LED lighting from CoeLux simulates natural light sources

Nowadays, residents of big cities suffer from a lack of space - the problem is currently somewhat regulated by skyscrapers. In any case, innovative LED lighting also offers an alternative - it makes lower basement apartments and office spaces livable. Perhaps the Coelux system is just the right solution for the previously dark interiors.

The complicated lighting system was designed after more than 11 years of research. The goal was clear from the start - namely that the LED lamps replicate the optical effect of sunlight and thus eliminate the claustrophobia and depression that dark interiors with artificial light can normally cause. The developers hope the technology could be used to treat seasonal affective disorder (SAD). We also see many potential applications for CoeLux in hospitals, as it would improve the quality of patients' overall stay in terms of comfort and relaxation. CoeLux has great potential to enrich and revolutionize various areas of life.

The three components – the light sourcessimulate the natural light spectrum, the optical system that simulates the distance from the sky and special nanostructure that imitates the sun's rays - create the perfect illusion. As the project leader, Dr. Paolo Di Trapani himself explained - with Coelux roof lighting, sunlight can be enjoyed everywhere.

The lighting enables office furnishings indoors and makes basements livable. Even if the photos aren't enough - the manufacturers Coelux made a video for their project - and some of the endless possible applications are demonstrated there. No wonder that the European Union financed the project with 2.5 million euros and that visitors to the 2014 trade fair for lighting and building technology in Frankfurt were absolutely thrilled.

From 2021, systems will be available on the market that cost around 3,000 euros to purchase and are now within the budget for private owners. There should be at least 1 meter of installation depth in the ceiling so that the system can fit into it. The invention is particularly suitable for dark rooms such as gyms and fitness studios, airports and parking garages as well as hospitals and offices. The technology should also be interesting for photographers, who could use it to imitate a natural light source.

Scientists have also designed different variants that offer different sun positions in the frame and different types of light: tropical, Mediterranean and northern European. With different angles of incidence of the sun, the light colors and strengths also change. The models also simulate the distance between the sky and the sun.

– CoeLux 60 – tropical bright light with a steep 60 degree angle – cool and contrasting light, opening size of 1.2 square meters.

– CoeLux 45 – balanced Mediterranean light with a flatter 45 degree angle

– CoeLux 30 – with warmer color temperature and flat, lateral 30 degree angle – for wall installation.

A distinction can still be made between CoeLux 45 LC with a 0.5 square meter opening, CoeLux 45 HC with currently the largest opening of 1.5 square meters and CoeLux 45 Square, which looks like a real 1 square meter window.

More information atCoelux