingerprints as in the previous example, or you can stamp three fingerprints on top of each other. Another cool idea would be to paint the child's entire index finger with white paint and print it on the sheet. This means you can make the snowman in no time.

Decorate Christmas cards with fingerprint angels

The Christmas angels are another suitable motif that can decorate your Christmas cards. Use your thumb for the body and your index finger for the wings and head. Finally, paint a halo over each angel using a thin brush.

Cute Christmas elves as a motif for beautiful cards for Christmas

Santa's little helpers are a wonderful idea for Christmas cards with a child-friendly design. First, design the heads with beige and the bodies with classic red or green. Once the paint has dried, add details such as faces, hats, arms and legs.

Candy Cane Christmas Cards

Are you looking for a simple idea for toddlers? Little hands will have a lot of fun depicting these candy canes on Christmas cards. To do this, apply white paint to the child's thumb and red paint to his index finger and help him create the candy cane on the front of the Christmas card. Once the paint is dry, glue a red bow on top to complete the card design.

How to paint gingerbread men on Christmas cards using fingerprints

If you would like to decorate this year's Christmas cards with gingerbread men, then you can use these simple instructions. The thumbs are best suited for the male's body, although the index finger should be pressed at different angles for the arms, legs and head.

Fingerprint Christmas card ideas for adults

Fingerprint crafting isn't just for kids. Adults can also use this technique tooriginal card designsto conjure up. Get some inspiration and create your own beautiful fingerprint Christmas cards.

Minimalist Christmas card with colorful lights

If you want to make creative Christmas cards yourself, you don't necessarily have to have a great talent for drawing or use different craft materials. Sometimes even the simplest designs are the most beautiful. Proof of this is this Christmas card with colorful Christmas lights made of fingerprints connected by a curved line. Simple, quick and really beautiful!

DIY greeting card for Christmas with a Christmas tree

If you decorate a sheet of black construction paper with light green and dark green fingerprints and cut out a triangle, you will have a pretty Christmas tree as a motif for a Christmas card. Stick the tree on the front of a blank card, create a frame out of washi tape, write “Merry Christmas” and the homemade card is ready to be labeled and sent.

Design holly leaves and berries with fingerprint

Holly adds natural beauty to your Christmas decorationsand can also decorate your homemade Christmas cards. You can also use your fingers to paint the beautiful jagged leaves with berries on the card. You stamp the leaves with your thumbs and green ink, whereas the berries require your ring fingers and red ink. Once the paint has dried, draw the jagged shape of the leaves and an outline for the berries.

Make your own Christmas card for your loved one

Would you like to give your partner a loving Christmas card that you handmade? Then these amorous reindeer are exactly the right idea! To recreate this design you will need a small square card, brown and red/pink ink pads and black marker. Use your thumb to create the reindeer and your index finger to create the heart on top. Add the details with the felt-tip pen and, if desired, write a suitable greeting.

Make your own modern Christmas card with reindeer

Yes, we know reindeer are brown, but you can make them any color you like on a modern Christmas card. The thumbprints are the perfect base for a cute reindeer, regardless of color. However, the antlers should not be missing. With some red glitter for the nose, this card design will reference the red-nosed Rudolf.

Funny Christmas cards with fingerprint

Classic Christmas cards are too boring for you? Then you can click on one insteadfunny designand make your friends laugh with a funny Christmas card. These dancing reindeer with a playful caption like the example above will certainly do the trick.

Depict dancing snowmen on the Christmas card

Christmas card with skating penguins made from fingerprints