Carnival is a special celebration for small children because they can imitate their favorite characters with a beautiful costume. If the child dresses up for the carnival for the first time, then you should try to make the day unforgettable. In the article we have many nice ideas with instructions forCarnival costumes for toddlerscollected that you can easily recreate at home using inexpensive materials.
Children in their second and third years of life are referred to as toddlers. At this age they have already developed some kind of preferences and can do thisMotto for the carnival costumemaybe choose yourself. As a general rule, you can't go wrong with a superhero costume. One of the most important features of superheroes is the cape. You can make a simple superhero cape yourself using any fabric and some ribbon and using the sewing machine.
Carnival costumes for toddlers with masks
Carnival masks are the perfect addition to many carnival costumes. To hide their identities, most superheroes wear masks. You can make a simple mask for your costume yourself using some craft felt and a bow. Simply cut the mask out of the felt and sew two pieces of bow on both sides.
Ideas for children's costumes with wigs
You can either make carnival costumes for toddlers for carnival completely yourself or just make elements of them. Some costumes combine beautifully with a matching wig, such as the costume of the brave Princess Merida. You can make them from woolMake your own wigand design the costume really creatively.
Funny carnival costumes for toddlers
Fruit and vegetables offer beautiful and fun ideas for carnival costumes for toddlers. If your little one has a favorite fruit, then with a little creativity you can conjure up a suitable costume. For example, you can sew a beautiful strawberry costume yourself from fabrics of your choice.
Do-it-yourself strawberry costume for children
All you need for the strawberry costume is red and green fabric, some elastic and a sewing kit. A headband and hot glue are also needed when making the headdress. A fabric with polka dots is best for the red part of the costume, and for the green collar and headdress you can use either felt or fleece.
Wind-up doll costume for girls
Another nice idea for easy costume for little girl is a wind-up doll. The costume can be recreated with a simple dress and some makeup. The wind-up toys also have a wind-up key that you can make yourself out of cardboard for the costume.
Make your own winding key for your costume – instructions
First draw two large wind-up keys on the cardboard and cut them out with a craft knife. It is important that the keys look the same. Then paint the cardboard keys with gold spray paint and let them dry. In the next step, glue the rubber band straps to the bottom side of the keys. Finally, glue both parts together with glue and let them dry thoroughly.
The dragon Toothless
In order to make a costume for your toddler as Toothless from the animated film “How to Train Your Dragon”, some sewing skills are again advantageous. The elements of the costume that you should make yourself are the hat, the dragon tail, the wings and the claws. Everything else is just black clothing.
Make your own Toothless costume
For the Toothless children's costume you need black fabric from which you can sew the hat, wings and tail. You can use green felt for the dragon's eyes and red felt for the left tail fin. Finally, sew three claws onto each black pair of socks and put them on over your shoes.
Disguise without sewing
A very simple costume idea that doesn't require any sewing is a Lego brick. This children's costume is perfect for those who need to make a last minute costume. First, you should find a box that suits your child. You can simply use an old shipping box or purchase one from the post office.
Make your own Lego brick out of cardboard
First, you should cut out holes for the head, arms and legs from the box and try them on to see whether the child fits into them. You will also need a total of six plastic cups, which should be attached to the front of the Lego costume.
Painting Lego bricks
Once you have glued the cups in place, you should now paint the Lego costume in any color. Combine the children's costume with a blouse of the same color and the carnival look is ready.
Make your own cat costume for a toddler
Animals are always a good idea for carnival costumes for toddlers. Here you will find quick and easy instructionsMake your own cat costumefor carnival for a little girl. Start by making the cat ears.
DIY cat ears – instructions
Cut out two cat ears from felt and sew a matching piece of satin to them. Then use a fluffy fabric to make the ears fluffy. Finally, glue the ears to a headband or two hair clips with hot glue.
Simply make your own cat tail
Next, you can make the cat tail using a wire coat hanger and a black feather boa. Combine the crafted accessories with a matching blouse, leggings and a tutu and the cat costume for toddlers for carnival is ready.
Idea for boy
Peter Pan is a wonderful idea for a carnival costume for a little boy. The top of the costume can be sewn from green fleece and the hat from brown. Since pants are a little more difficult to sew, you can use matching leggings from your closet.
Make your own Peter Pan costume
The carnival costumes for toddlers are only complete if you have the right accessories. For the Peter Pan costume you also need a belt and dagger. These can also be sewn from fabric to be safe for children.
DIY unicorn children's costume for carnival
The unicorn is a wonderful idea for carnival costumes for toddlers. For this you need a white hoodie, white pants, wool in any three colors and felt in pink for the belly and ears, and white for the horn.
Instructions – Make your own unicorn costume
The unicorn costume for toddlers is made entirely without sewing. The mane and tail can be made out of wool like a wig. Using the hot glue gun, all the parts for the beautiful costume are then attached to each other.
Strawberry costume instructionshere
Complete instructions for Toothless costumehere
Complete instructions for Peter Pan costumehere