The summer holidays are slowly coming to an end and the start of school is knocking on the door. Students of all ages are preparing for the new school year, especially those starting school. To make the day more memorable for them, a party is often given and gifts for starting school are prepared. Read on to find practical and original gift ideas for starting school, as well as a few helpful tips.
For those starting school, gifts for starting school are a must. Since most people are just now starting to learn to read, you can give them appropriate books for early readers. They are usually simply written and contain lots of pictures that are very popular with little ones. Educational toys such as abacusBack to schoolstill represent an appropriate gift idea.
Practical ideas
If you want to give a really useful gift for starting school, then a school bag is definitely the right choice. A new school folder for school supplies is also suitable for older primary school students who also want to celebrate the start of school.
Get the necessary school supplies
New writing materials, such as a fountain pen, pens, erasers and similar school supplies, are considered suitable gifts for starting school. However, so that the child does not receive gifts at the same time as school and ends up with an unnecessary amount of school supplies, the givers should discuss their ideas with the parents beforehand. It would also be okay to consider the children's wishes in order to give really usable things.
Make a timetable as a gift
Every student needs a good timetable in order to get used to school life as quickly as possible. You can either buy the timetable or, preferably, make it yourself. A chalkboard at home is also suitable for this, on which the child can also write their weekly plan.
Personalized school supplies such as school cases or pencil cases are suitable as back-to-school gifts from grandma or godmother. They can be decorated with the child's name and a favorite motif to make them personal.
Suitable for school beginners
An important task for first graders and their parents is to tidy up the children's room. Toys should create space for textbooks and exercise books and be stored accordingly. Gifts for starting school from grandparents can, for example, be associated with organizing the children's room and preparing it for the start of school.
Great back to school gifts
Children's desks and desk chairs are suitable ideas for larger back-to-school gifts from parents. However, if you want to give a big gift for the start of school, it shouldn't necessarily be directly connected to the school. Children's bicycles and children's scooters, for example, are very popular among little ones.
Creative gift ideas for the children's room
In order to make the children's room furnishings suitable for a student, the learning area should be designed in a practical way. Creative shelves and pen holders are considered useful gifts for starting school for both elementary and high school students.
Globe or world map
Globes and maps or world maps make lovely school-day gifts that encourage children's interest in geography and the world as a whole. They definitely belong in the children's room and are also considered beautiful wall decoration.
Preparing children for back to school
One of the most useful gifts for starting school is an alarm clock for the children's room. It ensures that you get up on time in everyday life and the child can get used to waking up independently and preparing for school.
Collect popular moments in a photo book
Photo books are suitable gifts for starting school from your aunt, grandparents or other relatives. They can either contain photos from previous school years or childhood, or are suitable for collecting pictures from the back-to-school party. You can also make the photo book yourself and design it creatively with stickers.
The child's first wristwatch
With a children's watch, children starting school learn to coordinate their daily routine correctly and not to be late. In addition, many children only learn to read the clock as first graders and can practice using wristwatches.
Store pocket money properly
In first grade, most children receive pocket money and are expected to store it properly. That's why children's wallets are recommended as a meaningful gift for starting school. You can either buy them or sew them yourself using sewing instructions.
A school friend book
Whether in first grade or at the start of high school, friendship books are the perfect gifts for starting school. They help children get to know their classmates better and are particularly recommended for shy children.
Name sticker
At the start of school, all children have new school supplies, which can sometimes be accidentally replaced. Name etiquette is perfect so that there are no arguments between the children. You can stick them on exercise books, pens and all your own school supplies to show your affiliation.
The rules for name labels
Name and address labels are helpful, but should be used with caution. Although every pen, eraser and similar school supplies should be labeled with the child's name, there are exceptions. School supplies such as the school bag and sneakers, for example, should under no circumstances show the little one's name and address visible from the outside. Otherwise, younger students may trust strangers if they know their name and put themselves in danger. We therefore recommend putting an address label on the inside of the school bag so that it can only be returned if it is lost.
Personalized ideas
A labeled drinking bottle for school is another gift idea for a personalized gift for the start of school. The selected drinking bottle should be leak-proof, leak-proof, light and stable. It should also not contain BPA (Bisphenol A) and should be dishwasher safe so that it is best suited for everyday school use.
Lunch box with name for school
Gifts for starting school that are both personal and useful are labeled lunch boxes. In addition to the name, you can decorate the lunch box accordingly for a girl or boy. For example, stickers in the shape of cars for boys and flowers for girls are suitable for this. A matching color would also be recommended.
Pack nicely
If you have already chosen the best gift for starting school, then you should finally wrap it beautifully. Use motifs that represent back to school and match the colors of the wrapping paper and the bow on the gift.