Festive Christmas recipes for Christmas

Today you will get 20 festive Christmas recipes for Christmas as suggestions and helpful ideas so that you can enjoy time with your family or friends on this magical day. Don't think twice because with a few ingredients you will be able to conjure up something really great with little effort. Let's take a closer look at these delicious recipes.

You certainly know the tastes of your loved ones and what kind of dishes they prefer. If you prepare warm food in your kitchen every day, it won't be difficult for you to prepare Christmas dinner in an atmospheric way. Traditional or with a personal touch, one thing is important: it should be delicious! Festive Christmas recipes have some kind of meat at their core, usually goose and duck, sometimes lamb or beef and for vegetarians there are 5 cheese lasagne or stuffed mushrooms on the table. Let's start with the goose, considered a classic dish. The necessary ingredients for this are: 4-6 kg fresh goose, 4 lemons, 3 limes, 1 tbsp five-herb spice mix, a small hand-sized area of ​​parsley sprigs, as well as thyme and fresh sage. Leave a small amount of these fresh herbs for serving too. To make the goose golden brown, you need a little olive oil to brush it on, as well as 3 tablespoons of honey, clear and liquid, and 1 tablespoon of thyme leaves. In less than two hours you willGansready to serve as the main course on the Christmas table. Bon appetit!

With seafood

The fish dishes definitely come into the healthy food category. Festive Christmas recipes with fish as the main dish are also popular among many vegetarians. Let's prepare a delicious dish with fish and seafood! For this you need the following ingredients: 1/4 cup olive oil, 2 tbsp grated lemon peel, 1/4 cup lemon juice, 2 tbsp finely chopped chives, 1 kg squid tubes (but also squid, octopus or cuttlefish) cut into lengths, 1 kg lobster crabs or King prawns, peeled but with tails untouched, 2 beautiful fine fillets of a white fish, quartered, 2 trout (ocean fish Fillets) quartered, 2 tablespoons fresh parsley coarsely chopped, lemon wedges and garlic mayonnaise for serving. Thestepsand technique of preparation are important to follow. Enjoy a healthy and delicious Christmas dish and surprise your family with this seaside dream.

Baked potato recipe

via: www.myrecipes.com

Squid in tomato sauce

via: www.marthastewart.com

Chicken legs with potatoes

via: www.marthastewart.com

Sweet potato and Inca rice

via: princessmisia.com

Sweet potato casserole

via: go.redirectingat.com

via: www.myrecipes.com

via: family.disney.com

via: family.disney.com

via: www.jamieoliver.com

via: www.jamieoliver.com

via: www.marthastewart.com

via: www.foodiecrush.com

via: www.myrecipes.com

via: www.jamieoliver.com

via: www.jamieoliver.com

via: luxpresso.com

via: www.huffingtonpost.com

via: www.westingourmet.co.uk