Edison light bulbs for a nostalgic note in the interior

Although historians now agree that Thomas Edison did not really invent the light bulb, but only patented it, he remains an important personality that will be associated with the light bulb forever. Today the incandescent lamp is more than a light source in our houses. The Edison light bulbs are also a great element of the interior design.

The lampshades that emphasize this type of lights instead of hiding them look very interesting. They really appear particularly spectacular if you use them to add an industrial flair to the decor.

The original variants had a very specific shape and a very special design. Over time, the shapes and theTechnology of the lampBut changed a lot and today there are many different versions of this simple object in our household.

Emphasize the beautiful appearance by arranging them in groups, forming a chandelier or simply forming an impressive and striking lamp for the living space itself.

TransparentPendant lamp in the roomIt made it possible for the light bulbs to become an essential element of the interior design. But that means that you also have to offer a pleasant, warm light. Of course, not all types are very suitable for this purpose.

In the kitchen, where you always need a lot of natural but also artificial light, such explanations are really great opportunities. The transparency helps to make the kitchen bright and functional.

Transparency is also the order of the day in the bedroom. But remember that the atmosphere has to be relaxing and pleasant here, so select the options for the bedroom particularly carefully.

The lamp on this luster almost looks like candles. Your warm light is pleasant and your large number is just suitable for the ambience, i.e. all elements of the interior work well on this cozy veranda.

Take a look at these variants! How great they only look! Yes, they look exactly like drops and they are designed as pendant lights! Variants in this form are often used in dining rooms. In most cases, they hang over the table and create a pleasant and entertaining atmosphere.

Here we have a similar idea for use, but these pendant lights hang on a cord. It seems as if they are all getting tangled, but in fact this is a well -thought -out design for the dining room.

If the lights are perfectly arranged, make the room appear very neat and well organized. For this reason, they offer so many design options for the kitchen, especially if they hang in a light and simple interior.

There are really numerous ways to stage the lights because they have become a fundamental element in the interior design today. For example, do we want to take a look at this rope roll lamp and completely convince ourselves of how interesting you can make the look in the ambience?

Or how about these lights that have a beautiful wooden basis? The typical variants have been used for this interesting combination. You can certainly imitate this idea, it is so easy to build yourself, or you can find them for sale in the specialty shops if you are lucky. This will certainly bring a nostalgic note to your inner interior, but also a lot of charm and elegance!