Carnival costumes for children depicting professions

Save time, money and stress by making your own carnival costumes for your children this year. Necessity is the mother of invention! And sometimes the best costume ideas come when you don't have time for memorized preparation. These carnival costumes for children are very easy to put together and usually consist of things you already have at home. Some ideas are suitable for both boys and girls. Get inspired!

Several suggestions for homemade carnival costumes for the children

Car mechanic

The basis for a car mechanic costume is blue overalls or blue dungarees. To complete the look, you will need matching accessories such as a homemade name tag, dirty sneakers and a baseball cap. Apply a few more grease spots to your cheeks, nose and forehead. To make the performance even more realistic, have the child take an empty can of motor oil to the carnival parade.

Diver costume

The classic diver costume in black and yellow is also super easy to put together. It consists of a black suit (top and pants), diving fins, diving mask with snorkel and a yellow oxygen bottle.

The highlight of this costume are the oxygen bottles. They are easy to create straps using 2 liter plastic bottles, black electrical tape and two pieces of string. The diver also wears a tool belt around his waist. This accessory can be made from electrical tape and foam rollers. It also looks particularly funny when, for example, a toddler's pacifier is connected to the oxygen bottles using a hose.

Firefighter profession

The profession of firefighter is one of the ten most respected professions among the population and is always fascinating, especially for children. Next to the red oneFirefighter disguiseWith bright yellow safety stripes, a homemade fire truck can make a spectacular appearance!

Materials and tools required:
Newspapers to lay out
Medium sizedMoving boxes
Acrylic paint in red, black and yellow
Brush, pencil
Cutter, Schere
Two meter long ribbon
four paper plates
Glue, tape and stapler

Prepare the work area by covering the floor and work surfaces with newspaper. Tape the open sides of the box closed. Cut a hole in the bottom and top of the box for thisa child can fit in itcan. Paint the box red and white with acrylic paint and set it aside to dry. Paint four paper plates black for the fire truck wheels and allow the paint to dry. Cut out a front window and side windows from paper. Mark on the moving box where the headlights, bumpers, windshields, ladders and sirens should be. Then cut these elements out of construction paper and glue them to the desired places.

Construction worker with excavator

Who wears an orange vest with reflective stripes and a yellow safety helmet? The construction workers, of course. This idea is a great change from the classic costume: an original excavator is made from a moving box!

Materials and tools required:
a large moving box (here measuring 35 x 30 x 45 cm)
Hot glue gun and glue sticks
2 small boxes (30 x 21 x 18 cm and 36 x 20 x 18 cm)
Acrylic paint in orange and black
Paint brush
Two pieces of orange ribbon, length 48 cm
Papier in Orange
4 black paper plates (2 large and 2 small)
2 reflectors

Crane excavator

Use a craft knife to cut off the four bottom flaps of the box (do not throw them away) and glue the rest of the box together with the hot glue gun. The “construction vehicle” only has one open side, which is the underside.

Carefully cut a rectangular opening on the top of the assembled box. It should be big enough for your child, for example 20 x 30 cm.

The two small boxes are used for the excavator arms. Cut each small box in half on the diagonal to create the excavator's bucket. One is mounted at the front and the other is glued at the back.

Cut out two 33 cm long trapezoid shapes (the front excavator arms) from the cardboard sheets. Paint the cardboard box and boxes orange and the excavator arms black. Allow to dry.

Cardboard bulldozer

Once all the parts are dry, you can put the excavator together: gluing the arms to the cab and the bucket between the arms.

Cut circles out of orange paper with scissors and glue them to the center of the paper plates. Glue the paper plates to the body as wheels. The reflectors are attached to the front as headlights.

Make shoulder straps: Cut four 7 x 7 cm squares from cardboard. Then cut the strap to the desired length to create shoulder straps. Use the cardboard squares to secure the ribbon inside the box. In this way, the box is held more firmly by the straps.


The chef costume is another original idea for carnival and usually consists of checked trousers and a white shirt. What's still missing? The chef's hat of course! This can be quickly made from paper.

Materials required:
– White tissue paper
– White construction paper
– Adhesive tape
– Scissors/ruler

Make your own chef's hat


Making science lab coats for your first graders is easy! The children will feel like “real scientists” and carry out different experiments all year round!

Order multiple T-shits in size L or XL. Then cut down the front of each shirt so that it becomes a “lab coat”! Then take a textile marker and draw suitable details such as buttons, pockets, etc. You can also use ready-made stencils for this. Once the lab coat is ready, you should prepare the accessories such as safety glasses, rubber gloves and laboratory glasses.


A large T-shirt can also be used to make a doctor's coat for children. Using a red textile marker, draw a red cross on the left side. Accessories such as a stethoscope and syringe complete the look perfectly. Doctors still wear gloves, protective masks and goggles. If the child wants to become a veterinarian, he or she can also take a stuffed toy with them.

Flight attendant/stewardess

The job of flight attendant is attractive to children because it has pleasant associations such as traveling around the world and interesting adventures in distant countries.

The crew of each airline usually has a different outfit. Lufthansa stewardesses, for example, wear a costume or trouser suit in dark blue with a yellow scarf. The round hat is a tradition of the sixties. Most flight attendants no longer wear gloves, but they were once an essential part of the uniform.

Pan Am flight attendants

The flight attendants usually drag a small suitcase behind them that has the company logo on it. So you can buy an old plastic children's suitcase, spray paint it and then stick a logo on it.

An important accessory that should not be missing is the stewardess hat. Because of its shape it is still called a boat. The video below shows how you can make your own headgear out of felt and paper.

Carnival costumes for children – painter

Do you have a creative child? She will love this easy artist costume and will even help you prepare. Most craft stores have inexpensive aprons for children. But you can also use an old, white men's shirt. “Decorate” the jacket with splashes of color and complete the costume with a black beret. The palette for acrylic paints can be made from a piece of cardboard. Simply cut the cardboard into the shape you want and add some paint blobs on it. Add a brush and there you have it – a masterpiece!


When you ask children what they want to be when they grow up, many respond the same way: an astronaut. For many, this is a dream job because reaching the moon is something that fascinates young and old. That's why astronaut costumes are very popular in many countries at festivals such as Carnival and Halloween. We give you some ideas on how to put together an astronaut costume for children.

Make an astronaut helmet out of paper mache! A balloon and newspaper are used for this purpose. Place the balloon on a dish so it can stand steadily. Then coat it with paste and stick the pieces of paper on it. Make sure the balloon will fit the circumference of your head. Alternatively, you can create two symmetrical pieces and then glue them together.You can find out more about the paper mache technique in this article. A visor is then cut out at eye level. You can also make a nice helmet out of a plastic bucket. You can pad the inside of the helmet with paper towels or foam and the outsidecover with aluminum foil.

Now you should make the astronaut's oxygen backpack. It looks very similar to the diver's oxygen tanks. For the spacesuit, use white clothing: pants or leggings and a sweatshirt or T-shirt. Alternatively, you can cover a coverall with aluminum insulating tape. For shoes we recommend gray rubber boots.