Do we actually know the effects of caffeine on the body? Which processes does the famous ingredient influence and is caffeine healthy? Prepared coffee and tea are two of the many substances that many people consume to get their daily dose of caffeine. What exactly happens to our bodies and brains when we ingest this colorless and tasteless xanthine alkaloid? Caffeine is so widespread that about 80% of adults in the world take some form of the stimulant.
Important facts about the effects of caffeine
When we wake up in the morning, many of us reach for a coffee to start the day. According to the International Coffee Organization, around 1.6 billion cups of coffee are consumed worldwide every day. So caffeine is a stimulant that is often used to improve mental state. There are many effects of caffeine on the brain as well as psychological effects of this ingredient. It is believed to block receptors of the neurotransmitter adenosine and increase excitability in the brain. Caffeine's effects also affect other neurotransmitters, including norepinephrine, dopamine and acetylcholine. These have a corresponding effect on our mood and general psychological state.
From the bloodstream to the brain, caffeine affects many parts of our body in different ways. Not only does it wake us up in the early hours of the morning, but it also improves our mood, makes us more focused and reduces appetite. Most adults who are in good physical health can safely consume up to 400 milligrams of caffeine daily. That correspondstwo to four cups of coffee.
This is considered a moderate caffeine intake, which according to some studies may promote a variety of health benefits. However, some studies claim that one or two cups of coffee per day could have a negative impact on our health. So what should we believe? For this reason, we analyze the possible health benefits as well as the negative side effects of caffeine consumption.
As a natural stimulant
The main ingredient in coffee is caffeine - a compound that comes naturally from over 60 different plant sources, including coffee beans, tea leaves, cocoa seeds and cola nut seeds. Caffeine acts as a stimulant by activating the central nervous system. It can also combat fatigue and improve concentration.
According to health research, the stimulating effects of caffeine can begin as early as 15 minutes after consumption and last up to 6 hours. Unlike coffee, caffeine is commonly consumed through tea, soft drinks - especially energy drinks - and chocolate. It is also found in some prescription and nonprescription medications, such as cold, allergy, and pain medications.
Possible health benefits of caffeine
Not only does caffeine have a stimulating effect, but it has also been touted to have a number of health benefits. Some studies have shown that drinking three or four cups of coffee per day can reduce the risk of liver, mouth and throat cancer. Last year, "Medical News Today" reported on a study suggesting that consuming three cups of coffee per day could reduce the risk of liver cancer by 50%, while another study suggested that consuming four cups per day Could halve the risk of mouth and throat cancer.
Caffeine consumption has also been linked to positive effects on the brain. Last year, a Harvard School of Public Health study suggested that drinking two to four cups of coffee per day may reduce the risk of suicide in adults, while more recent research found that consuming 200 mg of caffeine per day improves long-term memory can improve. Other research has also suggested that caffeine intake may protect against type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease, cardiovascular disease and stroke.
Socially acceptable psychoactive drug
Given that so much research claims that consuming caffeine can benefit our health, and given the number of products that contain the stimulant, it's no wonder that caffeine consumption is so widespread. But Steven E. Meredith, a postdoctoral fellow at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, told Medical News Today that because of its widespread consumption, many of us forget that caffeine is a psychoactive substance - a drug that crosses the line between the blood and the brain happens to stimulate the central nervous system.
Unlike most other psychoactive substances, caffeine consumption is socially acceptable and the drug is widely used. In fact, caffeine is the most commonly used psychoactive substance in the world. Additionally, the vast majority of caffeine users use the substance regularly without any apparent harm. These factors likely contribute to caffeine being a harmless substance that anyone can use without suffering negative consequences.
Negative effects of caffeine consumption
Of course, caffeine consumption can have negative consequences, especially when taken in high doses. According to reports, consuming more than 500-600 mg of caffeine daily can cause insomnia, nervousness, restlessness, irritability, upset stomach, rapid heartbeat and even muscle tremors. However, previous research has linked even moderate amounts of caffeine to negative health effects. Last year, some studies suggested that consuming 300 mgCaffeine daily during pregnancymay increase the risk of low birth weight infants, while other research suggests that drinking four cups of coffee a day increases the risk of early death.
The effects of caffeine can therefore vary from person to person. This may explain why there are mixed messages about whether caffeine is good or bad for us. For example, scientists claim that people with anxiety disorders are more susceptible to the effects of caffeine. Caffeine can also be metabolized at different rates in individual people for various reasons. For example, cigarette smokers process caffeine twice as quickly as non-smokers. However, metabolism is slower in infants, pregnant women and people with liver disease. Additionally, some medications slow the absorption of the stuff, which can increase the risk of caffeine poisoning. However, the effects of caffeine also vary because we are all different.
The caffeine effect also depends on the genetic characteristics and lifestyle factors of the individual person. Therefore, some people may have trouble sleeping or suffer from tremors or stress with relatively low caffeine intake. For this reason, it is useful to be aware of these symptoms and reduce caffeine intake if they occur.
Caffeine addiction and caffeine withdrawal
Given the positive effects caffeine can have as a stimulant, researchers explain that this may lead to caffeine addiction in some people. Caffeine activates many of the same neuro and behavioral mechanisms activated by other reinforcers, including other drugs of abuse. Like many other enhancers, caffeine is associated with various positive subjective effects such as increased well-being, sociability, and feelings of energy and alertness. For this and other reasons, a small percentage of the population develops caffeine consumption disorder.
Some people can even become physically dependent on caffeine, and eliminating or reducing coffee consumption can lead to caffeine withdrawal in these individuals. This can trigger symptoms such as headache, fatigue, sleepiness, depression, irritability, difficulty concentrating, nausea and vomiting. For some people, dependence can become so severe that they are unable to reduce consumption despite awareness of recurring physical or psychological problems associated with continued use.
Caffeine effect in children and adolescents
Because of the negative side effects that caffeine consumption can cause, physicians should discuss caffeine consumption with their patients to determine whether they are taking safe amounts of the stimulant. In addition, medicine warns that this is particularly important for children and adolescents. The majority of pediatricians recommend that this population avoid caffeine consumption, especially since it is not known how excessive caffeine intake affects the developing brain. The caffeine effect primarily disrupts sleep, and this plays a crucial role in learning.
Some laboratory research suggests that caffeine disrupts sleep and learning in juvenile rodents. This, in turn, hinders normal neurological development, which can be felt into adulthood. Some psychologists are also concerned that a pattern of caffeine use or abuse in young people could lead to later problematic drug use and alcohol use.
The FDA clearly has a similar view to pediatricians. In May last year, the organization announced it would study the safety of caffeine in foods, particularly for children and adolescents. The FDA is concerned that caffeine is being added to many foods and drinks, such as gummies, waffles, syrups and chewing gum. Manufacturers are therefore trying to increase their stimulating effect.
Studies have also shown that high caffeine intake can also cause negative side effects in pregnant women and people with heart problems or anxiety disorders. However, most of us consume caffeine in moderation without harmful side effects, so healthy adults shouldn't be overly concerned. But we should remember that when we consume caffeine we are consuming a psychoactive substance that can cause or worsen some health problems.