Lamps and lights: Not only practical, but also decorative

Lamps and lights don't just serve a practical purpose. Anyone who is currently in the process of beautifying their own four walls will certainly come across more and more light decorative items. From small LED lights that decorate your balcony or walls to decorative elements that are highlighted with light - the market is gigantic.

Lamps and lights as a decorative element: light decorations set skilful accents

We often associate light decorations with winter or the Christmas season. But even in summer, decoration can do anythingto shine and shinebring. The special thing about numerous small lights that are connected to form a chain of lights: your living spaces look as if they were glittering. This gives the room a very inviting,harmonious atmosphere.

There are also decorative elements that can be used functionally and decoratively. This primarily includes path lighting for your garden or the outdoor area in front of the entrance door. Nobody wants to search for the steps or wander along a rocky path at dusk. Lights show the way, which is particularly helpful for strangers such as the pizza or postman, but also friends and acquaintances. If you decide on such a decoration, you should also integrate a motion detector. After all, you don't want the lights to stay on all night long. Rather, the use of these decorative elements is only desired when a person wants to walk in the garden or come to your front door.

The special thing about this decoration is the following: In addition to the functional and decorative effect, you get more security in your own four walls. Because no burglar likes it when the light suddenly turns on when they try to break in.

However, there is one thing you should keep in mind when it comes to light decoration: If you decide to decorate with lights, you should pay attention to their quality. The lights must meet a high energy efficiency class. Models that are rated worse than A can be delivered to you within a short period of timeincur a high electricity bill. To avoid this risk, you should rely on high-quality, new LED lights when purchasing. These are environmentally friendly, energy-saving and particularly durable.

No danger from candles

Candles are also wonderful elements to brighten the mood in your own four walls. But anyone who forgets a candle or falls asleep in candlelight is taking an immense risk. Fires can set entire houses ablaze in a matter of seconds. But modern technology also has the perfect solution here in the form of LED lights. Even the flickering of a fire in the light is recreated to keep the mood as perfect as possible.

What is important when decorating lights?

A lamp, a decorative light or a small path light always has the task of producing light. Therefore, the most important factor that you need to consider when buying is the so-called light intensity. It is indicated by the lumen value and therefore provides information about how bright a lamp can shine. Ceiling lights should have a high lumen value between 600 and 4000 lumens. This means you can be sure that the entire room is illuminated, that no corner remains unlit and that you can enjoy the light for a long time.

  • 1000 lumens are suitable for a ceiling area of ​​approximately 10 m².
  • 2000 lumens, on the other hand, are suitable for a larger area between 10 and 20 m².

Using this simple formula you can calculate when which light is suitable for your purpose. Since decorative elements are rarely used to completely illuminate the room, the lumen value can be slightly lower.

However, be sure to pay attention to the effect of the color. There are a wide variety of color nuances.
Yellow is the color of light that people perceive as most harmonious. White can quickly seem cool or even clinical. Such a decorative light in the bedroom can help you get a peaceful, quick sleep. On the other hand, green or even blue tones should not be used in bedrooms or offices.

It is also scientifically proven that red tones motivate and stimulate and should therefore be used primarily in hobby rooms.

A sophisticated service

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Once activated, it takes over the tedious task of comparing new tariff providers, updated tariff options and unusual offers.
With this alarm clock tariff, your electricity doesn't cost a lot of money. You can also rely on the range of green electricity providers. The environment will certainly thank you.