Carnival may not be as big this year due to the pandemic, but it doesn't have to be canceled completely. Whether in your own four walls, in kindergarten or in primary school – a bit of party and carnival spirit should not be missing. That's why we've collected some fun and cheerful decoration ideas for you.Garlands are for this occasionthe ultimate classic. And today we'll stay on the upper levels of the room - we'll show you what fun carnival decorations you can make to hang. If you make the following suggestions for carnival decorations to hang up, you can perfectly complement or even replace the garlands.
Make carnival decorations to hang up – simple spirals with masks
If you want to make a carnival decoration to hang up, simple spirals hanging from the ceiling or lamp are sufficient. If that's a little too boring for you, add typical carnival masks. Clowns or other motifs are of course also suitable, depending on what you like. If you want, you can also make these carnival decorations for the window. This is how it's done:
- Colored paper (the thinner, the further down the spirals hang), foil is also suitable
- Pencil
- Scissors
- cord
- tape
- optional: circle or plate
Make carnival decorations – instructions
Take a piece of paper and draw a large circle. You can use a compass or plate for this purpose, but the task can also be done freehand, as irregularities will not be noticeable later. Once you have cut out the circle, you can now determine the width of the spiral (it is best to measure the radius and divide it into equal sections). Measure this from the edge of the circle, mark the spot and measure the same length from this point again. Repeat until you reach the center point (the wider the strip, the less stretchy the spiral will be).
Now start cutting the circle in a spiral, using the markings as a guide. Now draw and cut out a mask or another motif and glue it to the spiral. Attach string to the other end of the spiral. You don't need to do anything more if you make these carnival decorations to hang up! Really easy, isn't it?
Tipp: The garlands look great even without an additional motif! Or how about sticking them to balloons with helium?
Although this carnival decoration for hanging is really easy to make freehand, you can make the task easier for yourself and use the following template to print out. This is particularly advantageous if you want to make a large number quickly or if children are involved. It is best to print the template directly onto the colored paper.
Spirals and masks templatefor printing.
Carnival decoration for kindergarten and at home – clown made of paper
The clown is also a figure that is as much a part of carnival as it is of the circus. And it can be made in so many different ways that it is also perfect if you are making carnival decorations to hang up. Create his individual parts (hat, face, bow tie and shoe) and hang them together with string. This is a fun way to suggest the figure without having to worry about the more complicated body parts. Then you can use it to decorate a door, the walls or the window for carnival.
Depending on the age of the children, you can provide the individual elements of the hanging decoration and then just have the children stick them on string. This is suitable, for example, if you are making carnival decorations at daycare. However, if you are making carnival decorations in elementary school, you can have the children cut out the elements themselves or even draw them.
You can also make such clowns with other materials such as masking tape or other ribbons, with paper plates for the head or a hula hoop for a spherical stomach as a carnival decoration to hang up.
Colorful rings with bobbles
These rings, which are equipped with colorful pompoms, are really very easy to make, but still very pretty to look at. You can cut them out of paper plates or freehand from paper. The carnival decoration looks particularly good if you use a transparent material (e.g. the edge of a transparent plastic plate).
This carnival decoration is best suited for the window, but the colorful rings also look very beautiful hanging freely in the room. In both cases, you should stick pompoms on both sides of the rings so that they look pretty when viewed from all sides.
Make carnival decorations to hang out of paper in bright colors
For carnival you can also make the classic fans, place two of them on top of each other and glue them together and then stack this detail with others to get pendants like the one in the picture above on the right. You could also make simple carnival garlands in kindergarten. The original carnival wall decoration (on the left in the picture) can be recreated using colorful diamonds, a black mask and a hat. Fasten the individual elements together with string.
You can also do something creative with toilet paper rolls: Cut out strips of colored paper that fit around a roll. Cut the strips lengthwise several times to the middle to create fringes. Glue these strips around the roll, overlapping each other. It's so easy to make a cool and themed carnival decoration!