The thing that leaves the most mess on New Year's Eve is probably the New Year's Eve bangers and rockets. But apart from them, there are a few other little things that you might not think of at first. So that you can celebrate New Year's Eve sustainably, we would like to not only point out these details to you, but also give you ideas for alternatives that will not have a negative impact on the mood in any way.
The invitations are already starting
If you invite a relatively narrow circle of people to the party, you often simply let them know verbally. But if you want it to be more official, you could simply choose electronic means for a sustainable New Year's Eve party instead of paper invitation cards: email, WhatsApp and the like are completely sufficient. There are also numerous sites and apps that allow you to design and send a card if you find a simple text too boring.
However, if you value classic paper, you could also recycle old paper and make your own invitation cards. Leftovers from your last craft projects, old greeting cards that you once received, newspaper, cardboard and even toilet roll or similar for small decorations that you can stick on the card. With a little creativity it will work!
Celebrate New Year's Eve sustainably with the right decorations
We admit that without party decorations, every celebration simply lacks that certain something. But after the party you have tons of trash that is simply unnecessary. What alternative could you decorate with?
- Take things that you can reuse afterwards:Glasses, textiles, fairy lights.
Glasses and lanterns can be painted and then decorated with tea lights or used as drinking glasses. Maybe you would even like to paint simple plates yourself with porcelain paint instead of using paper plates. Depending on how much time and desire you have available
- Recyclable materials:Cardboard, paper, glass
In fact, it would be best to recycle yourself by reusing leftover paper. Newspapers, magazines, construction paper and craft cardboard can quickly be turned into great confetti using a punch or hole punch. Such leftovers could also be sufficient for place cards or garlands. You just need to find a few suitable craft projects.
- Natural materials:Leaves, pine cones, dried fruits
Instead of paper confetti, you could find dry leaves (or collect and press them in the fall next year) and punch out confetti. Pine cones are a typical winter motif and they can be turned into garlands and even candles. Decorated with colorful pompoms, they also look happier. Dried orange slices that you paint in a New Year's Eve color, for example, are also a great idea.
The beloved fireworks: really that necessary?
Of course, fireworks like this are absolutely impressive, but you'll see enough of them on New Year's Eve anyway. So you don't need to actively participate yourself. Instead, you can either do without it completely or choose an environmentally friendly alternative. What is there?
- The magic of LED lights
Laser shows and other light effects are available both indoors and outdoors. So this would be a good idea to replace the fireworks. You can create entire light shows yourself by using projectors or, for children, simple flashlights in front of which colorful foil can be held.
- Biodegradable fireworks
There are models made from materials that naturally degrade over time. Although they are not 100 percent free of harmful substances, they are still better than the usual ones. Such products have a special seal or are marked differently.
- The good old sparklers
Because of their small size, they pose less of a threat to the environment. But if that's not enough for you, consider choosing ones made from recycled materials or even biodegradable ones!
- Balloons made from natural material
Who doesn't enjoy releasing balloons? But everyone knows that the remains are harmful after they burst and since they end up in the middle of nowhere anyway. Did you know that there are balloons made from natural rubber? For indoors, you can also insert LED lights before inflating to create cool lighting effects.
- Celebrate New Year's Eve sustainably with a community fireworks display
You and your party guests and your neighbors can arrange in advance and organize a fireworks display together. A certain amount is collected and the fireworks are purchased with it. Not only is it cheaper this way, but the pollution is also lower than if everyone blew up their own rockets.
- Torches, often homemade from pine cones, toilet rolls or leftover fabric
- Fire barrel or campfire (a Swedish fire is particularly effective)
- Lanterns like in the lantern parade
- Imitate fireworks with noise - we bang on pots or whistle New Year's Eve rockets
- HomemadeKnallbonbons aus Klorollen
By the way: All of the silent fireworks alternatives are also significantly better for the animals. Many domestic and wild animals panic due to the banging of firecrackers, rockets and firecrackers.
Casting lead is harmful and prohibited
The toxic fumes emitted by the metal during casting caused this popular tradition to be banned. And honestly, isn't it better like this? However, you can resort to a much better alternative and that is wax casting. Same principle, same procedure - the hot, liquid wax is poured into water and the resulting figure then has to be recognized and interpreted with a lot of imagination.