At the carnival, children can play to their hearts' content and slip into the role of their role models for a day. However, even the most beautiful carnival costume or the most colorful mask cannot guarantee a good atmosphere at the carnival party. But a well-prepared supporting program ensures this. This can contain lots of fun carnival games for children that are sure to keep the little ones entertained. If you are also planning a carnival party at your home or simply need a few ideas for the children's carnival at school/daycare, then you have come to the right place. We have collected the most popular carnival games for children that ensure a high level of fun.
Fun carnival games for children of all ages
Carnival time is the time of exuberance and hustle and bustle. Every February the streets are filled with many revelers, each dressed in more interesting and eye-catching costumes. At the same time, kindergartens, elementary schools and families organize great carnival parties, which the children eagerly await. What's so special about a carnival party for little ones is not just the costumes, but also the fun games that are played at it.
As a rule, carnival games do not differ much from the typical onesChildren's games for children's birthdays and parties. However, in order to fit the occasion, they usually have a special carnival connection, which is highlighted by the decorations and costumes. You don’t need any special equipment or hours of preparation. Most games use items that can be found in almost every household. A few balloons, fun music, delicious finger food and colorful party accessories are all you need.
Also searchIdeas to make the carnival party unforgettable, then put yourself in a good mood with fun carnival games. The games we have chosen are definitely well received. And this applies to both school and kindergarten children.
Carnival games to music
When music comes into play, fun is guaranteed. Musical games at children's carnival are the perfect opportunity to burn off the energy you have accumulated and move your body a little more. And because dancing isn't as fun as playing, carnival games with music are considered the golden mean. You can find some great suggestions below!
Travel to Jerusalem in a carnival version
Journey to Jerusalem or simply the chair dance is a well-known game for children that is suitable for many different occasions. Of course, you can also play it with the children at Carnival, but it becomes more thematic if it is redesigned into a Carnival version.
What you need: music, party accessories, e.g. E.g. masks, clown noses, hats, etc. (one less than the number of players)
Special features: from 3 players, preferably over 10
First, place the table (preferably round/oval) in the middle of the room and place the selected carnival accessories on it. The items should definitely be one less than the players. Now music is played and the children circle around the table until the music stops. Then have each child grab a mask or clown nose and put it on. Anyone who does not have a mask/nose is eliminated. The game continues until there is one winner.
Stop dance
As the name suggests, the participants in this game are supposed to freeze at a certain moment. This leads to some really funny poses and of course lots of smiling faces.
What you need: music, dance floor
Special features: 5 – 10 players (the more, the funnier)
They put on fun music and the participants dance to it. If you stop the music at a moment, the children must remain petrified and no one is allowed to move. Anyone who still wobbles after the music stops is eliminated from the next round. The last person standing wins the game.
Newspaper dance
What you need: music, newspaper
Special features: even number of players
A team consists of 2 players each. They spread a double page of the newspaper on the floor in front of each team. Now turn on the music and each team has to dance effectively on the newspaper without stepping over the edge. If that happens, the team is eliminated. In the next rounds, the newspaper is folded once in the middle. So the dance floor becomes smaller and smaller and dancing – harder. The winner is the team that last remains on the small dance floor.
Play with balloons
Carnival can be colorful, so balloons are definitely part of the party. You can't just do one of theseMake colorful carnival decorations, but also organize lots of fun games. Here are some of them:
Balloon dance
At a good carnival party, the classic carnival games for children should not be missing. Balloon dancing is considered a popular game for all ages because it is very easy to play.
What you need: balloons, music
Special features: even number of players
The children form pairs together and face their partner. Give each couple an inflated balloon that they have to clamp between their stomachs, foreheads or backs. The hands don't cooperate. They turn on the music and the couples have to dance wildly, making sure the balloon doesn't fall to the ground. If this happens anyway, the couple is eliminated. The last pair that still has their balloon in the air wins the game.
Crush balloons
One of the most popular carnival games is the game “Crush Balloons”. In addition to loud music, there is a lot of bursting and laughter.
This is what you need: balloons, string, music
Special features: from 3 players
In this game, each child is given an inflated balloon that you tie to their leg. When you turn on the music, the children have to dance while trying to crush other players' balloons while protecting their own. Whoever pops the balloon is eliminated. The winner is the one who defends his balloon to the end.
Dressing with a balloon
Carnival games with balloons are funny and really fun for children. The next game is known as Balloon King and also makes for many smiling faces.
What you need: two balloons, two large pajama bottoms, two long jackets
Special features: Players aged 6 and over
Two children are playing against each other. They stand about 1 meter apart from each other. They then give each child an inflated balloon, as well as a pair of pants and a jacket. When you say “Go!” call, the players must flip their balloon into the air and put on their clothes while always keeping the balloon in the air. Whoever gets dressed first without their balloon touching the ground wins the round. As many rounds can be played until the final winner is determined.
Delicious fun at carnival: games with food
A chocolate kiss eating contest simply cannot be missed during carnival. However, if that's not your favorite candy, then you can of course also add other carnival gamesthemed foodtake into consideration.
Chocolate kiss eating contest
What you need: big chocolate kisses/foam kisses for all players
The players sit at the table and put their hands behind their backs. Then place a chocolate kiss on the table in front of each player. When you say “Go!” shout, all the children begin to eat the candy in front of them using only their mouths. Whoever devours the chocolate kiss first wins the game.
Guess food
What you need: Cloth to blindfold, small snacks to guess (e.g. fruit and vegetables in pieces, bread, ham, cheese, ketchup, mayo, etc.)
Special features: Players aged 4 and over
Blindfold a child and give him spoonfuls of something to eat. Then he should guess what he has just eaten by tasting it. Each child collects points until they make a mistake. Whoever has more points than the others at the end of the game is the winner.
Tip: Find out in advance about any allergies your children may have.
Apple fishing
Carnival games for children can also test their skills. A good example is apple fishing, which is often played at children's birthday parties.
What you need: apples (as small as possible), water, bowl/large basin
Fill the bowl with water and place one apple in each bowl. Prepare as many bowls as the number of players. Each child should try to fish their own apple out of the bowl using only their mouth. The hands remain clasped behind the back during the game. The first one wins.
Fun and thematic games for carnival
Dress up together
If you would like to make the carnival party even more interesting this year, then ask your guests to come undisguised and possibly bring disguise material. This way you can make fun carnival costumes for the children using existing clothing and accessories.
The ticking time bomb
This game is suitable for any occasion as it is very exciting. So if you need carnival games that are really exciting, then this is definitely the right choice for you.
What you need: Shoe box, kitchen timer
Special features: from 4 players
Set the alarm clock e.g. E.g. set it to 3 minutes and put it in a shoebox. Now the “bomb” is passed around in turn, with each child deciding when to pass on the shoebox. When the alarm clock rings, the child who has the “package” in their hand is eliminated. The last one standing wins.
All birds fly high in carnival version
Do you already know the popular children's game “All the birds fly up” where the children raise their arms in the air when the game leader says a flying animal? However, the game can be modified a little so that it has a carnival connection.
What you need: music, dance floor
Special features: from 10 players, everyone must be dressed up
The children dance around the room. Suddenly you stop the music and shout a command, for example “All pirates jump on one leg!” Now only those dressed like pirates are allowed to jump. In the next round a different command is called. Anyone who doesn't follow the orders should sit down.